♦ 1 1 th lnternational Cogeneration, Combined Cycle and Environment Conference and Exhibition ıccı 2005 COGENERATION:HIGH EFFICIENCY, CLEAN ENVIRONMENT, RESTRUCTURING iN GENERATION 26th MaJ 2005 TENTATIVE CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2r h May 2005 09:00-10:00 Registration Bal/Room 10:00-11:00 Opening Ceremony Özkan AĞIŞ IChairınan ol Turkish Cogen Assocation) Vusul GÜNAY IChairman of Energy Market Regulatory Author i ty) Osman PEPE [Minister of Environment and Forest) Dr. M. Hilmi GULER IMinister of Energy and Natura! Resources ) 1 1:00-12:00 o,,ı.-;,,g ınd The� 12:00-13:30 LUNCH (Sponsorshİp Opportunİty) 13:30-14:00 Keynote Speech Selahattin CIMEN IVice Undersecretary lor Ministry of Energy & Natura! Resources) Slmon MINETT IDirector of Cogen Europe) 14:00-15:15 $enlon 1 Oııeıvleırt cıf Energy lılıriıet uncl Coge- in Tııruy ınd u» Woıkl -Lıgıl Amınll"ffl"IIII. PollUcıl. Socl<>«onomlcaJ ad Anınaıl lııııeı CHAIRMAN: Taner YILDIZ (Kayseri Deputy, Ex.Gen.Manager. Kayseri Electricity Trans. Co. ine.) The Prospect of Cogeneration Policy E o (.) Q) (.) C Q) ,._ Q) - C o (.) 8 MichaelBROWN IDirector of WADE • World Alliance lor Decentralized Energy) •- Cogeneration in Europe and Analysis ol Regional Energy Markets • İlhamı ÖZŞAHİN (Gen. Manager of TEIAS - Turkish Electricity Transmission Corp.) ::::,. The Role and Status of TEIAS • Turkish Electricity Transmiss i on Corparation- in Liberal Energy Market > Oliviero BERNARDINI IAdvisor of ltalian Energy Authority and Memberot CEER-Council of EU Energy Reg.) 3: Operation of Gas Market in lta l y Atter Liberalisation ::::,. Or. Fatih BiROL IIEA-lntemational Energy Agency Chief Economist, Head of Economic Analysis Oivision) > Global Energy Policies and Scenarios lorthe Future 15:15-15:30 Questions • Answers 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-17:15 Seuoı2 DMlopı-fnEntıgy.Ot &Gı, -dE&cı.. Cop,- CHAIRMAN: Budak DiLLi (Gen. Manager of the Energy Alfalrs Oept. • Minlstry ol Energy & Natura! Resources) Murat ERENEL (Head of Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Electric i ty Market Reg. Monitoring &Assessment Oepartment ) Cogeneration Status in Turkish Energy Market and New Oevelopmenıs Mehmed CAGLAR (Assi. Gen. Oirector ol EIEI - General Dir. Of Elec. Power Reso. Survey&Dev. Adm.) Renewable Energy, Energy Effici ency Law Drattsand Effects on Cogeneration Ahmet AYOIN IHead of Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Natural Gas Market lmplemenıation Oept.) Turkish Natura! Gas Policies and Projection Selda BILGIC IHead ol Energy Policies and Coordination Oept. ol !he Energy Atta i rs Gen. Management, Ministry of Energy & Natura ! Resources) Turkish Energy Policies, Strategies and Ettects on Cogenerati on Ünal TERZİ IHead of TEIAS - Turkish Electrk: i ty Transmission Corp. E l ec. Market Services and F i nancial Balancing & Settlement Department) The Applications ol Electricity Market Balancing and Settlement Regulation 17: 15-1 7:30 Ouestions • Answers 17:30-18:30 C.ııaı...,_.A..nc..moı,ycıfTlıelAoıl�Cogınır.uon ııtııııı 18:30- .... Cociımil (Spıırsoıııd bJ GE BEIGY) 09:00- 10:30Şeulon 3 Cogene,ıtton ınd Envlronmıınf CHAIRMAN: Nihat GOKYIGIT (Chairman ofthe TEMA Foundation • The Turkish Foundallon lor Comballng Sol! Erosion, lor Relorestation and the Proteclion ol Natura! Habltats) Ministry of �nvironment and Forest The Support ı ng of Cogeneration, in the Scope of CCFC lntended lor Environment Protection David ANTONIOLI (EcoSecurities, General Mana9er of Advisory Services) New Perspecti ves tor Business Opportun i t i es in Cl ımate Change Ministry o1 Env i ronment and Forest New Regulations ITurki sh National Framework Law on Ai r Quality& the Large Combusti on Planı Directive) related ta Emi ssions and Support Schemes Or. Jakob KLIMSTRA ıwartsila Power Plants Sen i or Energy Speci alist) The Need tor Flex i ble Generat i on Technologies in an Uncertain Future and