Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 3. Sayı (Mayıs 2001) / Ecogeneration World, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

DIARY 2001 Environment 2001 Exhibition and Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 4-8 February 2001 The Middle East Association, Exhibition House, 12 Hockley Court, Hockley Heath, Solihuli 894 6NW,UK Tel:+44 1564 784 999 Fax:+44 1564 784 499 e-mail:events@coxex.co.uk E-world of Energy Essen, Germany 13-15 February 2001 Klaus Reich, Messe Essen GmbH, PO Box 1 O 01 65, D-45001 Essen, Germany Tel:+49 201 72 44 5 32 Fax:+49 201 72 44 4 35 web:www.e-messe.de Middle East Energy 2001 A Power, Water and Oil & Gas Event Dubai, United Arab Emirates 13-15 February 2001 Patty Voss, PennWeli Corporation, PennWeli House, Horseshoe Hili, Upshire, Essex EN9 3SR, UK Tel:+44 1992 656 652 Fax:+44 1992 656 700 e-mail:pattyv@pennwell.com Power-Gen lndia & Central Asia Nex Delhi, lndia 27 February-1 March 2001 PennWeli Registration Department, 1421 S.Sheridan Road, Tulsa,OK74112, USA Tel:+1 918831 9160 Fax:+1 918 831 9161 e-mail:loryb@pennweli.com web:www.pennwellevents.com GENERA the Energy and Environment lnternational Trade Fair Madrid, Spain 28 February - 2 March 2001 Yolanda Aguilar, Parque Ferial Juan Carlos 1,28042 Madrid, Spain Tel:+34 91 722 50 00 Fax:+34 91 722 57 88 e-mail:genera@ifema.es The Future of Coal - The Perspectives of Modern Coal Technologies Berlin, Germany 5 March 2001 Matthias Ruchser, Forum fuer Zukunftsenergien, Godesberger Allee 90, D-53175 Bonn, Germany Tel:+49 228 95 956 O Fax:+49 228 95 956 50 e-mail:info@zukunftsenergien.de web:www.zukunftsenergien.de EnerTec-lnternaitonal Trade Fair tor Energy Send detoils of your event to E-COGENERATION WORLD & RENEWABLE ENERGY: Tel: +90 212 275 83 59 Fox: +90 212 288 26 14 _fu E-COGEHERATIOH WORLD & Renewoble Energy � ır rnürnrntır w�ı w�ıırn Co eııeration, Waste recoven 1 �enewa6fes 8r OH-site G.enuarion. TerraTec-lnternational Trade Fair tor Environmental Technology Leipzig, Germany 13-16 March 2001 Dr Deliane Traber, Leipziger Messe GmbH, PF 100720, D-04007 Leipzig,Germany Tel:+49 341 678 8297 Fax:+49 341 678 8292 AEF lndustry 2001 lstanbul, Turkey 15-18 March 2001 Hannover-Messe lnternational lstanbul Hanno, lnonu Caddesi No:53, Onagan Apt.Kat 2 Gumussuyu, 0090 lstanbul, Turkey Tel:+90 212 249 6779 Fax:+90 212 245 3603 e-mail:info@hmist.com.tr web:www.hmist.com.tr Electric Power 2001 Baltimore TX, USA 20-22 March 2001 Craig Moritz, e-mail:craigm@ tredafairgroup.com lndustry 3000 Capitalization of Know-how and Technology Düsseldorf, Germany 27-29 March 2001 Mesago Messe & Kongress Gmbh, Rotebuehlstrasse 83-85, D-70178 Stuttgart, Germany TeI;+49 711 619 460 Fax:+49 711 619 4693 web:www.industry3000.com New Energy 2001 2nd lnternational Exhibition on Nex Energy and Clean Energy Shanghai, China 3-5 April 2001 e-mail:general@coastal.com.hk web:www.coastal.com.hk Hannover Messe Energy Trade Show 2001 Hannover, Germany 23-28 April 2001 Deutsche Messe AG, Messigelaende, D-30521 Hannover, Germany Tel:+49 511 890 Fax:+49 511 89 3 2626 e-mail:info@messe.de web:www.messe.de Energytech 2001 Utrecht, Netherlands 24-26 April 2001 Jaarbeurs Exhibitions&Media, PO Box 8500, 3503 RM Utrecht, Netherlands Tel:+31 30 295 5207 Fax:+31 30 295 5448 e-mail :ecotech@ jaarbeursutrecht.nl AchemAsia 2001 5th lnternational Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Beijing, China 7-11 May 2001 DECHEMA e.V.,Postfach 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt, Germany Sustain 2001 The World Sustainable Energy Conference and Exhibition Amsterdam, Netherlands 8-10 May 2001 Marc V.Sterel, PO