Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 35. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2005) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

amounting to 3122 GWh, ofwhich only 1137 GWh is qualified as CHP electricity. The heat production amounted to 1103 TJ. CHP in Greece has developed slowly due to various reasons: O Warm climate and low industrial base; O Recent introduction of natura/ gas and consequently /ack of appropriate tariffs O mainly for the tertiary sector; O The bureaucratic procedures for installing and operating cogeneration systems were complicated and the technology has not been we/1 known; O The existence of a monopo/istic electricity utility, the Public Power Corporation (PPC), which was not fully supportive of CHP Although in recent years this factor has changed to be more positive. Most of the cogeneration plants were built between 1970-1980 without economic incentives. Since 1990, PPC has converted some power stations to cogeneration mode. Additionally, the situation tor the development of CHP is improving in terms of legal certainty and fuel supply, due to ethleecatrdicoitpytiolibneoraf ltishaetiLoanwdi2re7c7t3i /99, implementing the European ve and the relevant dev 2.2.eClopments in the planned gas infrastructure. HP by sector e t c Rh l o e e e n f c i i r t t n i r n ge ic u o r a o i o e l u d s c s a p a o p o re p a w e ce t r i h t a r y e - t t . i o o m T - n h h o , e e s t a h t r t e i e m r i a r a p s t c i o o o h n r s e t a . a t n O o p t r n f s t u h t e e h i c s l e t ( o s r or u e t c f i h n i c n e e e tr e s r h yr s a m b i n s s y d p t o , h r t f o e h C d i e r u H t c o P t o s )d and sVs eteucrdyt oi efrsei wst ot ihrness tpamel locasi tftii oci nmpspr ooej rxet iacsntt st i nihnat ht eer mc os mo mf neur cmi abl esr eocft oCr H. CP apsl ea n t s . ve shown that cogeneration investments in this sector are not viable, unless the produced 6% P14ub%lic sector Nm o e n t a l f s er 7 r % ous C1 7h%emical Figure 1 : CHP by Sector in Greece 4R6e%fineries RESEARCH / ARAŞTIRMA dCh euHar iPtn gfpr ol tahmnet sCs ui HsmPgmep enl are. nr a7t st0e%i ds bao yfl s tot hh eeu sgperudobstl si oc reslceeoccott orl ii nrc; ag hl opowuuretppoust ef sr o m ver, their CHP electrical output with heat recovery accounts tor only 7% noof nth-iCsHpPerecleencttarigceityw. hile the remaining production is 2.3. CHP by fuel type woNpai t eht ur arsathel adgr eabsyo fi Ps 5Pt8hC%e, tfbuouerr lnaoul iftgocn-hiptoer iocadenu tcdoeprr srI oP' fPuse l ai nn pd uat . u tAo -f pe rwo duunci tesr , s , vide OH in the northern part of the country. Oil is stili widely used as fuel tor CHP. 1 Table 1: Operational CHP unit's capacity by fuel type Maximum capacty Production Fuel Type of Electricity Heat Electricity : Heat lnput Number fuel CHP Gross �Solid MW MW Net I ECHP I Gross I N t TJ MW GWh GWh e of units TJ 1 - 1 147 21321 1174 21844 2 ... --- � �5 120 Liquid 97 _j_ 423 � 415 5178 8075 14 f--- - Gas 1 14 114 368 575 575 5207 10798 18 7061 T TOTAL 245 1 9101 1137 3122 11560 40717 34 in addition to conventional fuels, biomass has good potential rtdheurseei det uobe i st oh mep racosodsnu scCi edHdePr aa npb nll aeunaat lsml y ooi pnu en Grt asr t ei onefgcaei gn. r Ti Gchureel tr uee rcaael , r eawnahdl i rcet hoa rdeys t pTroadbulece2 1 79 GWh of electricity a year. : Operational CHP unit's fuel input and heat electricity production -- -- ---------�------ Fuels L fuel input Lignite and •Gross electricity derived generation products ' pFNrueoetdl hui enc apt i tuo tn Gross electricity Natural Gas gNp ereont dehur eca att i i too nn fGFuroesl sinepluetctricity Other fuel s [pgN reeont dehur eca att i i too nn GFuroesl sinepluetctricity TOTAL gNp ereont dehur eca att i i too nn 2.4 CHP by prime mover Units Public Auto- ---+_u_nilities producers To2 tal 1844 _[TJ (NCV) 21844 1 GWh lrJ TGJW(hNCV) TJ ı :::CV) ! 1 2 1 1 7 3 4 2 lrJ t- TJ (NCV) 21844 GWh 2132 TJ 1 174 2132 1174 10798 10798 575 575 5207 5207 8075 8075 1 415 415 5178 5178 18872 40717 990 3122 10386 11560 Ttuhrebintweso wtyipthesheoaftCreHcPo technologies used in Greece are gas very used by 29% of the CHP sites and the remainder of sites use backpressure steam turbines. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI 47