Natural Gas Prieces and Ti ght Supply Openi ng the Door for IGCC Power By Victor de Biasi Project engineers and developers are applying current JGCC technology to plan and design 'clean' plants that will be more economic to own and operate than coal-fired steam and gasfired combined cycle plants. Sb apseeadk el nr ss t ai t tu ttihoen 6otfhCEhuermo pi ceaal nE Gn gai ns ei fi ecrast,i ohni gCh ol i gnhf et er ed ni mc ep, roo rvgeadn iEz ceodnuonmdi ce sr aouf sepvi oc levsi nogf gt haes i fUi cKa t i o n tTehcehncoolnosgeyn. sus is that today's technology is sufficiently advanced to design and build integrated gasification combined eycle plants tor commercial service. Examples: * Negishi Plant. Nominal 340 MW IGCC planı in Japan, powered by a Mitsubishi M701 F gas turbine, is averaging %93 power availability and % 77.9 syngas availability. • Hatfield Plant. Engineering, procurement and construction cost tor one of two identical 430 MW IGCC modules, each powered by a Fr 9Fa turbine, is estimated at US 540 $ million. * Technology. Development of wanter quench cooler and desaturator gasification systems lor new IGCC planı designs offers thermal efficiencies up around %42 (LHV). One reason tor the interest in competitive Economics at this year's meeting, says John Griffiths op rf oJdauccoebr ss oCf osnuscuhl teaqnuci yp mwehnot ah er el pbeuds ys edte uv pe l ot hpei n cgocnofme rme en cr cei a, il sp rroejfel ec ct st ebda si ne dt hoen f ae xci tstthi nagt tme cahj on ro l o g y . Shell tor one is working on seven plant orders from China while Chevron Texaco recently completed nmeagnoytiamteioentsintgoastetelinitdsegeasssifaicwataiosnbteeincghnology Business unit to General Electric, an acquisition very significant over the long term. • "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"