Box 77777, NL-1070 MS Amsterdam, Netherlandsk Tel:+31 20 549 1212 Fax:+31 20 549 1843 e-mail:sustain2001@rai.nl web:www.sustain2001 .com ENVITEC 2001 lnternational Trade Fair lor Utility Supply and Waste Management Düsseldorf, Germany 14-17 May 2001 Messe Düssseldorf, Postfach 10 10 06,40001 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel:+49 211 45 60 01 Fax:+49 211 45 60 6 68 web.www.messe-duesseldorf.de Powergen 2001 Brussels, Belgium 29-31 May 2001 PennWe!I Corpcr:!ticr., PennWell House PennWeli House, Horseshoe Hili, Upshire EN9 3SR, UK Tel:+44 1992 656 600 Fax:+44 1992 656 700 web:www.power-eng-intl.com SOFC-VII Seventh lnternational Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Celis Tsukuba, Japan 3-8 June 2001 SOFC-VII Secretariat, c/o Energy-related Materials Group, NIMC AIST, 1-1 Higashi, Tshukuba 305-8565,Japan Tel:+81 298 61 4542 Fax.+81 298 61 4540 e-mail:sofc7@nimc.go.jp IWM Annual Conference & Exhibition 2001 Paignton, UK 12-15 June 2001 IWM Business Services, 9 Saxon Court, St Peter's Gardens, Northampton NN1 1WX,UK Tel:+44 1604 620426 Fax:+44 1604 604467 e-mail:events@iwm.co.uk web:www.iwm.co.uk The Fuel Celi Home Residential Applications of Fuel Celis Lucerne, Switzer l and 2-6 July 2001 Ulf Bossel, European Fuel Celi Forum, Morgenacherstrasse 2F, CH-5452 kOberrohrdorf, Switzerland Tel:+41 56 496 7292 e-mail :ubossel@dial.eunet.ch Fifth Biomass Conference of the Amercias Bioenergy and Biobased Products: Technologies, Markets and Policies to Accelerate Research, Development and Use Orlando, Florida, USA 20-23 August 2001 Dee Scheaffer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, MS-1613, Golden, CO 804011-33931,USA Fax:+1 303 275 2905 Bioenergy 2001 Conference, Business Forum, Exhibition and Plant V i sits Aarhus, Denmark 25-28 September 2001 DANIBO c/o Bioenergy Department, University of Southern Denmark, Niels Bohrsk Vej 9,DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark Tel:+45 65 50 41 65 Fax:+45 65 50 10 91 e-mail:gik@esb.sdu.dk Energy 2001- 4. lnternational Energy Production Systems Fa i r 27-30 September, 2001 ITF (lstanbul Trade Fairs) Dünya Ticaret Merkezi, CNR Uluslararası Fuar Merkezi, Havaalanı Kavşağı 34830 Yeşilköy-IstanbuVTürkiye Phone: +90 212 663 08 81 Fax: +90 212 663 07 73-74 Url: www.itf_exhibitions.com 18th WEC Congress Energy Markets: The Chalienges of the New Miliennium Buenos Aireks, Argentina 21 ·25 October 2001 18th World Energy Congress c/o Congresos lnternacionales SA, Moreno 584 - Piso 9,1091 Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel:+54 11 4342 3216/4342-3283 Fax:+54 1 1 331 0223/334 381 1 1 2. Turkey lnternational Petroleum Natura! Gas Products Fair 07-10 November, 2001 İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı ITE-AFEKS Uluslararası Ticari Fuarlar A.$. /\kyol Sk. No:61 Fındıklı 80040 lstanbul/ Türkiye Phone: +90 212 251 05 42 Fax: +90 212 251 61 59 Url: www.ite-afeks.com e-mail: info@ite-afeks.com ıccı 2002 7th lnternational Cogeneration and Environment Conference and Exhibition Swissotel - lstanbul, Turkey 23-24 May 2002 Organization Committee Turkish Cogen Association Cogen Europe Technical Publishing, Promotion ine. Balmumcu, Barbaros Blv.Bahar Sk. Karanfil "p.2/9-11 ,80700-01 Beşiktaş-lST./TURKEY Tel :+90 212 275 83 59/275 25 32 Fax:+90 212 288 26 14/211 38 50 e-mail:tekyay@turk.net web:www.teknikyayincilik.com 5th European SOFC Forum Science and Engineering of Solid Oxide Fuel Celis Lucerne, Switzerland 1-5 July 2002 Ulf Bossel, European Fue l Celi Forum, Morgenacherstrasse 2F, CH-5452 kOberrohrdorf, Switzerland Tel:+41 56 496 7292 Fax:+41 56 496 4412 e-mail:ubossel@dial.eunet.ch