Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 37. Sayı (Ekim 2005) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

The newest power asset is green and it's liquid. it can be ordinary cooking oil - palm oil, for example - but other vegetable oils are being exploited as well. Local authorities now offer "green certificates", encouraged by EU directives and the Kyoto Protocol. Power producers taking advantage of these can be sure of the commercial success of their liquid biofuel-fired plant. Wartsila power technology is based on medium-speed reciprocating engines that guarantee very high overall plant performance. Typical plant size is 1 -50 MW. Combined heat and power generation with no sulphur or CO2 emissions makes the Wartsila green energy solution increasingly attractive. With over 20 years of experience and more than 30 GW of installed power plant capacity all over the world, Wartsila is turning oils, gas and biomasses into pure power. For more information visit www.wartsila.com Wartsila Enpa Dış Tic.A.Ş C WA�TSILA T AM u n e z k r l a k a r e a O z O ff W ic f o i e s r : k : s S A h ü y o l d e p ı y n : t m İ e v a p e n e d S i M k e a Ob h a r . g C T a e n a r i d z s. e a N n S eo a l : e 4 n r a 8 y M B i, e J v S K k . 5 P ii, . l E a G z m a 5 i n A 0 e . l s B o Klo k ü k . ç , Ö ü Z k z e e Sm k a i İ n n ş a K y M a i e t S r i B k t e e e ş s z i i i k D Y ta a B ş p, l . oK İ k o s t p N a ., n o O b .5 u s - l t 6 , i ,TTuurzklea y, ,İ sTteal n. b+u l9, 0Tu2r1k2ey3,2T7e l1. 5+3900, F2a1x6. 4+99302 92 12213, 2F7a x1. 5+3950 2 1 6 4 9 3 2 9 2 0 m 692 Sok. No: 17-19 Ankara, Tel. + 90 312 395 72 48-50, Fax. + 90 312 395 72 51