Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 4. Sayı (Temmuz - Ağustos 2001) / Ecogeneration World - Cogeneration, Waste Recovery, Renewables & On-site Generation - Kojenerasyon Atıktan Enerji, Yenilebilir Enerji, Yerinde Üretim

Cengiztian SEYİDOĞU�LARI (ELECTglCAL ENGINEER) BAYGAN WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY AUTOMATION APPLICATION AUTHORITY FULL-AUTOMATIC BOILER FEED WATER PREPARATION FACILITY iN THERMAL PLANTS AND ITS AUTOMATION Baygan A.Ş. built the Demineralized Water Production Facilities of six private Thermal Plants, which are at the range of 40 MW to 100 MW in Bursa, Çerkezköy, Bozüyük, Lüleburgaz and Hereke. The Demineralised Water Production Facilities that we set up are working "full-automatically" under PLC control. This article explains their automation system. As it's widely known, in the energy transformation, which starts with the fuel given to the boiler, the most important transporter is the water that is turned from liquid phase into vapour phase. But !his water should be given to the boiler purely and with a high quality. Therefore the raw water supplied from any source should be purifıed and fıltered of the dirt, minerals and salt. This purifıcation process applied to the water is made in The Demineralized Water Production Facilities that we cali as Boiler Feed Water Purification Facility. The Demineralized Water Production Facilities that we set up are designed according to the most optimum system choice for the quality and capacity of the pure water, consumed pure water and steam demand and the raw water characteristics to be purifıed. in the present Water Purification Technology, three main systems and the combinations of these systems are being applied. These systems are: ■ "IX" Resin lon Exchanger Systems, ■ The membrane systems that are called as Revers Osmos "RO", ■ The systems having direct currency (DC) and resin but no regeneration, called Electrodeionise "EDI". Here, the automation system, which is the topic of this article, is mainly chosen as Resin lon Exchanger System. 321 ECOGENERATION WORLD CtJ,Betıerati.o14 Wastt tı Baygan A.Ş. olarak son üç yılda; özel sektöre ait Bursa, Çerkezköy, d a B r u o a k z s . ü ı K nyü d u k a rd , d u L e ğ ü ğ u le i m ş b e u u n z r g 6 Da a e z m y v r e i ı n T e H e r e r a m r l e iz i k k e e S ' S d a u e n , t Ü ü r r a r e e lı t t n i t m ik D l T e e e m ri s i ei n s l e e le r k r a t i r lii P z k e L g C ü S c u k ü u Ü m 4 r 0 e a tn M im d W a T s eı i n l s e d i sa 1 l 0 e " 0 r T i na M i m k W u rOO tt oo mm aa tsi ky "o noul anrua ka nç laal tı şmmaaykı taamd ıar lçal ra. dDı ğeı mm i nbeur aylai zzeı dSa uT eÜrrme ti ikmSTaenst ri sallel er irni ni ni n s u i l e iilsgtiisyionreumve. suyun Termik Santrallardaki önemine kısaca değinerek başlamak TERMİK SANTRAlLARDA, TAM OTOMATİK KAZAN BESİ SUYU • • HAZIRLAMA TESiSi (DEMİNERALİZE SU ÜRETİM TESİSİ) OTOMASYONU y kB a i u y n h a m a n r a l m ı s T ı ı ş e n r g e m a ti z c ik l e a S s r i ı a n ü n r at e r t a t ı i k l l l e e ı n s ri ı n e e d n n e e e ; r r j b i j i u i s l h e i, a g b r a u k z h a a t z ü r a r kn b a ı in n z i a a n n d v ı e e n n r d i l a e a n ç b ı a ğ y s a aı k n ç ı ç t ık ı n a a l n ( t s ı n y ıv d ü ı a k v s b e e u y k h a s a g ı r c ı a n a z k) lıktarüer reet ikl mkeaszianni ds aa kğ il ayra. kKı taı nz aünr de at t i ğe il dı es ı eedni leernj i sbi nu ihna mr , ebkuahnai rk teünr beirnj iiynei hdaörneük şeüt em gü en çüi ­ se an ğe lraj irs. i nNi i he al eyket tr ,i kb eu nh earrj itsüi nr bei nçi en vdier enr he ak ,r eekl eekt tar ilka ne nj eenr jei sr ai ot öl ar rdaek tküur lbl ai nni ınmma eskuannai rk. Kt aaşzı yaınc aı s vı , esr ıi lveı nf ayzaı nk ıdt laan bbauşhl aayr af na zbı un ae ndeör nj i ü tşr ea nn s fsourdmuar .s Ay onnc uank u, ny üekns eö kn eb ma sl i ı n ç as ul t ı nhdaal i nyeü gk seet ikr i lsi pı ckaakzl ıaknl aar av eurlial mş aersai kg eb ur ehkai rr .a Bduö nnüeşdeenn l be uhseur hyaunngçi obki r i ykiany ni t ealki kt al i ns a f saar ığt ıllaı pn, ainç ehr ad mi ğ i skui ryl iul ink t eT en r, mmi ki n eSraanl lter ar dl l ea nr d vaek tuul zl al anrı dl ma an daarnı nödnı rcı lem ma suıt lgaek r es uk irre. tİtşet e , suya uygulanan bu arıtma işlemi Kazan Besi Suyu Arıtma Tesisi dediğimiz Demineralize Su Üretim Tesisleri'nde gerçekleştirilir.