As of today 40 % hydraulic potential (appr. 13 000 MW) is in use tor power generation. 50 % of the lignite reserves have been operating to meet fuel requirement of 9000 MW's thermal power plants (114th of TURKEY's installed Power Capacity). 1n 2004, total generated electricity was 1 49 000Gwh ( 149 billions kwh). This production is corresponding to 2140 kwh/capita/year. This figure is lower than the world's average of 2500 kwh/capita (where 1 ,0 Billion of population have no access to electricity yet), and 1/3 of European Union. The share of Cogeneration system in the Country's total is 17 % in production, 12 % in the capacity. Combined cycle plants share in the total generated power is 40 %. in another world, 57 % of the total generated electricity is produced by combustion turbine and steam turbine driven generators. 1.2- WHAT IS THE COGENERATION DESIGN? As you can see from the figure, the cogeneration, is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat by means of the same resource of primary energy (natural gas, LPG, biogas, converted gas). in cogeneration system, heat production is prime factor in the efficiency of the cycle, consequently in the feasibility of the system. Higher heat consumption compared to electricity consumption, makes the system utmost feasible. Therefore cogeneration facilities are installed, closer to high heat consuming centers (lron & steel factory, textile plant, ceramic industry, shopping malls, housing complexes ete.) Thus, the cogeneration cycle efficiency can rise up to 90 %. 1 .3- WHO ARE THE AUTOPRODUCERS? Autoproducer is the legal name of the cogeneration system owner. Up to year 2002, lndustrial and residential consumers were suffered from frequent power interruptions and very poor quality of power. Some industries (like paper, pvc, textile and ceramic) need very high quality of electricity for their process. Since TEDAS (Electricity distribution company) can not guarantee such a high quality of electricity, they had to install their own cogeneration system where high quality of electricity is produced and plant's heat requirement is met. Besides, due to the very high efficiency, energy production cost could reduce down to 50 % of the TEDAS selling price to industrial consumers. Thus, first application of cogeneration system was started in Yalova Elyaf (4,0 MW), a well known textile factory on the South share of Marmara Sea, in 1992. As of end of year 2004, the total installed capacity of cogeneration systems reached to 4500 Mw (1000 time increase). MAKALE/ARTICLE THE FLEECS SYSTEM iNSiDE GENERATOR SET AIA 1NTAKE COMBUSTOR COMPAESSOR TURBI E SATURATED STEAM WASTE HEAT RECOVEAY BOILER PROCESS STEAM EXHAUST STACK BOILEA FEED WATER 1.4- WHY COGENERATION SYSTEMS ARE DEVELOPING VERY FAST iN TURKEY The reasons can be itemized as follows: • Very high electricity tariffs for industrial consumers. • Frequently interrupted, very poor quality of electricity. • Electricity shortage in the system. • Additional boiler to generate required heat by the process is out. • Short construction time (appr. 1 year) • Flexible operation, short start and easy shut-down. • Long and steady operation up to first major over haul. • Competitive investment cost, compared to coal fired plants and renewable energy plants. • Clean emissions are supporting the Kyoto committments. • Respectively low operation and maintenance costs. CONSEQUENTLY LOW ELECTRICITY PRICE AND IMPROVED ELECTRICITY QUALITY in a gas firing cogeneration plant ( Combined Heat and Power-CHP), electricity production cost to planı owner is 4,0-4,5 cenVkwh, whilest electricity selling price of TEDAŞ (Distribution Company) to industrial consumers is 8,0-8,5 cenVkwh. (That means, the production cost of electricity in CHP, is 40-45 % cheaper than TEDAS selling price). Besides, heat requirement of the planı is met free of charge. Geographical factors are also supporting the development of CHP facilities in TURKEY. At present, most generating capacity (both lignite and hydro plants) are situated in the East of the Country, whereas, the major consuming centres are in the West. 70 % of the power is consumed in the developed regions of İstanbul, İzmit, Bursa and İzmir. The greatest part of this power is transmitted through 380 kV power transmission lines, while other cities in the country, get their power from the old 154 kV lines. "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" ♦ ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI I 67