68 MAKALE/ARTICLE Since the cogeneration (in another world, embedded power) is the generation technology of the power where it is needed, increasing number and the capacity of the cogeneration plants in high electricity consuming regions can meet electricity requirement without any additional transmission lines from East to West. 1.5- ACCESS TO NATURAL GAS GRID in TURKEY, the Authority ofthe construction anci operation of oil anci natural gas network is given to BOTAS, by law. BOTAS is a state owneci corporation. AII gas purchasing contracts with suppliers (Russia, Algeria, ıran, Azerbaijan) have been signeci by BOTAS. Up to now, the total of 67,8 BCM/year natural gas purchase contracts with 'Take or Pay' obligation. Contract term is 25 years. Last year the total of consumeci gas was 23 BCM. As you can see at the attacheci pipe line map, BOTAS has almost completeci the construction of country's gas transmission network. Accorciing to construction planning of BOTAŞ, in 2006, 55 cities will have the access to natural gas systems. At present, only 1 O cities have access to natural gas. Since natural gas is cheaper fuel in the market (from heat value viewpoint), existing situation causes the unfair competition in high energy consuming sectors (Textile, iron&steel inciustry, ceramic anci cement factories, glass inciustry ete...) {\,� � . �- t "'-'.,...._-=-------<=---=""'-� LO�Uncı - H�«fl �•PIPdintı,fm1lrııı � ::: !::.'::.����:;:1: s�i �lrıl'Pıojttt - t.ı.ııı ıul o.ı ..ı,ı�ııdt, comhııcıion • tA.VAIIU �ıvl kUNG ttı.ort r,rn,mıl - N.'lttHI GH�i!tfnU-Ul'lılf!rteMCfll'IO • ?l•-IH.Cuı.. GısUrıNrıııou.ıtiSIICf.... a.aııı,.ı•ıııı.c.,.nan cnııtt<MPtııeıırwı 1.6-WHAT ARE THE BARRIERS ON THE WAY OF COGEN DEVELOPMENTS? These barriers can be sumarizeci as follows: • New increases in natrual gas prices. • Surplus electricity in the system generated by the others. • Reluctancy of TEDAŞ in permitting connections to their grid. • Political and legal uncertainities. • Very high distribution and transmission fees. The greatest part of this power is transmitted through 380 kV power transmission lines, while other cities in the country, get their power from the old 154 kV lines. Since the cogeneration (in another world, embedded power) is the generation technology of the power where it is needed, increasing number and the capacity of the cogeneration plants in high electricity consuming regions can meet electricity requirement without any additional transmission lines from East to West. • High interest rates in the finance of CHP investments. 1.7-PREFERRED TYPE OF COMBUSTION TURBINES iN THE COGENERATION AND COMBINED CYCLE PLANTS The biggest CT supplier in TURKEY is General Electric (GE). GE supplieci 34 heavy ciuty, 33 Aero cierivative combustion turbines, 26 Jenbacher type engine anci 1 1 steam turbines. Their total capacity is reaching 6160 MW. (Appr. % 20 of the total installeci capacity in TURKEY). Total 3625 MW capacity was solci to lnciepencient Power Prociucers, 2336 MW capacity to Autoprociucers, 200 MW to EUAŞ (State owneci power generating company). Besicies, in the power generation market, 82 units of Turbo mach, 24 units of Alstom-Siemens, 2 units of Dale, 2 units of Turbo meca anci 3 units of Kawasaki were solci. Appr. 1 O % of the CT's market belongs to the other suppliers. 1.8- ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Cogeneration technology reciuces CO2 emission. Therefore, a 50 MW cogeneration planı (appr. With 60 % of cycle efficiency) can generale only 225 gr/CO2 per kWh. This figure is respectively low, compareci to lignite fireci plant (600-800 gr/kwh), oil fireci plant (500-600 gr/kWh), combineci cycle plant (350-400gr/kwh). TURKEY's carbon emissions have risen in line with country's energy consumption. Since 1980, TURKEY's energy relateci carbon emissions have jumpeci from 1 8 million metric tons annually to 55 million metric tons in 2000. However, this figure is law in absolute terms compared to other European countries. But the fact is that the rate of increase is rapid. in 2000, the energy sector was responsible for 34% of total ciomestic CO2 emissions, compareci to 32 % coming from inciustry anci 17% from the transportation sector. IENERJİ & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI ♦ "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma"