Turkey's geographical situation is also supporting the security of the natural gas supply to the Country and export to the neighbours. Transbalkan Pipeline (14.0 bcm), Blue-Stream Pipelines (16.0 bcm), lran-Turkey Pipeline (10.0 bcm) and LNG Terminal in Eregli (5.0 bcm) provide the security of natural gas sources.ln 2001, the Turkish Parliament passed the electricity liberalization law and natural gas market law aimed at ending the Public Monopoly in the energy sector, and also geared towards attracting foreign energy investments. Since 2003, Liberal Electricity Market is in operation and controlled by Electricity Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). Cogeneration in Turkey has been developing steadily and accounts for 1 7.6% of the Country's electricity production, a share that is set to increase, as more industrial companies become autoproducers. 2. Statistics 2.1. Electricity statistics in Turkey in 2004, installed generation capacity was 37.2 GWe in Turkey. This capacity is corresponding to 192.000 GWh reliable electricity generation, while the total electricity demand in 2004 was 149.000 GWh. lf 10% of this capacity is assumed to be spinning reserve of the system, remaining 15% of the surplus capacity in the electricity production can be considered a cold stand by capacity to meet the growing demand of the next 2 years. in 2004, 40% the electricity production is generated by gas fired plants (combined cycle and cogeneration), 30% hydropower plants, 23% by coal + lignite power plants, remaining 7% by oil + LPG fired plants. lf the same production is divided upon the power producing entities: EUAS (Public Utility Comp.) : 45.36% Autoproducers + IPP : 17.58% Other Private BOT and BOO Operators : 34.43% Transfer of Operation Rights (TOOR) : 2.63% in the same year, electricity export was 1106 GWh while import was 463 GWh. As a result, cogeneration accounts for over 17.6% of total electricity production in Turkey. Figure 1 . Development of cogeneration in Turkey (1992 - 2004) 50004500 ------- -·-·--·-· 4 5 0 0 : §' 4000+----------------......,j,!!lJ.0_, - S 3500,._ ________________.ıoıL 1 .€ 3000 ------------ 2 734 .�OOQ._ :g_ 2500 e 2000,+------------= 2.;:-:; 056 _ 1 560 .g 1 500,+---------.....,..-,-rı ı-- 1 000 500 o+-�-=.....,....ı.....ı...,....L-L,-J'-'--....ı-.L,-ı....ı...,....ı.....ı....,...ı....ı..,...ı....ı.......J....1...,..ı...ı...,.ı....ı.. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 200 3 2 004 Year "Kojenerasyon: Yüksek Verim, Temiz Çevre, Enerjide Yeniden Yapılanma" 2.2. Past development of CHP Cogeneration in Turkey has developed fast due to favourable legislation and Government support. in 1992 there was only 4 MWe of installed capacity while in 2004 this number has reached around 4500 MWe and the share of CHP in total electricity production was about 12%. Almost ali CHP plants in Turkey are to be found in the industrial sector. According to Decree No. 85/9799, Autoproducer is the legal name of the facility owner, who builds the cogeneration plant to meet the energy requirement of his facility. The legal name of this system is "Autoproduction". The model of Autoproduction has been developing rapidly due to following reasons:: O The high efficiency of co-generation which can reach up to 90. O Governmental incentive, i.e. custom relief, tax deduction and investment reduction. O Reduced cost of construction ($/kW). O Flexibility in operation. O High electricity tariff applied to the industry. 2.3.1. Fuels used in cogeneration plants in Turkey, 60% of CHP electricity is generated using natural gas. The shares of other fuels are indicated in Figure 2 as below. l l Figure 2: Fuels used in cogeneration plants 1 ' ! 1 D Naturel Gas■ Coal-Lignite■ Fuel Oil-Motorin □Naplıta-LPG ■Otlıer J 2.3.2. CHP by Sector The Textile, lron and Steel lndustries, Chemical Plants Seramic lndustry and Paper Milis are target sectors for the implementation of cogeneration systems. On the other hand, Organized lndustrial Zones and Gustom Free Zones are best combination of lndustrial facilities where Cogeneration or Combined cogeneration design and technology can be implemented successfully. ', Figure 3: CHP by sector ı11 □Text ile ■ Paper ,D ceramic ■ Food ■Wood ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI I 55