HABERLER/ NEWS 11 COMBUSTION SCI ENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR ADVANCED GAS TURBI NES11 , konulu çalıştay, 28-30 Mart 2005 tarihleri arasında düzenlendi . a 3"C d 0 v o M a m n a b c r u t e s 2 d t 0 io G 0 n 5 a s S t a c Tr ie u ih r n l b e c i r e n i e a & s r "a T k s e o ı c n n h d u n a l o u İl T o ç Ü g a y lı A ş l y t o a a r y z, a2ğ8a- d KK ü a a z r m a e p d n ü o le s ğ n ü a d , n i S . A ülçeıyl ımş ı naınİ TDÜemRierekltöKrüültPürroMf.eDrkre. zFia'nrduek ve Fransa Ulusal Bilimsel Araştırma yMaepr kt ı eğ zı çi aDl ıi rşet ak työdr aü , (gCaNzRt üSr)bİisn kl i emnod teor rGl aör k a l p ' i n ve b bi u li n m la se rd l aki yanma süreçleri ile ilgili güncel ve teknolojik gelişmeler hakkında bilgiler vilgeirliilçdai. lAışmyraıclaar,ı uslöuszalül endüstrimizin de konuyla ve poster sunumlar olarak sergilendi. Özkan Ağış (Türkiye Kojenerasyon DF rearnnseağ)i ,) , ACnl taoundi oe CBaevr aatl i e( Tr eU (RFBeOd eMr iEc Co Ai l , OÜ nr liev ae nr s) ,i tİesskie, nİ t dael yraG) , öPkhai ll pi p p( CeNDRaSg ,aOu tr l(eCaNnR) , S , ÖE tmi eenrn eG üLledbear s( T( oI Fr oPn, tFor aUnnsi vae) ,r sPi thyi ,l SK taonpaf od rad) , A(ClmFXanAyaE)A, UK), Khwar Syed (Siemens, ve Bruno Mallaret tarafından sunulan tbai lrdi hi rsi l ee lr dbea, kgı şa, zatl eü rvbsi inzl eyrai nt emkan ,o Ll opj i lteerki nneo lsooj isl eyroi ve t te ür k b an i o r n a l l o e ş j t r i ı i l r , e m d ri o a ğkaol ngual az ,r ı hki dorjoejneenr aysaykoı tnl ı dtaü rgbai nz ve Türkiye sanayisinde gaz türbinlerinin yeri konuları ele alındı. "Workshop on Combustion Science and Technology tor Advanced Gas Turbines" has been organized on 2830 March, 2005. "Workshop on Combustion Science and Techno/ogy for Advanced Gas Turbines" organized by ITU in Technica/ Co-operstion with French Nationsl Center tor Sclentific Research (CNRS), France, has been held on 28-30 March, 2005. The objectlves of Workshop on Combustlon Selence and Techno/ogy for Advanced Gas Turblnes (WCST) were several. First, itshou/d brlng together combustlon speclallsts from severa/ we/1 known research lnstitutes especlal/y in Europe, as s forum to review their work snd exchange ideas. Second it shou/d present sn opportunity for Turklsh counterparts to meet the lnternational speclalists snd establlsh links for future col/aboratlons. The Workshop shou/d expose Turklsh graduate students to a flrst hsnd view of the state of the art in the field and also enable Turkish industry to estab/ish links with lnternstional speciallsts with a view to different forms of cooperatlon in the future. in this workshop, the top/es were Hydrogenerated fuel issues, Modeling lssues, New technologles, Lp techno/ogles and resesrch requfrements, Flameless combustion, Gas turblne-SOFC hybrids, Nature/gas lssues, Hydrogen additlon to gas turblnes, Gas turblnes for cogeneration, Gas turblnes for aerospace and Place of industrial gas turblnes in Turkish energy secenario. -�------------------------- - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - İSDEMİ R Kuvvet Santrali Güç i Transformatörlerini EKOSinerji-GE Multilin koruyacak Endüstriyel kuruluşlara ve d İ a S ğ D ıt E ım M k İ R u r t u a l r u a ş f l ı a n r d ı n a a n h ih iz a m le e ye t e n v e e ç r r ı j k e i a n ü r r ı E e la K t n im O 7 - S i l a i e n d t e i e m r t j i, tr röal en spfaonr mo saut öi şr i yn iöünsettl ei mn erröel ke,spi nai ni çeel l er er ni n 2i maadl ae tt ı n ı tamamladı ve İSDEMİR'e sevk etti. Proje a kT a d ra e p n s t s a U f m o R r ı m n G d a E a t ö k M i r 2 u Y l aö ti d l n i e n e t t Ei r m v ö