Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 35. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2005) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

48 RESEARCH / ARAŞTIRMA There are four large district heating (OH) systems in Greece, tPhereloepoinntehsee.WTehseteirrnheMatacceodonian region and one in mes from power plants belonging to the PPC, which have been upgraded to CHP systems. The H(HeAlleCnHicP)AesxspoecciattsioandfeovrethloepCogeneration of Heat and Power ment of OH in the north of Greece, particularly from independent CHP systems with gas or biomTablaes3s. : Operational CHP unit's capacity and production by type of cycle Maximum capaciy Production Fuel j Type of Electricity Heat Electricity Heat lnput Number cycle CHP Gross MW MW cCyocml eb ı n e d o o Gh eaast truercboi nvee rwy i t h 106 106 elnntegirnneal combustion a l o SBtaecakmpr:essure turbine 600 600 t S u t r e b a in m e : Conaensing o o ıOthers o o TOTAL 706 706 2.5. District heating Net ECHP Gross N t T J MW GWh GWh e o o o o 218 664 664 33708 o o o o 693 473 2458 7852 o o o o, o o o o TJ (NVC) al 7766 o 3291 o o 910 1137 3122 11560 40417 of units o 10 o -� o o 34 There are four large district heating (OH) systems in Greece, tPhereloepoinntehsee.WTehsetierrnheMatacceodonian region and one in mes from power plants belonging to the PPC, which have been upgraded to CHP systems. The H(HeAlleCnHicP)Aesxspoecciattsioandfeovretlhoep Cogeneration of Heat and Power ment of OH in the north of Greece, particularly from independent CHP systems with gas or biomass. Table 4: Oistrict heating systems in Greece City Termal capacity of .... the plant (MW) Kozani 67 - Ptolemais 50 -- Amvntaio 40 Megalopoli (under 20 construction) 2U. n6d. eMr etehtei nBguKr dyeont oSThaarrgi negt sA g r e ement, Greece is allowed to increase by 25% its C02 emissions from the level of em sions in 1990, during the compliance perio� 2008 Already in 2003 the C0 - 2012i.s2 emissions were 23% over the 1990 benchmark. Furthermore, if substantial measures are not taken urgently, the percentage of C0 2 emissions by 2010 will likely reach 28.9% over the benchmark, therefore exceeding the target. The Second Greek National Climate Change Programme establishes as one of it key measures in the energy sector the promotion of CHP technology in the ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI ainndussptericaifl icantadrgteerttifaorryCsHecPt.oirns;1 h9o9w0 ever it does not establish , 50% of the C02 emissions pinerGcreenetcaegewseoref Cca0used by power generation. These high 2 em stoprgeaasd isusteheof lignite anidssoioilnfsorapr eowpaerrtlgyednueerattoiont h. eSwwiidtcehing main environmental strategy to reduce em sions, however deep market reform development is needed to make thisaandfeiansfribalsetroucpttuioren. is3. ECONOMIES OF COGENERATION 3.1. Electricity price Prices for electricity purchased from CHP producers are pcaolwcuelrautet idl i t yo,nPtPh eC , baadsoi sp tosf. At hcecsoar dl ei nsgptroi cteh et hdaat ttah efron a t i o n a l m PPC, GEureroecpee hwaitshtahne alovweerasgtedoomf estic electricity prices in €0.063 per kWh (tax excluded), teGhl oee cvstear ri mcn imteyea pns tr 'ti sch ees ohi nca disaul bsaet ner i dna l eapcr troii fcni eco i maa vl i l cey rpraeogdl ei uc. ci Teersda sdaui ctci cohon aradsl l i yn gt ht eo lowering inflation, protecting the competitiveness of esc hen ave nreggr aey l - ai ansrt eet ahn ses . i vl Oi be nei rntahdl ei us saott ti rohi een sr ohof ar t nhsdeu, pet phl eoi scr ttsri ii ntcugi taytt ihoen i ni sh ea xb pi teacnt tesd ot of market develops. PPC claims that, during the pası ten years, !he real price for esi ntl ace rncett rai ai csl lietyy rhai ni tgeGh feroer ref eoc lere tchht aer i scci tdoye !chr ee apsaesd! by ey a2r 7s . 7h a%v. eT bh ee i nagv esruabg e mmercial sector. PPC is obliged to purchase all the electricity from independent power producers (IPP) and surplus electricity from etaoau ctcoho- gpcer oongdeeur nac eet orr ars st oai rst i rase gcd uoi r l ena nct ete dfc ut pen drci ct i t oeo ns t. hoTef ht neh aept i rvoi con el at al oggf efr ei dar et dw bh yi c hP P C . However, the law 2773/99 provides with a special compensation rate for 1 Table 5: Electricity prices for industry Annual Maxi- Annual Avro/100 kWh lndustrial consump- mum Utiliconsumer tion demand sation With VAT Taxes kWh kWh (in hours) taxes excluded excluded IA -- 301 30.000 1.000 9.40 8.70 8.70 1B 50.000 50 1 1.000 9.40 8.70 8.70 ıc 160.000 1001 1.600 8.60 8.00 8.00 - - --• - 1D 1 .250.000 500 2.500 6.90 6.40 6.40 � - 2.000.000 500 4.000 6.40 5.90 5.90 4.0001 6.40 5.90 5.90 IF . 10.000.000 2.500 � 24.000.000 4.000 6.000 5.40 5.00 5.00 IH 50.000.000 10.000 5.0001 5.00 4.60 4.60 ıil 70.000.000 10.000 7.000 4.40 4.10 4.10 .L -� CHP and RES during ten years contract: 1 1 O lnterconnected system (mainfand and some islands): The CHP generator wi/1 receive a compensation amounting far 90% of the energy part in the medium vo/tage and end use tariff; p/us 50% of the capacity part in the same tariff.