--- ( SÖYLEŞİ / INTERVIEW Mr. Mithat Rende, Assistant General Manager of Energy, Water and Environmental Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 1f the Samsun-Ceyhan Project is actualised, Turkey will prove that it is a transit country in the northernsouthern axis as well We have discussed with Mr Mithat Rende, Assistant General Manager of Energy, Water and Environmental Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the national energy supply security strategy of Turkey in /ine with its efforts towards becoming a transit country in the northem-southem axis as we/1, in addition to being the eastem-westem energy corridor recently, and its role and influence in the global energy supply security. Mr Rende, who stated that ensuring energy supply security is directly related with national security, stated that in case Turkey actua/ises the Samsun-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline Project, it wi/1 prove that it is a transition country not on/y in the eastem-westem axis, but also in the northem-southem axis. Rende made the following explanations conceming the energy po/icies in Turkey: "Turkey's energypolicy has two main aspects. One of them is what needs to be done to meet the long term energy requirements and need. Second is the roles that Turkey has undertaken on a global basis. Therefore, our energy policy has two elements. We have initially started an important activity in order to ensure the national supp/y security of Turkey. The issue of meeting the Turkish power requirements in the 2025's, that is, 20 years from now, and how this requirement wi/1 be met underlies this activity. When we estimate the population for those years, the /eve/ of industrialisation and urbanisation, the figures revea/ a requirement for Turkey. The ca/cu/ations made for meeting this requirement reveal that a new capacity of 54-55, 000 MW is needed in addition to the current capacity. Accordingly, Turkey wishes to add variety to the current energy resources and to use its own national resources in the most effective manner possible, which means: it is of utmost importance that Turkey uses its strong and renewable hydro energy potential in a more effective manner. Currently, Turkey can only utilise the 35 per cent of its hydro energy potential. What we want is hydro energy to exist more in the energy mix from now on. Furthermore, we need to use new technologies in order to make better use of other renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal energy, and coal potential, which is one of our national wealth sources. We also wish to develop the nuclear energy potential, which is partially inexpensive, without any release of carbon dioxide, and which is claimed to sustainable as far as the environment is concemed. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI • OCAK/ŞUBAT 2006 30 Dışişleri Bakanlığı Enerji, Su, Çevre İşleri Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Mithat Rende: 2006 Yılında Samsun-Ceyhan Projesi Gerçekleşirse Türkiye, KuzeyGüney Ekseninde de Transit Ülke Olduğunu Kanıtlayacaktır Röportaj ve Fotoğraflar: Şerife Yılmaz Son dönemde doğu-batı enerj güney ekseninde de transit ülkei okolmriadyoırhueydaenında aynı zamanda kuzey fleyen Türkiye'nin bu hedefe ugl laoşbma al se ın ieçrijni auryz gguül avme na lyi ğa i nkdo eykdiurğoul üu vl ues ea tl kei sn ienrij iDaı rşzi ş gl eürvi eEnnl ieğrji i s, tSr au ,t e Çj i se vi ri lee İşleri Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Mithat Rende ile konuştuk. Enerji arz giüfavdeen lei ğdienni nRseanğdlea,n Tmüarskıinyıen' nui nl uSs aa lmgsüuvne-nClei kylhe adno ğ r u d a n b a ğ l a n t ı l ı o l d u ğ u n u Petrol Boru Hattı Projesi'ni g e rkçuezkel ye ş- gt iür mn eeys ie hk as lei nn idned es addee cbei r dgoeğçui ş- büaltkı eeski soelndiunğdue nduekğai ln, ıat lyanyıazcaamğ ıannı d a vurguladı. •Türkiye, enerji arz güvenliğini ülke ve kaynak çeşitlendirmesi ile Avrupa'ya gaz ihraç edilmesi üzerine oturtmuş görünüyor. Bu strateji ne kadar sağlam? Önümüzdeki dönemde bu politikalarda değişik açılımlar gündeme gelebilir mi? Tn üi mr ki ivyee ' inhi tni yeanceı nr j ıi np ok al i trişkıal as nı nmı na iskı i itçei mn ey al upnı l smuar us ı vgaer .r eBki rei nncl ei sri. uİ kzi un cn i vs ai dd ee l iTeünrek ri yj i eg' neirne kdsai vh aar ç. Bo ku ngul opbeakl dçüozkeyyedred eü sdtul eynmdui ğşi or ol al lbeirl.i rDs ionliazy. ıHs ıeyml a Db iızş ii mş l eerni eBraj ikpaonlıimt i kı za mh eı zmı n di kei Ea ny ea rğjıi ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanımız bu konularda değişik vesilelerle açıklamalar yaptılar. öb anşclealtiıkl ml e ı şT üdrukriuy me ' ndian. kBeun dçiaul ıl şums aal laarrzı ngtüevmeen ll ii nğ di nei ndsea ğ2 l0a2n5m' 1 iaysı ıl liaç ri nd aö,nyeamnlii bb ui r nçdaal ınş m2 0a vy aı l rs. oOn r ay kı l li aTrüd rakki yi en' ün ifnu seunme ruj izi ,h tsi yaancaı yvi lee bş mu ee ndeür j zi iehyt iiy vaec ı nş eı nhni ral esşı lmk ea r şhıel asnaap c ea dğ iı l dh ui ğsi un ds ue ♦"AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"