rle e R nö p s l a e e n s l o i R s b ö u u n l l e u d n A a u i t ly e o o s p r i l . a T 7 m 6 0 7 a1 d1 e/3t 4T.65 0k VR öt rlaenssi fİ So rDmEaMt öİ Rr l eKrui nwi n ektoSrau mn tar asl iı 'nn ıd e k i yean pöanceamk l. i Tö 6z e0 l' lI iak rl eUr i nRd Ee nv roel nasne1l 0RMöbl ei VAs iel et hsei nrinne t hi zal ebme rel esşi ms tee mp oi nret ubüazğel ar innadceankel al er .kEt rKi kOdSa iğnıet ırmj i tİ Sa rDa Ef ı nMdİ aRn Edl ei zkatyi kn De ad ği l eı t nı mv eİ z dl eemv er e y( eS Ca Al ı nDaAc )a k sistemi kurulumu çalışmaları da devam ediyor. Transformers of ISDEMIR Power Plant wi/1 be protected by EKOSinerji-GE Mu/tilin EKOSinerji, that serves industria/ firms and power generation-transmission-distrubition companies, has completed the projeci which is about 2 switcboards including 7 transformer power relays bidded by ISDEM/R and transferred to the ISDEMIR Plant. The swichboards inc/ude totaly 7 the T60, a member of the UR family of protection relays, for the primary protection and management of sma/1, medium and /arge power transformers. The re/ays wi/1 protect 11/34.SKV transformers in /SDEMIR Power Plant. --+- -- ------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 Siemens Türkiye Elektrik Motorları Teknik Hizmet Atölyesi Açı ldı SHii zemmeetnAs 'tiön lyTeüsr ki, i y8eNEi sl eaknt Cr i ku mMao tgoür lnaür ı STieekmnei kn s AŞ Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Martin Krauss ve DE ni r ed kü tsöt rriüy eMl eÇhömz eü mt Al ecravr el a 'Hn ıi nz mk ae tt ıl el ı mr Bı yöl al üamçüı l d ı . AE nç dı l ıüşst at r i kyoenl uHşi zamn eMt laerrt ionl aKr raaku ms sü, ş"tSeirei lme rei mn si z e ys iı sl l at er md ı lreşr ia, l st üt er üsci sül evr ei , tyr ao lfvoel ar irc, i ostiosmt eams lyeor in khoiznmuesutlnedriamkiizvee,rmdiğoitmoriz servis, bakım ve onarım ve jeneratör konularını tdeas ies kbl eaykeı rme ıkn ah eudl aeşf iı ymoi zr uozl a. Tn et es ki s ei ml di ze n1 5k oAmr apl lı ek 2" H0i0z4mteatr Yi hei nrdi eY eTtüerrkl i l iSk tBa nedl gaer st l ia" rvı eE n2s3t iAt ürsaül ı k "2S0a0t4ı şt aSroi hni nr adseı SH ai znmaeyti l veer i TYi ec at er er l itl i Bk aBkeal gnel ı ğs ıi " saaçıhkilbaimd iar "sında bMuel hu mn deut . TAm ü c o r a t k o r i l y r a e is 'd e e , p ö k a o n z e n a u m s r l i u p b n a d i y r a ın a soaldhuikplarına dikkat çekerek "Çalışan ürün mutl aka aşınır ve belli aralıklar l a tamire ihtiyacı olur. Bu B ahi mu z m a y ç ı e l l t ı i y i ç S o in r i d e d e m u k b e . u n B s d u ü og ş la ü ü n r n a c ak e ç v m ı e lı i ş r z m ı i n f e ı a k y a a l k iy p a e t f ı a t ğ e m ı mk ız o ız d y amyadyı .ı ap ot ör ltyf öeymüi mz düez üs oarrut ınr ml a ar ı kçaö mz maeckı n, dhai zymı ze" td e d i . Siemens Turkey Electrical Motors Technical Education Center opened SEi edmu ceantsi oTnuCr keenyt eEr loe pc terni cead/ Mo no tAopr sr i lT8e c h n i c a / , Friday with the participation of Martin Krauss, Siemens Asst. General Director and Mehmet Acarla, lndustrial So/utions and Services Department Director. Martin Krauss statedin the opennig: "Siemens lndustrial Services has added motor and generator themes to our service, maintenance and repair offerings that include switchgears, transformers, automation systems, driver systems. As such, we are getting c/oser to our main objective that is complete plant maintenance. Our plant has Turkish Standards lDnesctietumtbioenr C14ertificate of Service Sufficiency , 2004 and Ministry oflndustry and Trade Certificate of After-sale Services Sufficiency December 23, 2004". 1ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"