Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

� ARTICLE / MAKALE ı<K� LJfıllf l\MWıl w�ıırn Co eıwratunı, Waste recoverı, '.Renewa6[es &ı Oıı-site §.eneraticn 97/01 contract 99/01 contract Base of the additional 'Ree' or Equivalent Electrical An Energy Efficiency premium Efficiency Ep* Ceiling on the premium FF 600 000 per year Same Price of the kWh of gas (D>e1c0reMaWseeo) f 0.4% to 3.6 (1-10 MWe) uEsf fei cdi eansc yr eof ef rteh en cCe C G T tor avoided costs 51% 52.5% Fixed costs of the reference CCGT d5e3c0r. 2e 8a sFe/koWf 2i5e. 2a8 % Lower limit 215 kWe 215 kWe Higher limit 40MWe Deadline tor projects Conformity certificate March 31, 2001 under this regime betore March 31, 1999 T P h u r r e ch s a ho se ld obligation *Ep = 1-Q / (E / 0.525) + (C / 0.90) Q = Quantity of fuel used E = Quantity of electricity produced C = Quantity of heat produced and used 8MVA 1 000 Mwe Efficiency references: 90% for the heat and 52.5% for the electricity Aa ts6o5p%p oesfef i dc i et on ct hy e, t ph irse vnieowu sssyysst et emm iss tshtaetahdai edr . aTchlee aardtdhirtei osnhaol l d ri se ms uupneerri ao tr i oonr er eqaucahl et os 31 5c%F Fw/ ki tWh ah c( 0e. i0l i n5 gEaUt R6O0 0/ k0W0 h0) FwFh ae sn iEn p tSheevperreavl fioiguusressyshtaevme. been challenged, especially the drop of So neev et or aul r toht hoef rt fhaec tf oi xresdh caovset sc haasnsgo ec ida:t ead4t0o Mt hWe er elfi emr iet ntcoebCe nCeGf i tT . f1r4o7m) ptheer cyoenatrraocnt,t haedgeacsrebaisl i egorafnaterodubnyd GFFD F6 0 0 0 0 ( E U R O 9 tor small-scale iFnosrtainllsattaiollnasti.ons working on base-load, the evaluation of the remuneration is between -4% and + 1.8% - EDF had asked tor ah a2l t5 b%a sdee-cl or eaads, et h oef kt hWehbrueym- buancekr at at iroi fnf sv ian r i iensi t i ab el dt wi seceuns s-i o4n. 8s .%i n (MpWooer einfsfitcaiellanctiyon1)O. MWe plant) and + 0.6% (high efficient 1 T4%aking gas into account, the evaluation is theretore between + tor efficient small-scale cogeneration and -4% tor cient bigger cogeneration. less effiTThh ee cnaeswesoyfsstemma l ls- stilci ahlaescaogloewneerral ti mioint of 2 1 5 kWe. 8 MVA (or 8 MWe?) 500 MWe Ssomnaslla-srceaulesuCaHllyPshtraesssneodt :yet taken off in France. Several rea­ ■ Tc oh me pl aacnki eosf (er ne od uu gc hi n gs paevcai ai l al i zbei l idt ydaenadl e irnsc ar en ad sei nngg ci noeset sr i )n -g though this is improving; ■ Tovheerf2ac1t5tkhWateth3e; baunyd-back contract is limited to installations ■ The lack of an adapted tariff tor Low Voltage. Ts mh ea l l last tcehr esme ee sm sh at vo eb teo t bh ee dmeossi gt ni me dp oar rt oa un nt db aarur i teor -, caosn smuoms pt t i o n g ba r e ll e y c a a k t u i . l l s S s e c t h t h h e e e m e i e c nv o s e n h o s a t m m vi e c e s t n o t o r u f e s tq h e u e a i r p e n r d o e j x e e p x c e p t. n osr ti vi neg ttroa nt hsef ogr mr i de ri st htaotou s u ­ cSoi nncseu mt hpet idoenci rse aa sl ee si sn ien lteecrter iscti ti nygt aorpi ftf iso no:n t oMr aPyM1 ,a1nd99H9Maupteo r i ­ oAdcsc oorfdti hn eg tGor ea en no tpaerri faf t(o2r0, tkhVe ) ot nh ley dmeacrrkeeatsfeo ri ssomf a1l l0- s%c .a l e cogeneration would be tor installations around 450-500 kV to styeplei acllotnhteraircpt.roduction to the grid under the 99 contract or a 97 tThheesr em ias l lci un rdr ee pn tel yn daefni et rpcreo dd uecbeartse (bbeatsweede no nb irge nceo wmapbal en ise so ra n d oWt hh ee rr edaesc et hnet r ab li i gs epdl apyoewr sear rper ondouwc el i sr st esnuecdh t aosb syopmueb l ihco as pu ti thaol sr i) . tpi el asy -e r 4s ac or emupsaunai el l ys nmoat kweeml l or espt roefstehnet eodp ebreact ai ounsse-otf hteh esi mr sat lrl oe nr g oi nfdci voigdeunael i sramti.oTn hbeutpwreavsiosuosmleeghisolwatipornotweactsivneot m u c h i n favou r tor these smaller E-COGENERATIOtı WORLD & Renewable Energy ı!..