What Are The Pri orities i n The Black Sea Regıon For The Energy Related Projects? ÖZKAN AĞIŞ Turkish Cogen Association Chairman (TURKEY) 1. INTRODUCTION GPreionretroalsotaf rOt mECyDpa. pinerh, i1swparenftatcoeu, n'tditelerdli'ne the lası paragraph of Mr. Donald J.Johnston, Secretary Getting to grips with globalisation, he says: ' Our objective ibse, ttwoeperonmnaotteionpsro'.sperity and well being lor people everywhere, with the support of co-operation dGi sl ocbuasl si si ao nt i os ,nt ob rfi inxg- uspbtohteh pc rhi ao lrl iet inegsei ns a' Bnl ad cokpSpeu rat uRnei tgi ei osn. 'Tlhoi rs Ef on reurmg yorfef el artsead nPor opjpeocrttsu. n i t y o f AB lsai ac koSr eoai l rRi cehg Mi o ind, di sl esEt raast et .gEi cuarlol yp ea ni sd dgeepoegnr adpehnitcoanl l yt hl oec ai mt epdo rat te cdr oesnse rrgoya dr ebseotuwr ceeesn, E( Auvr oepr aegaen d 6w0a%i t i nogf ien nv ee rsgt yo r rseos ro uo rpceer sa taorres ti mo pt roarnt sepdo) , r twthhiel ems tt, ov tehrey wr i cehs treersnocuor cnes su mi neAr ss. i aL i ok er Mwii ds de l, el oEwa-si nt caor me e eBcSoEnComciocuanl tarineds,sroecmiaal idnehveealovpilymdeenpt endent on the primary energy resources to undertake their What we need? We need to build an energy bridge, connecting these rich resources to big Consumers. 2. PROJECTS T• olndtaeyr'nsastuiobnjeacl tnoeftwporirokriltoyr, ais jtohientcNoaotpuerraalgtiaosn mopaprkoerttunities lor the following energy projects: • Electricity interconnections and jointly operated electricity market. 2.1. INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR A JOINT NATURALGAS MARKET dEecmonaonmdicangdroewctohniosmthiceomutopsuttimrepmoartiannstcdlorisvee.r of energy demand. The link between total energy pi nr opdauscı td(eGcDa dPe) .s S, ei nnceer g1y9 d7e1 m, eaancdh, h1 apsori instei nn ci nr eaa sber oi an dgl yl o lbi nael aGr Df aPs, hhi oans, bael oenng awcict ho mg rpoasnsi eddo mb ye sat i c d B 0 e , l 6 a p c pe k o n s i d n e e t a n in t r c c e r o g e u i a o n s n t e r i i s e i n s a . p c ür o im n m e a p r o o y f s t e i h t n i e o e nr e g o n y e f c e rg o n y n e s d rg u e y m p e r p i n c ti h d o e n c n otucnot rui en st r i(el isk ,ei sRTu su rski ae,yA. Az el trhboaui jga, nT) uwr ki teh ye inse r g y so uf ror iol uannddegdaws i itsh foairl baen dh i ng da so fr i cmheceot iunngt rci eo us n( tl rr ay 'qs, el rnaenr,g Ry udsesmi aa, nAdz. eAr bvaei jraang)e, dpor immeasr yt i ce nper or gdyu c t i o n cEou nr ospu emapnt i oUnn ipoenr i cs a5p. i5t at ooef /By el aacrk. Ts eh aa t cmo uenatnr si e, sB(l eaxcckespet aRcuosusni at r) i ei ss 1s. h7otuol ed/ yc eoanrs. uTmh ee , aavt el er aagset , o3f tai md dei tsi omn ao rl ep rei mn earrgyye, nt oe rcgayc ch oEn Us u' smdpet vi oenl o. pAms seunmt li en vg e1l . 0i tyiesacros rtraersgpeot ,n tdoi nrge at oc h5 0E0U M' s i ll el i ovne l t, owee/ yneeaer d taod ed int ihoennacl ep roi mu ra er yc oennoemr gi ey se at oc hs uyceha er . xTtoe nmt et heat ts, uBcl ha cak hsuegaec eo nu en rt gr i ye sd ce amnacnod ni sn utmi mee5, 0w eM ni l lei oend ttooe dEeuvr oepl oep aennde rAgsyi ai n/ Mf r ai dsdt lreu cetau sr et , , Ti nu rt kh ee yl 'i sn eg ewoi tghr at hpi hs i ceacl osni touma ti ci oanl dr eepvreel os ep nmt es nat n. Beentewr ge ye nc oSror iudtoh re a s t between Europe and Asia/Middle East . in other word, 'Energy pipe-rack'. ! Sli r n o in e m c i e s K 2 c ir o k d n u e n k c e , a c in d t e in lr s g a , q B 1 , 0 a t 0 o k u mC , e i A ll y i z o h e n a r nb to a t n e ij s a r / m n y , i e n ta o a r l C , c i e n ru y T d h e u a rn o k, e i l T y hu . a r A v k n e e o y b t he (s e e o r n 5 c p 0 a u l m l m e i d p ll ii B o n n T g s , C t t h o p r n i o p s u e / g y l h e in a de r o ) c . u a Sb p u le a b cj p e it i y c p t e o p l i i l n i p p e e i , p e ol i ni l ef riosmu nKdaezrackosntasntru(pcatirotnlya) wn di l lwbiel l pbeu mppu te di ntoopMereadtiitoenrat hninsiayne at er .r mT hi nuasl, iAn zCeerbyah iajann. i o i l , as well a s ni ne tTwuor kr ke yi s, tghi veeAn uttoh oBrOi t yT oAfŞt ,hbeyetnhgei nl aewe r. i nBgO, TcAo Şn sitsr uac st i toant ea on dw noep de rcaot iropno roaf toi oi lna. n d n a t u r a l g a s AII gas purchasing cn oo nwt r, at oc tt as l wo ift h6 7S, 8u pBpCl i eMr s/ y (eRaur snsai at u, rAa ll ggear si a p, ul rracnh ,aAs ez ehrab vaei j abne) ehna cv oe mb emei tnt esdi gbnye dB Ob yT AB OŞ . TTAh Şe .s eU pa rt eo the contracts with 'Take or pay' obligation. Contract term is 25 years. ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"