Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

ARTICLE / MAKALE Co rrrm®rı w�ıırn eneration, Waste recove , 1lenewa6ks & On-site ��neratimı ,ogu1ıı11o... �---c:::======;--------::.=-=-=-=-=-=-=..:İ:..::..::..::..=..::..::..::��=-=-�=:::;==:r:.=======,::-..... :::::--=-=-=-=-=....,:::ı�----, Aut,,oıtz:iiı1b'l.1'C.laıı.�ltad hıôtıı.ıtbı\ PIQZUııQ:dQYt:.Q:Si J,;,c;b,,ıD� lll G :t g ,ı o. . 1:ıı1ııt1oocı...ıı.o-.au1:>.ı.auoo) (.aıxı>"'" � D""" kıo) P'l>"->tloO dlıı;I"") Coırtıaıo..ı,� tn.a'UbıciıfQ i:.o'll<>IHOtoı�,ttıo) !ilm,,,.'llb o,"l fl)ı.cL>Qtlc>ı D"U) ı.ıorı r,;:.v r � ı��ırt rır.ırıtbı►-.g :.,..ı ll.ııt'fCAi:: ııorı r,;:Nı1�rıt;;ı:) C OIQ.Jtt:ı1btı ot'N:: �ınlrılitQtbl\ !in.ıı. .. f'lD t """" o,,".ol"•uu'•lo) Paı;� QQhloı\ ottTflil: c.atıtıaltXd,ı (.aM, ta,.oo""lo do lb,ga,ıo do c.o.tal:ı) o, lıt l.;ıg,... ( O , "ml')II Ac.m,.ı lul�l"9 DQ"'1� (DQ"'11: do c.o-.ııw l mlis btıı c.otıtol i:,o'lt<>lo da< Q"1ia; kıoı:,:ılwotos) 10','2..:I(: t:ı:ı:fl �- 0-. •rg .. '<t 'l>lo) --blD• _,, . _,, __ .... ...._,,,__ ,._ ; _,uc.rı.aı.cı: QtQl;ıc:t,kJtııt:ı,ı ld'. . � 1 s;:a:.,�uıtıoı l l.. __(<1><�ı,,ooge,oıı,ao)_____] Co,111Utbo..,.a,"1ıalood{ ( .:rtl:ıstkıo do lb9>"" do a,,m,l:ı) Q)IQ"11)tk,Oot9>' ct.ııo. (ooıooııoıtbo TCGll) ·-····-"··-·... ···-··--····- The administrative process in France: in dark colour: controls Thick border: issue of written and informed request. Source: APAVE �c.l'JQC.ırs��tQI.ırıd�,t,ı i:,o'll<>lo«i: •=­ SQ�t'bt j lllG:�U.Q3tl��YQ.ôlı' ! ruıı�a11>• do ro,,.gı.. vta•"-"'� .. Aa hneuamd .bCe ro on fn eccotgi oenn er er aqtui oi rne mp reonj et cs t as rwe i tohn ea oc fe rt thi fei c caat eu swei sl l noof tt hgi so gfuatupre(thceongnraencttiinogn ocfonatrcaecrttsifi)c. ate is only a prerequisite for the Conclusion on administrative matters A se II these steps can be performed in about a year by combining veral administrative requests. An industrial project in Correze hmaosntbhrsokweinthreacpoardr s by being put into operation in less than 6 ticularly cooperative EDF local office. However, this is an isolated case as rising delays due to EDF have increased the average time needed for a project. EDF ainctkhneownulemdbgeersothf eprporjeocbtles.m but blames it on unexpected growth As regards the purely administrative procedure, the trend is not taosws ae rsdssmsei mn t psl itfui cdai et i so nb :yas nt uedwy i pn gr o tphoes ai ml wp aocutl do fs at rneyn gi nt sh et anl l ai mt i opna c t on the health of people living in its surroundings. The complexity of the administrative procedure and regulations has been summarised in a well-known graph - see next page. EMISSION REGULATIONS Airborne Pollutants The French Government has implemented new legislation for wg aesr et ugrrbai ndeusa l layn di mepnogs iende so. nTehxei sntei nwg tNuOr bxi neems ias ns di o ne nsgt ai nnedsa, r d s wlehgiicshlathioans bmeaeknescosnpfeircmiaeldprtoo 1 .5 x standards by 2001 . The new visions for gas engines running al erses at lhsaonc5o0n 0t r ohl/l eyde aer . ga.n Vd Of oCr sd ul i ma l i tfsu ealr ee n1g0i n0ems .gO/ Nt hme3r pa on dl l u tdaunstts 1 .:ıırı�I) lim ci r F e o q r it u s ' i c r i l a a n r s g e s a i 5 f i0 e p de m r i m g n / s i N t t a n m l e la 3 w t i f o onr sb' oi ethbdaiseesdel oanndenggaisnefsireo r et unrgbiinneess. but values have been proposed in March 99 by the Ministry of Environment as a modification of the 291 O Category. The official decree was published before the end of a1 9s9fo9l.loAwcsco(ardt in1 g5%to 0th2is, ,dCryO): limit is 85 mg/Nm3. For Nüx, it is MWth Natural Gas Liquid fuels 20-50 80 120 >50 50 120 However, for cogeneration installations, NOx limits are irneccroegansietidonboyf1tOhemirge/fNfimcie3nfcoyr.turbines and 30 for engines in Ss i tnrci cet et rh er u lCe lse ao nn Ai ni dr uAscttr i oafl e1 9m9i s7s ai onnds tahpi sp hl yatso bt eh ee nPaa rsi so ua rrceea o f w ip s r oo a r b k hl s e ig . m h in s p g fr o e o r n b u e a r r b b a i a l l i , t n y i f c t t h o h a e g t e a in t l e e w r r a t il l t t i h b o r e n e , : s t s h h m o e l d a P ll r ise in f e e d x t u s c s et o r e r ie d d s e e dr a s r t t o O a r t H i io f n t n h a e e r t yre ti nhsotsael l aotfi ohnoss (pgi teanl se raant do r smaenddi c aclofgaecni lei t ireast o. r s ) t o s h u t d o w n e x c e p t ANoJiusley 1 997 decree regulates sound levels tor cogenerations. This is an element that should not be ov pinrgoctheeduimrep)act of an installation (especia ellyrlofoorktehdewahuet hnoar i ss saet isosn . The sound level at the 'property limits' should not bn ieg hhti g, eh xecr et hpat ni f 7r e0sdi dBu a( Al n) odi su er i ni sg itnh ee xdcaeys sa nodf t6h0e sdeu rl ii mn gi t st h. e E-COGENERATIOtl WORLD & Renewoble Energy ı!