Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 36. Sayı (Eylül 2005) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

tt ii pp sarnudb bciansgi nagg. aRi nesdt ut hcei n gc at shiinsgc. lBe ayr aa np pcley icnagnarne saublrtaidnatbhlee bc ol aadt e idnegs, i gs onme de t rou br eblienags ceafni nbeewt eo al err, adt eedb.r iTs hwe hai lber ac daau bs ilne gc onaot iwn gesa raor en ltohsesbe lsa ddeu se. tAo bg aa lsafnlcoew nl eeaekdasgteo abnedstthr uocske bdeutew et oe nf r iecftfiiocni eenfcfeyc t s . Aerodynamic design of ali components Tc ahne hoepltpi mr iezdaut icoen i onft etrhneaal leorsosdeysn. aHmoiwc edveesri g, nt h eo rf ea l l c o m p o n e n t s is an optimization c pst o r a o m b c b i e li u s ty s s t r o i a n r n v w g o i l l e l v . i e n id c t . r m e F a a o s y r e e a e x ls f a f o ic m i ie n p n f l l e c u, y e r n b e c u d e t u m c th in a e g y p a p o l r s s e o s s i r s b e u il s r it u e y l ! l o o in f s h s a a i s n v m in th a g e l le r efficient cooling systems, especially in the first turbine stage. inlet air filtration Tt i chuel aot pe emr aat it nt egr caonndd ci t hi oenms i cwai lt hi imn pau rgi at i es st ui nr b ti hnee ac iar na mn da fkuee lp ad ra m ­ at og et h et h eb l ab dl aedse so r obf yt hceo rt ruor db ii nnge , aeni tdh ee rr obdyi ncgo l tl he ecmt i n, gwahni cdh srt ei cdkui nc ge s b th in ei e r . eCffoencstiveeqnueesnst lay, ndth de ecglreaadnelsin tehses eofffi ctiehne cayi ro fa nthde fguaesl utusred has a major impact on the amount of maintenance required. There are two basic solutions to this: coaling the turbine blades so that they can better resist this degradation; and preventing the impurities from entering the turbine in the first place. tion of the impurities frominleent taeirrinfigltrtahteiontuwrbiilnl ep.reHvoewnteavepr,r ofpiltorar ­ tt ii oo nn sayl ssot egme,n reer saul llyt i nr eg s iunl t as il no sas porfeesfsfiucri ee ndcryo. pAas car ogses ntehrea lf irl tur al e , the more effective the fil late matter, the greater thtreatpiornesssyusrteemdroispaat crreomssovthineg spyasrtteicmuat i onnd shyesntceem t ht oe mg raexai mt eirz et h et h ed rfoi rps ti na nedf f imc i ei nnicmyi.z eD et hs ei g ns iencgo nadf iilst r aa complex compromise. Precise selection will depend very ah eiraivnilleyt ofinltrsaittieo-nspceacnifbice otpoeurnadtining CcOonSditions. More de tails on PP March-April 2005. Particles that stick to blades and vanes cause blade touling. These interfere with the smooth flow of the air stream, ing in a reduction in the mass flow through the turbine. r F es o u u llt ing ae fl sf i co i ednecgyr .a Fd eo su l itnhge heaf fse ct ot i vbee pwr eassshuer de ar awt ai oy, ba yl s os pi rma py ai ncgt i nagl i oq nu i d from a set of nozzles installed upstream of the inlet. The liquid tcoal ll oawcst i ot nh ebay i rt hset r ewaams h, ianng dl i mq uei dc hrae nmi coavlems ot hvee md ee pn ot ss iat sn. dWcah es hm i ­ ing can be carried out either on-line or off-l ing is not as effective as off-line washing, biunteh. aOsnt-hlineeawdvaasnhthaagseathat the turbine is stili generating power. On-line washing lso been criticized tor causing erosion damage. c li a t i e t s e n h co d y u e ; l g d i r t a b li d m e a i nt t i s o o t n a enddt hr eadt ui ncleest at hi ref illot rsast i oonf edfofiecsi enn' tc yi n fcrroema speaer tfifci u ­ . Areas of Development Tr ehgear red at roe aseervoedryanl aamr ei ca si mo pf rroevsee ma recnht sb, epi nagr t iccau rl ar irel yd wo ui tthwr iet hl a t i o n to the use of unsteady effects. One major field is the potential ARTICLE / MAKALE ionfcsrteaatosrecolofcakibnogu. tN0u.merical analyses have predicted an efficiency 5% tor an optimal clocking position. a s E h s x o p p w e e c r n i t m p o e r f o n t m t h a e i l s u i i n n n g v s e t r e s e a t s ig d u a y lt t si f o l , o n e w s s p i p n e h ce c i n o a m o lly m p t r e o e n r s o s a n o x r i t s a h la a t t n u i r d s b t i u u n n r e d b s e i . n r A es n o h t a h v e e r isnt va et os rt i rgoawt i obnl ai sd et hs e. Tahxei a pl os pt eanct ii an gl i nb ce rt ewaeseen i nt h ee f rf i oc ti eo nr cayn dh at hs e been estimated at about 0. 