� ARTICLE / MAKALE ır rn�tmııMw� w�ıırn Co eneratum, Waste recoven ı 'Renewa6fes & On-sitt G�neration tl ah regye hs ta ev lee cctor incti ti ny ucoounss nuemeedrsi nf oFr rparnoccee. sAs sh ea act haenmd i ceal el cctor imc i tpya. n y C1 9o9g7e nceo rnat rt ai ocnt, , tbhuetr ei t sf opr er o, ds tuacrttieodn 3c a0 pyaecai trys haagso ,dwo uebl l l eb ed f oi nr et hteh e pwai tsht 850y me aorrse ai nn d1 9i t s9 9t oat an ldi n5s0t ai nl l e2d0c0a0p. al tcsi t ym iasi nn opwr o b3l0e0mMs Wh aev,e t bh h i e g e e h c n p o t s e h t n e o a p f lt r i t e o h s h e. i i b r i i n t t o i o o p n n - ue o p f c w s a u s h p e e p , e l a il e in n s g 1 , a 8 p n r d h e o v in u e r t n h bti e r n e g p a rk t e h - v e d i m o o w u f s n r o s hm y a s s l t o e cw m o e s , r t t i h n e g tfoher mthe2ir muinlliitosnsFituFa(tEedU RonOd3if0fe5re0n0t0s) ibteesceaausceh iot tihsenro. t possible Ac ocgceonr deirnagt i ot on t ihneFer an en cr geycmosatnsaagreoru on df RMhFoFd i a4, taon%i n (dEuUs tRr iOa l 6 0 7 000 to 762 000) per MWe. The 1997 contract Tltshem9a7in/0a1dcvoannttraagcetswwaserae:major breakthrough tor cogeneration. ■ A long term visibility (12 years); ■ A fair and transparent payment for surplus electricity; ■ oNuos hseyasvt ye mp ,e bn au tl t iaens ai nd cdai t si oen ao lf pnaoynm- deenl itvbear ys eads oi nn t ah ev api lraebvi li -i t y ; ■ A premium system based on efficiency (see table below); ■ Non implementation of the 8 MVA limit on exported power; ■ Separated contracts for purchase and sale of electricity; ■ A link between electricity and gas prices (index). Equivalent Electrical Premium Efficiency (Ree)• 55%<Ree<65% Ree>65% •Ree = El (C-Q/0.9) ı 1.0 cFF/kWh (EURO 0.02) 2.0 cFF/kWh (EURO 0.03) E = electricity produced (kWe) Q = useful heat produced (kWth/h) C = primary energy used (kWh NCV) Maximum allowed FF 300 000 (EURO 45750) FF 600 000 ( EURO 91 500) w Ton h it i h s A o p c u r o t il n Ct 1 r o , a r 1c s 9 t ic 9 w a 7 a a . s T n l d h im e F it 1 r e e 9 d n 9 c t7 o h a t o h n v e d e F r 1 s 9 r e e 9 a n 9 s c h c d o e c n p o tr a n a t r c i t n m t e s e n a n ta r t e s l ) t o e a n r n r ly i d to a s ry v ta a ( i i l .e e. rtd able for installations with a 'conformity ce. remuneration is based on the idea of a lorntgif-icteartem'. aTvhoeidmedaicnost. As gas fireci future generaptoiowne, ras6e5e0mMedWteo bCeCtGhTe mwaosstlalikkeelny aospttihoen rfeofrerence to calculate electricity costs. � E-COGENERATION WORLD & Renewable Energy Regarding protection devices: the cogenerator has to purchase all equipment required to avoid any disturbances to the network. Specifications and tuning of these devices must be agreed by EDF but this agreement does not entail EDF's liability in case of accident. ■ Several documents must be attached to the contract itself (this is a legal obligation): ■ The conformity certificate; ■ A sta s r h t o ; rt description of the installation and foreseen date of ■ A situation plan; ■ A erafutinocntiuonniat;l sketch of the installation, describing the cogen ■ Acotueldchsnuicpapllydethsecruipntiito;n of autonomous energy sources that ■ Apotwecehr)n;ical description of the metering system (heat and ■ A summary table (as in the 1995 decree). d o E i n r D e ly F c t t c o ly o t b m h y i m r d ti h t p s e a i s t r s t c i e e hl s e f t m b o u e t t h ( a e e l x s cc o o e t n p o f t i d E foe D r n Ft s ia t d a ll e t y i p s o t a i f c r t ta m h l is e p nu i t n r s p f o o n r s o m e t a s c t ) o . i o n A n c n , e y n r o n t e d tmricoidtyificoauttpiount omfutshtebeenenrogtyifieudsetod oErDtFh.e quantity of heat or elecaRl ei eg aq ur di pi nmgepnrtort ee qc tui oi r ne dd et ov iac veos i:dt haen yc odgi setnuer br aatnocrehsatso ttoh ep unrecth a s e wa gorreke. dS pb ey cEi f Di c aF t ibountst ha insdatgurnei en gm eo nf tt hdeosees dneovt i ceenst ami l uEsDt Fb' es l i a b i l i tuyn ii tn mc au ss et boef aacbcl ei dteon ta. cAc eI I si nsf ot hr em amt ei otne roi nngt hdee voi cpeesr aat itoan noyf tti hmee . TThhee t1r9a9n7scitoionntraalcrtewgaims eto be revised with the implementation of trheeg i mE l ee cht ar i cdi ttyo Dbier epcut i tv ei n bpul at caes. FCroagn ec en ei sr altaotres, haatsr aansski tei odnfaol r a sa icmc pe pl et epdr ,o lEo Dn gFaat i rognu oi nfgt ht hea1t 9t h9e7 oc roi gn idni at i ol cnosnbt ruatctthwi s aws atso on omt u c h fAasvolautreaabsleJtuolyco0g1e, n1e9r9a9to, rtsh.e new 99/01 Contract was stili not amvualailasbclea.nTbheecnoemwpcaorenddiatios nfsolalorwe sn: ow well known and two for