ARTICLE / MAKALE 6 000 CHART 1 : Granted 'Conformity Certificates' Source: DGEMP, Minisi of ndust , January 1 999 5000 -+------------------- 4000 ---------------- 3000 ---------------- 2000 -+--------------- 1000 ---------------- 0 J----L._.....C::::11----..C::: □ lnstallatlons ■ lnstalled capaclty (MWe) 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total CHART 2: Ratio granted contracts/capacity (DGE 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o 1 <1 MW 1 1 1 1 1 -8MW1 . __J 1 District Heating >8 MW Figure 1: Typical timeframe of a cogeneration project Appraisal of needs/audits 2 months Technical Sıudy 2 months Sıudy ol grid connection 3 monıhs EdFIGdF con•acıs 2 rnonths (in 1996) ConfOfmity certificaıe from DAiRE 3 months C�sil i ed install ation licence (DAiRE) 3 0< 7 rnonths dependlng on !he type of Trialsit&Sts 1 month _lli COGENERATlotl WORLD & Renewoble Energy Source: Dalkia, 1996 . --- - - - 1 nci.Jstri al cogen. >8 MW □ Caıtracts □ lnstalled Capacify (MWe) oBfepcoatuesnet i ao fl ct hoeg esnt oe pr a at onrds gh oa vpeo l mi c ay dree gt ha er d ri negq uceosgt ef naer raa tci oo nn ,f aar ml o ti ty certificate before the economic and legal conditions change. Tt hheer erfeocr ee nnt oi nt car evaesr ye ai nc ct huer a tneu mw ba ey rtso opfr tehdei cct et hr tei f i cr eaat el sn ugmr abnet er do fi s installations on the coming 2 years. (Chart 1) dHeovweel ovpemr , ei tnct oi nu l tde rgmi vse oaf gs oi zoedoirn dt yi cpaet oi ofn uonfi ttsh. e( Cl ehvaerl to2f )f u t u r e tOo nt aAl i pn rsitl a1 l 6l e, d1 c9a9p9a, c3i t0y9 opf r1o j e5 c4t5s Mh aWd . rBe qu tu easctceodr dai ncge tr ot i f iEc ax tpee f a r a rt G1 9a9z8, )i no fJ cu on nef i 1r m9 9e9d tohredreer sh af adr bgeaesnt uornbl yi n e7 3s 4a nMdWeen g( 1i n e3s2.0 i n Sector 1 1998 1999 l (end of August) Tertiary (MWe) orders 30 38 >--- DH (MWe) orders 313 291 lndustry (MWe) orders 977 405 Total (MWe) orders 1 320 734 Total (MWe) since 1991 2524 3258