56 ARTICLE / MAKALE Tablo 2. Fiııancial suı>port measures aııd type of iııvestmeııts Bulgaria ■ World Bank and European Bankfor Reconstruction.lnvestments mainly in OH pipes and substations. Czech Republic ■ Mainly own funds, EU funds and credits from commercial banks. The heat market regulation ensures a stability of investments Oenmark Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania South Korea Norway Poland Romania UK ■ Constant investments oriented towards the improved operation ofdistribution systems. ■ Own funds: Energy Conservation Programme, and The EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in connection with renewable energy sources. ■ Own funds (government) or EU funds (EU Structural and Cohesion Funds), especially for investments in CHP. These budgets are too low to finance investments in buildings. ■ Own funds. The Public lnvestment Programme is used forlarge projeci and offers grants up to 30% ofthe total investment. ■ Energy Efficiency Fund (used for small projects) ■ Municipal Oevelopment Fund ■ EU Structural and Cohesion Funds represent 4% of the country's GOP. These funds are alsa used for OH and CHP. ■ Municipal lnfrastructure Development Programme, 2000-2004-The European lnvestment Bank (EIB) and The World Bank (WB) ■ EU Structural Funds ■ The 2004 investments are made mainly in CHP (33%) and in transmission pipes (21 %) ■ Grants and subsidies from electricity ■ €1 2.5 million/year allocated for OH sector: covers support to final customers, R&O, use of natura! gas. ■ Own funds: -National Fund of Environment Protection and Water Resources Management ensures grants and up to 50% of projeci costs. -ECOFUNO provides grants for up to 30% of projeci costs ■ EU Funds ■ Otherfinancing sources: World Bank, The European BankforReconstruction and Oevelopment (EBRO), and other financial institutions ■ The main investments are related to large CHP units Own funds, EU Pre-accession Funds, and otherfinancing sources (EBRO, EIB, WB) ■ The Community Energy Programme is a key driver for the district energy sector. Of considerable concern to the district energy industry is the diminution offunding forthe next three years. ■ Capital grands, where the programme can fund as much as 40% ofthe capital costs of implementing a OH scheme, and development grants, where the grant funds a feasibility study ofa potential OH scheme. and security for market operations. apcrocboluenmtsofwahnicdhaadrdereusnsdtehremiimn portance and size of the ing the economy, efficiency and reputation of the sector. it is important to have pol icies in place tor securing a long-term, stable regulatory framework Synergies between private/commercial funding and European Community funds such as The European Structural Funds should be more extensively sought and exploited. Table 2 gives an overview of financing possibilities1 . How to Reap the Full Benefits While remaining primarily a local business, district heating can effectively contribute to achieving major national and European Union energy policy objectives. For the new EU MEuermobpeear nStUanteios,nfDulilreacntdiveesffe(ic.eti.veD implementation of irective 2004/008/EC on the Promotion of Cogeneration) can be expected to support the modernization process. However, to reap the full benefits of the existence of large-scale district ehneeartginyg asnydstneemigshibnoturrahnosoitdiopnocountries, European U n i o n licies need to take full ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI Technical, institutional and economic aspects should ali be addressed as part of board restructuring and modernization initiatives. NOTES 1. District heating and cooling. Country-by-country survey 2005. Euroheat & Power. For more info, see www.euroheat.org, section publications, ar e-mai/: nore/a.constantinescu@euroheat.org 2. 'Prices in European District Heating Systems', August 2004, Sven Werner, 9th lnternational Symposium on District Heating and Coo/ing, Helsinki, 30-31 August 2004. 3. Coming in from the cold: lmproving District Heating Po/icy in Transition Economies, M. Evans and E. Douraeva. lnternational Energy Agency 2004, Paris.