5%. However, approaches based i e o s x n n c p i e ta e e t r d i i o e o n d d o i b c f e u t t h o n e r s e t b e t la h a d e d e y y s c e a a ff n n e d b c v e ts a u n in s e e c s d r . e F i a n u s i r e n th dt e u h r s e t in r r i v a is e l k s a tp o ig p f a l i v c ti i a o b n t r i o a i n n ti t s o o . n t hese Another research activity is in 3D optimization. The vane and blade shapes combined with 3D side-wall contouring have bOepet inm iszhi onwg nt hteos heacvaen al egar de at to i ma psai gcnt i foi cnasnet ceof nf i cdi ae rnyc fyl oiwn clroesassees. . Tc yhcel rees ,i ss uacl sho aws o'ri ks obt he ei nr gm ac al ' rcr ioemd po ruet sosni o nn e, wi n vaonl vd i ni mg pcrooovlei ndg i n tsheemci -ocml o ps reeds scoyrc, l es se. qOu ennet i oafl ct hoemmb uasi nt i of an c, tboor st t ocmo mi npgl i ccay tci nl egs aal nl d this research is that none of the actions can be considered in isolation. Each effects the functioning of the gas turbine as a whole. For example, a change in the load distribution inside the turbine will influence the hot gas pressure the exit pressure of the cooling system, the cooling air mass flow the balance of mass flow inside the secondary air system, and the extracted mass flow from the compressor. One also has to look at the efficiency of the gas turbine across a wide operating range and compare this with the likely operating regime that the turbine will be under. lf the turbine is a base-load engine that will operate within fairly tight conditions, it can be ho ap tsi mt oi zoepdetroart et huonsde esr pdeicf fi ef irci ncgolnodai dt i ocnosn. dl fi t, i oo nns ,t hteh eont hi et rmhaaynbde, i t betl m is o e r xe e p r s e t t c o a t r b e t l d h e e t o h v ta u e t r rb t h i t n h e e e i n t w o c h r h e o a a le v s eo paelroawt ienrg dreasniggen. ei ft fitchiee nlocnygt ht eart mis, i t ing costs tor tossil fuels will allow techniques that are currently considered not to be cost et ef cf ehcnt iivqeu et so wb ei l cl odmr i vee et ch oe ngoams i ct uarl lbyi nvei a tbhl ee r. mMaol sct yocfl e t thoe ms eo r e co lfousseilnygr eisnet emr cbol eo ltihneg Ci na rtnh eo t ccoymclep.r eTshsi so risn t ar onddu ci necsr et haes ipnogs st hi bei l i t y level of sequential combustion in the turbine. The increasing cusoest ooffatoltsesrinl afutievleisfuaelso likely to drive moves towards increased ls, which will require greater fuel flexibility from turbines. This will in turn require turbines to be able to operate raeccr oo ns ss i da ebr r ot haed ebrarl aanncgee ooff vc eo rnyd iht iiognhs ,efmfi caikei nn gc i ei tsnaetc es spseacri fyi ct o conditions with high efficiencies across a range of conditions. i' Nt iast upr earl hgaapss cwo omr tbhi nneodt-i cnygc tl eh at te ac hrneopl oo rgtyf rhoams bt heee nE Uc osnt at i nt euso: u s l y improved over that last 20 years. Further increase of efficiency depend on gas turbine development, such as increased turbine w ili n m a le t i e t t s r t, - e s am t n e p d a e m ora n c t l u y y r ce s l m e a ia n n l d l a i b m c la p o d r m o e v b c e in o m e o d e li n n c t g s y c t in e le c e h is f n f i a o cl l i o e m n g o c ie s y s t . a a T r t e h i tse e xppheycstiec da l sthteroaumghtutrhbeiniembprlaodveesm. ent of components such as pumps and ' 4 ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI