COGEN EUROPE PRESS RELEASE Entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol:Time to develop Europe1s cogeneration potentials COGEN europe COGEN Europe, the European association tor the promotion of cogeneration, welcomes today's entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. After long years of protracted negotiations, this is a major achievement. it is now time to act in order to deliver the objectives of the Protocol and to prepare tor even deeper emission cuts in the future. The wider use of cogeneration is an opportunity and a matter of strategic foresight in this respect. EU Member States should create more ambitious policy agendas and frameworks to deliver this outcome. The European Union, through its support to the Kyoto Protocol and by creating the European Emissions Trading Scheme and other policy tools, has taken the lead on the world-wide "carbon-revolution". The onus is now on European national governments to make full use of these mechanisms and to put into place the frameworks and instruments necessary to reach the European Kyoto commitments. At the same time, they need to look beyond Kyoto and the need to reduce CO2 emissions much more in the Post-Kyoto periods. Europe's electricity supply system offers significant potential to reduce its carbon emissions. it has been estimated that in the "old" EU-15 alone approximately 200 GW of new electrical generation capacity would need to be built between 201O and 2020 to replace old power plants and to meet predicted demand growth. This entails the historic chance to move towards a future more efficient and less carbon intensive system. The wider use of cogeneration - combined with more renewables, new enabling technologies tor decentralised electricity production, and other energy efficiency and demand sidemeasures - should be an essential element of such a new system. Cogeneration is the most efficient way of generating heat and electricity from any fuel, far better than their separate production in power plants and boilers. About 11 per cent of electricity in Europe are currently cogenerated, but there is a potential to grow this share to more than 20 per cent, saving more than 250 million tonnes of CO2 per year. More cogeneration would not only cut down Europe's fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. it would also improve the reliability of energy supply, avoid important investments in new electricity networks, create jobs in high-tech and high value-added sectors, and strengthen European competitiveness and leadership in energy efficiency technologies. Many EU Member States have so far been reluctant to act on their Kyoto targets and to take advantage of their cogeneration opportunities. But as the Kyoto commitment period approaches and as the prospect of more severe emission cuts is gaining ground, the need to develop Europe's cogeneration potential becomes more pressing. COGEN Europe therefore urges EU governments to put in place the necessary frameworks and policy measures to expand the use of cogeneration in their countries with a view to doubling the overall share of cogenerated electricity in Europe in the next 1 O to 15 years. "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, EnerjideYeniden Yapılanma" HABERLER/ NEWS COGEN EUROPE Basın Duyurusu Kyoto Protokolü yürürlüğe girdi Avrupa Kojenerasyon Birliği (C0GEN EUROPE), Kyoto Protokolü'nün bugün yürürlüğe girişini kutluyor. Uzunca bir süredir devam eden müzakerelerin ardından bu büyük bir başarı olmuştur. Bu açıdan, Kojenerasyon kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması için bir fırsat ve stratejik olarak harekete geçme zamanıdır. Sonuca ulaşabilmek için, AB Üye Ülkeleri daha hırslı bir politik gündem ve strateji yaratmalıdırlar. Bundan sonra Avrupa Ulusal Hükümetlerinin üstüne düşen, Avrupa'nın Kyoto Protokolü taahhütlerini gerçekleştirmesini sağlayacak olan mekanizmaları tümüyle kullanmak, plan ve araçları yürürlüğe koymak olmalıdır. Avrupa'nın elektrik üretim sistemleri, karbon emisyonlarını azaltacak önemli bir potansiyel sunuyor. Yalnızca eski AB-15'in 2010 ve 2020 arasında eski elektrik santrallerini yenilemek ve artan talebi karşılayabilmek için yaklaşık 200 GW'lik yeni elektrik üretim kapasitesi inşa etmesi gerekiyor. Bu beraberinde daha verimli ve daha az karbon içeren bir sistemlere geçiş gibi tarihi bir fırsatı da getiriyor. ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASII 13