Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 39. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2006) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

MAKALE / ARTICLE TOWARDS AN EFFICIENI' EU - INI'ERNAL ENERGY MARKET Europe is currently seeking to re-launch its economic growth and competitiveness in the context of the renewed Lisbon strategy. A reliab/e electricity and gas service at acceptable prices is a key driver of economic performance, especial/y in an environment where global energy prices are increasing. it is now one year since the new Directives far electricity and gas should have been implemented, extending competition in this sector of the economy, u/timately leading to ful/ market opening in 2007. The monitoring efforts of the Commission, undertaken in the context of the 2005 progress report, show that market opening has largely been a success to date. Far example, electricity prices are /ower in rea/ itnecrmresastheasn in 1997 despite recent price far oil, gas and coal. However, much more needs to be done by Member States to ensure that consumers receive the ful/ benefits flowing from market opening. The main cause of this picture is first and faremost the failure of Member States to implement the second e/ectricity Directives in time and with sufficient determination. A large number of Member States were as much as a year /ate in implementing the Directives; others stili have not done so. Furthermore, only few Member States have complemented the minimum princip/es of the directive by additional measures, aimed at making the market work in practice given the specific national circumstances. Therefore, the bal/ is now in the hands of Member States. Member States need to pquuircskuliynand fully implement the Directives, g not only the letter of the Directives, but alsa their spirit. The European Commis�ion wi/1 continue to put pressure on Member States to implement measures that are key to achieving a higher /eve/ of growth and competitiveness in Europe. lf this does not happen stronger action wi/1 be needed. :.,., .., ' SlAND :Et.AND ,..> ..f!ı,' F0ROY.AR �F�ROE ıSI.ANDS \ ) ) 11 , 1 '\ 'JJ 1 1 / ( , ... __, ı, _ , :? l _y 8. 3 0. s ı. (1. 8. 1) Oğ i.� I_I, Sevilay TOPÇU Elektrik Yüksek Mühendisi Türkiye Kojenerasyon Derneği POCCMR (AOSSIYAI RVSSIA Av ev r ruepkaa, bheat l igh üaczüı r ndüa , yyeenni li leemn ee ng Lai yz rbeot in i çs ti nr adt ee j i bs ui lkuanpms aa kmt ıanddı ra. , Öe kz oe nl l iokml ei kg bl oübyaül meensei rnj ii fiyatlarının artmakta olduğu bir ortamda, kabul edilir fiyatlar ile güvenilir elektrik vgb eua zdgaaa y,z öe hnk ieoz lnmi koeymt el i enn rii in, d bei r uke okstnei fokl emt ör ii rnkd uep ykegi r rfuoel akr mambaaenytsai n aki oça ınrst mtı nı radmsaaı ngk tetaer , emnkei ehl nabi t i oar rl uai hnri asbkui rr2ds0eu0rn7. eEsgleeenkçet mrsi kii şn tdvi ree; tam bir piyasa açılmasına doğru yönlenmektedir. Komi r i ş i m lseyroi , npuiny,a2s0a0y5a ial eçrı llemma ef ar aapl i yoer ut l ekrai npisna, mgıünndüa mgüezr çe ekkal edşat ri r ibl eüny üi zkl eöml çeü gd ie vbk eaa mşkalöar ımrl ıı nüodr l daf iuny ğadut al nahur aı ngadö üsr şat eüğrkmmt eüenrk. , t Aeednl eicrka. tkÖr , i kr tnüfeki yğe ait ni tc,l ial ker ıır s, i nag, espr üçi yreaeks öar nlaackr eıanmaarl atç arı l nmi l eap , se ı t1nr9ao9l 7, b garğaalzı loelşatnireacveağnitdaajlhaarınbirtüçomküşnedyenvairsdtiıfra. de edebilmeleri için, Üye Devletlerin gerçeksÜüyree l eDr el ev lgeet lcei kr imn i şbl ei r rçdoi rğ; ub, aDz ıilraerkı ti isf lee, r ihne nuüyzg uu lyagmu al ayma a ky oa n· dma ah is gı nedçam, ebmi r i şyt iı rl .aAvyar ırcaan. ş ts a a a m d rt e a la c m r e ı l na ç a m o ı k u ş yt a ı a r z . r l D a s m a o y l a a ıd y g a ıs a ıy y Ül e y a s e , i yh D l a e e r , v e l d k e e i t r , t e e � u ty g if g e in u ç l m a a m e s g a s a d ır r a a i k s p i ı r , p e ai n y r a s tı i s k p a le Ü ş r y i a e n r it , D la i e l r a ı v n v le ı e , t l s e ö p r n d e l e s e d i m fi i k r l . e ü r Ü l y k ile e e zDieyavldeetl,earinn l,aDmirı nekı tvifeleörizsüenrüi vkeatvarmamoalalarraı kgueyrgeukmlaemkateladriır,. b u nlara harfiyen u y m a k t a n ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI-OCAK!§UBAT2006 ♦ -5-4---1-..=..=...:.:_:�:.::.:::.::.::.:.:.:.:.::.: .:_::.:_:..:.:..::.c:=.:...:.:..::.=---=========-- "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"