Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

� -� Oğuz AYDOGDU ALARKO CARRIER ır rn � rn tııMw ı1ı w �ıu� Coaeneration, Waste r�overy , 1lenewa6fes & O�site §erıeration ABSORPTION CHILLERS can be the right solution far today's known air-conditioning requirements, and should continue to be the right solution far tomorrow's uncertain situation. Socially and environmentally acceptable, and with their operation assured despite the cost and availability of electricity, absorption ehiller is the choice of system designers and purchasers. ABSORPTION CHILLER GROUPS Nowadays cogeneration plant investment is a very popular issue in Turkey. With absorption chillers, it is possible to use heat energy to prepare chilled water. This unit decreases the electricity demand and maintenance requirements. Payback periods of all the expenses must be considered for each project. it takes only 2 or 4 years. Absorption chillers become popular in 1945, after Dr. Willis Carrier proposed lithium bromide/water cycle energized by steam. Absorption chillers need low maintenance. Solution pumps and refrigeration pumps are the only moving parts of this unit. Another benefit of absorption ehiller is low noise and vibration. lnstallation locations no longer need to be in heavily isolated locations, or far away from occupied spaces. Their capacities are between 15 KW and 5000 KW. Minimum chilled water temperature is +4 °C and all units are micro-compressor controlled. � E-COGENERATION WORLD & Renewoble Energy Absorbsiyon I u 'wl SU SOGUTMA Grupları Absorbsiyonlu su soğutma grupları tasarım özellikleri ile, ozon tabakası ile dost, işletme giderlerini azaltarak karlılığının artırılmasında yardımcı, düşük bakım giderleri ile artan bir hızla pazardaki yerini alacak "yeni" bir ürün olacaktır. Günümüzde enerji ss ea bk eı nbı mi y lı en ı nd aöhnae mb ei , l ipr gei tnr oşl ekkai lydneaakrl ıt my aakkı tt af i,yiaş tl el atrmı neı nl e ar i rnt mk aays ı nİ şal ektl amreı nl eı er i nt k ai nt ıbk i çeinmedr ej i l edrei nği ne rdl eenğdei rrml een sdii rki l ma çeı nsıi l mi çai nz koul lml aankı l taabdi lıer . caen ck a, ük l kt eeomr ii zvdee ikl ki uuyygguul laammaal laarraı dbi kakkaı l tdeı ğaı nl ıdnad ı yğ eı nndi as au yz ıul anb i l e c e k , zAabms oarnbdsı irybo inl i lnuesnu bsi ro sğiusttme ma garşuapğl aı draı ; taansl aa trıı lmm aökzteal dl i kı rl .e r i y l e b i r l i k t e , oazr toı rnı l mt aabsaı nkdaas ıynaarddoı ms tc, ı ,i şdl eütşmü ek bgai dkeı mr l egr iindi ear lzear li t ai l er aakr tkaanr l ıbl ı ği r ı nh ıı zn l a pazardaki yerini alacak "yeni" bir ürün olacaktır.