Cogeneration Marcus SCHOLZ IEnvironmental Seg. Lead tor the Europe Sales Org. GE ini.) Cogeneralion and Emissions Hassan NASERI IMinistry of Energy, IRAN) The Relationship between El ectr i c i ty Generati on & Env i ronment in ıran 10:30-10:45 Ouestions • Answers 10:45-11:15 CoffeeBreak 1 1:15-12:30 Snr.lon • Nıw Ttdvıol1191H in eoı,ı,-.rıı.oıı ılpı,, k"IIIOnı CHAIRMAN: 0r. Arnold HORNFELD IHead of Energy Commisslon ol TUSIAD • Turkish lndustriallsts' and Buslnessmen's Associatlon) Yona SCHWEITZER ıısrael Electric Corp. Vice President • Eng i neer i ng) Reza AGAH! IDirectorof Marketi ng/Sal es/Comm. Operations, GE Oi l & Gas) The Potent i al of Turboexpander Appl i cation in Pressure Let Down Energy Recovery in Turkey Thomas STENHEDE ıwartsi l a Power Plants) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayati OLGUN · Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa TIRIS (TUBITAK) Biomass Ga.s i f i cation and TUBITAK Studies Adnan ÇELiK (General Manager of IGATAS - lstanbul Gas and Fue l Oil Procurement Corp.) Applicatıon of Power Generalion using Garbage Energy in Municipality of lstanbul 12:30-12:45 Questions • Answers 12:45-14 15 LUNCH (Sponsorship Opportunity) 14:15-15:30 s.ı-,� Tect -.olOgı,ı in Cogln'ırl'lioa AH>!_,. CHAIRMAN: Assoc. Prol. Or. Mustafa TIRIS (Direc1or of Energy lns, TUBITAK ·MAM) Jean Pierre FATfO ıcaıerpillar Techn i cal Manager) The Right Compromi se between Emiss i ons, Etf i ciency and Per1omıance of Gas Engines Used i n CHP Jean Michel BISSAU0 IGE Energy) Deve l opment and Validation Of Enhanced Mid-Sized Gas Turbines Mlchael ASCHINGER • Uwe LENK ISimens Power Generat i on, Gerınany) Binary Ge9therınal PowetPlants: Market ·Technology • Prospects Naci ŞAHIN · Hasan ACUL (FRITERM) inlet Air Cooling Units Used For Gas Turbines in Power Plants 15:30-15:45 Questions • Answers 15:45-16:15 CoffeeBreak 16:15-17:30 tıını ı:oııı-r""II pı, Oı,, "'fi CHAIRMAN: lbrahim ERGiN!Head ol Energy Commision of MUSIAD • lndependent lndustriafists' and Buslnessmen's Assoclatlon) AII İhsan KARAMANLI IManager of lndustrial Region of Esk i sehir) Cogeneration Applications in lndustr i al Regions i n Turkey James PR0CHASKA IGE Energy) Tahsin ARMAGAN (General Manager of Armagan Engineering and Adv. Comp.) The Problems in Cogeneralion Appl�tions and Soluti ons SerdarÇATALORMAN IProduct Manager, ARÇELIK.) Applicat ı ons in Arçelik Cogeneration Planı 17:30-17:45 Ouestions -Answers 17:45-18:45 Co--- """' cı ıol odCllo< CHAIRMAN: Selahattln CIMEN (Vlce Undersecrotary lor Minlstry of Energy & Natura! Resources) Ao.lbor-g "�tm CENTRAX. E.ıf(onMobil • c44:5 �le��-ı:Jo Lııbricaııts & Sp,cialtics Englnoor-lng GAS TURBINES BAG SPONSORSHIP COCKTAIL SPONSORSHIP ILTEKNO SIEMENS e T.�B.�R.MeP.ti C ZORWO&M ---- ileri Teknoloji .Müh.A.Ş. ®CONFERENCE fJCUr!SISZN�.ı,ı(-�ı-tlMfrwı.ı.S WAQTSILA BOOK SPONSORSHIP BADGE SPONSORSHIP LUNCH SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY STILL AY.AJLABLE POSTER SESSIONS 26 • 27 MAY, 2005 MEETING AUTHORS 3:00 pm • 4:00 pm TECHNICAL TOUR 2sth MAY, 2005 9:30 am - 1 :00 pm "Visiting of the Trigeneration Plants in Marmara Region" ıır "' rı .., n ıd ..ıes;ifll' ..ın T.t: O 212 275 13 51 fa; 021221138&0 E-nıall: lnfofllcdc:oııferenı:cı.coııı WORKSHOP "Cogeneration Tewı nology and lnvestment Fİnancİng Models" 27 May, 2005 / 1 :30 pm • 4 pm Turkish Cogen Association Whaf is Cogeneration? Pre-feasibilly Studies and Seleclion of Technology lor Cogenerafion Plants Turklsh Cogen Associatlon Legal Applications and Regulalions in Cogeneration Plant Operation Mohammed S. Kudla (GE Energy) Finance Possibilities relaledto Cogeneralion lnvesıments Lars Erik Schöring ıwartsila-Flnlandlya Power Projeci Oevelopment) Financing solutions lor W;Msilı! Power Projects in Turkey Siemens Financing Possibilities relaled fo Cogeneralion lnvestmenıs Yvan Bemelmans (Head of Flnanclng Department, Caterplll ar) Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey