Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

Dr. ING. HINRICH MOHR B+V INDUSTRIETECHNIK tKIJfl1MWıll w�ıu� Co eneratimı, Waste recove , '.Renew�6ks 8tOtt�site §e11eratimı sible to transfer all the engine heat to the cooling tower if only electrical power is required. in that case the exhaust gases bypass the boiler. The thermal energy of the exhaust gases can also be used to dry bricks in the neighbouring brick factory. Due to the intensive utilization of nearly ali the engine heat, the total thermal and electrical efficiency of the plant amounts to a high 86%. To meet the increasing power and heat demands expected in the future in the region of lstanbulSilivri, the design of the plant facilitates the extension with a second BVI dual-fuel engine of the same type as well as the installation of two additional absorption chillers. Heat Flow Diagram CHP Plant Hamoglu Aır ıı+- Nıtıur,ıl Cias ıııı:()ı, Oıo,oırucı ıı+- The economical operation of the plant is another important aspect to be considered already in the planning phase. The sum of investment and the operating cost for fuels, staff and maintenance over a minimum period of 15 years have to lead En esnek ve maliyeti etkileyecek çözümü seçin; en geniş seride farklı yakıt gazlarını kullanan çift yakıtlı ağır iş motorlarıyla BVI CHP tesisleri. İki kez düşünün - bizimle bağlantı kurun , ,w,ı�/ Rooth No. E 004 Woıto Hooı HT,Hol Wnıor (11 S"C) Oıııncı Heau,ıg LT-Hoı Wmo, (45'C) ServıceWalfr Cotd Woıer (7'C) Aır Condı tıon,ng Exhouı;t Gas Cltctı�•I Outpı,t to an economic efficiency with good and profitable results. Taking all these different aspects into account like BVI does, the customer satisfaction will be ensured for the entire lifetime of the planı. B+V lndustrietechnik GmbH P.O.Box 11 22 89 D-20422 Hamburg B+V l ndustrietechnik Tel. +49 40 3011-2911 Fax +49 40 3011 -1993 E-mail: engineplants@bvi.thyssen.com www.bv-industrie.com