Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 32. Sayı (Mart 2005) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

MAKALE / ARTICLE lBf OT uTrAk eŞyhcaasn anl mo tocsot ncsoummpel et theed ct oh me mc oi t nt esdt r gu ac tsi ovno ol ufmceo uenat cr yh' sy eg aars, Tt ruarnk semy hi sas si otno npeatywcoor mk . pAatn2s 0a t0i o1 ,n . AF rceceo rgdai nsgmt oa rtkheet Sl auwb jiescet nLaacwt eNd rb. y4 6t u4r6k:i s h P a r l i a m e n t . o s B h v O a e T r r e A % Ş is 8 h r 0 e a ds o uf t o c th e he d a e d n o x di w s o t n v in e t g o r c 2 th o 0 e n % t g ra a . c s N t p s o . u w r ac dh aa ys si n, gi nct oenr tnraa tci ot sn at ol tt eh ne dperri vi as t ae ngnaosu i nmcpeodr tbeyr sB, Ou nTt Ai l iŞt st om ah ar knedt City gas distribution systems, have been awarding one by one by EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority) with an lnternational bidding system. tAhIeI inndeuwstorwianl ceor nosf ucmityedrsiswtrhibicuhtioanresyloscteamte.d in the territory of the city is becoming a gas client of "1'1';" .. ,.__ ..... ... . ·!'".:. .• . t . ,.,., _ llıML.11'1!;fl"-4..... ı.ı.tll'llft<lılt - c...., oııı,ı,-ıı,.,• 46 Ai t ss souf pl apsl yı yi se gaur ,aTr au nr kt ee ey dc ob yn stuhme esde l l2e3r sB, CmMo r en at thuar na ! 4g4a, 0s . BSCi nMc eg a6 s7 , 8i s Ba Cv aMi l agbal es ii ns tahvea mi l aabrl ek eat n d nu so ewd . f oNre mc easrskaertyoipnel ar an dt i oi nn fsr a( Ss tar ul ecst ut or e ehl iagvi bel eb ec eo nn saul rmeeardsy, tcoo mc i tpyl edties dt r ibbyu tBi oOnTs Ns y satnedmcsa, nt ob e aholsuosaintgthceomdisppleoxseasl oorfttoheexgpaosrtiemrsp)orOtenrsthaenodtheexrpohartnedrs, .the main gas transmission lines are TSaubmlem1arSyhoofwTsabnlaet-u1rais! gaassfoclolomwms:ittment of BOTAŞ, with gas Suppliers. Scainpcaeciatyn,ninuanlagtausrad! egmasa.nd of Turkey (23 BCM) as of 2004, BOTAS has 45 BCM surplus ( B T O a T b A le Ş -1 's ) Natura! gas Committements Guaranteed gas Contract Natura! gas Supplier (Country) Ouanlity (BCM / Year) duration (year) TOTAL I ENERJi & KOJENEAASYON OÜNYASI 60 80 160 100 4 1 , ,0 2 66 16,0 67,8 BCM/ year 25 23 225 5 20 22 15 30 ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"