62 ARTICLE / MAKALE pn ee rscseenst (o1f7t optearl ceemn ti )s, sai onnds ,a gh or i cuuslet uhroel d(s1 Oa npde rscme an ltl) . b u s i t pPruorjcehcat -sbi na gs eedmi ni ssstirounmcernet ds :i t sC Dt hMr o u( ignh dKe yvoetl oo p' si nf gl e xci ob ul en t r i e s ) and JI (in other industrialized countries). The price of a tonne of CO2 emission will be a function of supply aa lnr de addeymqaunodt e, apsr i ci ne sa nf oy r ostmh earl l f rqeuea nmt iat i rekse to. fMaal l rokweat ni ncteesr mo fef ed ri aerdi e, so r bid with a current price of E 20 per tonne CO2 (May 2005) 2. c3oausnhtoriwess agrroeuenndhothuseewgoarslde. m3bissions per GDP for selected 4} illustrates the change in 2 ag 0 g 0 r 1 e . g 3 a c te greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 5 ) shows the burden sharing targets for greenhouse gas using 1990 as the base year. 3d5) compares the total yearly CO 2 emission per person in different European countries. Effect on Companies Tp hl aen t 1s2, ,o0i 0l r0e fi ni nset rai lel ast, i ocnosk ec oovveernesd, bi r yo nt haen Ed TsSt e ei nl cpl ul adnet sc, oamnbd ufsatci ot on rTi ehse mn uamk ibn egr coefmceonmt ,p ga nl ai se ss , al ifmf eec,t ebdr i cbky, tcheer admi r ei ccst i, vpeuilsp oabnvdi opuaspl ye r . sEmv eanl l etrh, oausg lha rNg Ae Pc os mv ap rayn fi er os mh acvoeu nmt rayn yt o i mc opuancttreyd, tphl ea nct os .m[ 2p ]a. n i e s covered by the ETS had to submit a record of their CO2 emissions by January 2005. As a first deliverable, they must submit a 2 2 2 1 2 1 0 9 18 17 ON 1 16 5 14 Q) 13 § 12 o 11 � 10 Ti me (October 2004-May 2005) 2. EEX (Europeaıı Eııergy Exchaııge) CO, price iııdex (ji-oııı October 2004 May 2005) soıırce /ı11p:/!www.eex.de • 3. Eıııissions cıııd ıargeıs of EMS participaıııs . Switzerland - Japan - SwedenFranceUK .... ltaly� Gremany � USA Portugal Canada Australia Poland Czech Republic o 0.5 1.5 kg CO, eq / $ 3a. Greeıı lıouse gas e111issio11s per GDP 2.5 s2u0f0f5icibeyntAnpurmil b2e0r0 6o.f laf lalowcoamncpeasnyt odecolivveerrsetmooissfeiownsordnuoring n aa o n llo d n w - t d h a e e n l i i r c v e e re s r s e , p d a e p a ct l e l iv o n e w a l a i t n y n d c ou e s f t w E rie il 4 ls 0 b . T e (f h o i i m s r p t w h o i e l s l e b p d e e r b ii n o y c d r te h 2 a e 0 s 0 e m 5 d e - 2 t m o 0 b0 E e 7 r) 1 0 s p 0 t e a r f t o e r 2 nth u ,5 e m 0 pb 0 e e r p r io l a od n f t 2 p s 0 l a a 0 n r 8 e ts - 2 c c0 o o 1 v v 0 e e . r r e e in d d , l a w te rg h n e d ile r s m i t n o e mm ra o b n s e g t r e o s t f h t r a o e t m r e s m 5 b e 0 e m tt o w b e 4e r e 0 n s 0 t. a 1 t, e0 s0 0t hteo Portugal Canada Australia USA Japan ltaly Switzer!and France Sweden UK Gremany Czech Republic Poland -40 -20 -- o % l 20 40 3b.Clıaııge in aggregate greeıı lıause gas emissioııs iıı tlıe period /9902001. Soıırce: Report 011 tlıe ııatio11al G!-!G iııveıııoıy daıa.fı-0111 A1111ex ı Parıies (FCCC!SBSTA/2003//4) Portugal Greece Spain lreland Sweden France The Netherlands ltaly Belgium Switzerland UK Austria Gremany -30 -20 -10 o % 10 20 30 3c. B11rde11 slıariııg targeıs for greeıılıoııse gas eıııissions ıısing 1990 as tlıe brıseyeaı: Source: IEA 2004. Sweden Switzerland Portugal France Spain Austria ltaly Greece ' The Netherlands 1 Gremany UK Belgium lreland o +- ' 2 . - ' 6 8 12 14 ton CO2 / capita 3d. Year/y CO, emissioııs per persoıı iıı d!!Jereııı Eııropeaıı coııwııries Soıırce: IEA 2004 ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI · KASIM I ARALIK 2005 Ali. "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"