Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 30. Sayı (Kasım-Aralık 2004)

MAKALE / ARTICLE Emisyon ticareti ve çevre dostu yeşil enerji pazarı üzerindeki etkileri Fosil yakıtla çalışan enerji üretiminde yenilenebilir enerji kullanılması CO2 'yi azaltmaktadır. Bu nedenle yakında CO2 yedek paylarıyla ilgili olarak uygulamaya girecek olan ve CO2 emisyonundaki azalmaların ödüllendirildiği Avrupa emsiyonlar ticaret projesi (ETS) sayesinde çevre dostu yeşil enerji piyasaları ve fiyatının etkileneceği düşünülebilir. Ancak bu teoriyle çevre dostu yeşil enerji projelerini geliştirme ve ticareti alanındaki uygulamaya yönelik koşullar arasında pek çok engel bulunmaktadır. 1 Ocak 2005 tarihinden itibaren CO2 emisyonlarına fiyat biçilecek. Devrim nitlikli Avrupa karbon ticaret projesi AB için Kyoto protokolüyle iklimde büyük ölçüde yaşanabilecek değişimleri engellemek amacıyla belirlenen hedeflere ulaşma konusunda yardım edebilcek önemli bir politika aracıdır. Enerji, demir çelik, inşaat malzemeleri vb önemli sanayi sektörlerindeki şirketler geçmişteki emisyonlarına, büyüme beklentilerine ve enerji verimliliği alanında geçmişteki girişimlerine dayalı olarak bir CO2 emisyon yedek payı alacak. Bir yıl içinde CO2 emisyonları tahsisattan daha yüksek olursa, şirket artan miktara sahip bir başka şirketten yedek pay satın alabilecek. 70 1 ENERJj & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI Eıııissioııs rmdiııg: ıı heııefir far RE developers? Emissions trading lts effect on the green energy market Replacing fossil fueled energy production by renewal energy reduces CO2 . Therefore one would expect that the upcoming European emissions trading scheme (ETS) for CO2 allowances - where CO2 emission reduction rewarded - would affect the markets and prices of green energy. But there are many obstacles between this theory and the practical circumstances of green energy project development and trade. Rolf de Vos, editor of GreenPrices analyses the effect of emissions trading on the green As from Jan 1st 2005, CO2 emissions will get a price. The revolutionary European carbon trading scheme is an important policy instrument to help the EU to achieve its goals under the Kyoto protocol, in order to prevent devastating climate change. Companies in several important industrial sectors - energy, steel and iron, building materials and others - will get a CO2 emission allowance that will be based on their emissions in the past, growth expectations and historical efforts in energy efficiency. lf in one year the CO2 emissions are larger than the allowance, the company has to buy allowances from another company that has a surplus. Every company (officially called an 'installation') that is subject to the emissions trading scheme (ETS) can choose whether to take measures on its own premises or to buy allowances on the carbon market. These companies will generally take cheap measures and seli CO2 allowances, or they will postpone more expensive measures and buy CO2 allowances on the market. in preparation for the upcoming trading scheme, some trades have already been executed. Several millions of tons of CO2 allowances were traded, worth around Euro 5 to 1 O a ton. MWh-prices or= the ETS market The CO2 price on the market will to a large extent be determined by the emission caps imposed on companies and the cost price for CO2 emission reductions. Those reduction costs can be reduced because companies are allowed to take emission reducing measures elsewhere, earning extra credits that can be transferred into ETS allowances. Hence, any project could be worth the value of the corresponding CO2 emission reduction. On the ETS market the value now is Euro 5 to 1 O a ton. Reasoning in this way, any renewable energy project could generate CO2 credits, that would be worth Euro 5 to 1 O a ton on the ETS market. Compared to the average European power mix (roughly 1/3 nuclear, 1/3 coal, 1/3 natura! gas), any renewable electricity would then be worth Euro 1.5 to 3 per megawatt-hour on the ETS market. Although not very impressive, it stili is a whole lot more than the current value of green certificates in the European market, which is almost zero at the moment. So any project developer would like to calculate in the (extra) CO2 value of his renewable energy project. lf he could also receive renewable energy subsidies in his country and cash the value of the generated green certificates on the market as well, the profitability of his projeci would be likely to increase. • "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"