\� 1 ; Wörtsilii France S.A. Marketing & Training Manager Cogµıaati.oııJ Was� ti • eııerat, . PUTTIN TBE FIZZ INTO COGENERATION • A Wartsila- supplied Pur. Energy coge eration plant started operation in Brazil inl 999. KOJENERASYONLA GERÇEK SERİNLİĞİ YAKALAMAK... Wartsila destekli bir Saf Enerji kojenerasyon santralı 1999 yılında Brezilya'da işletmeye açıldı. Bu santral Güney Amerika'nın en modern Coca Cola şişeleme fabrikasına ısı ve elektirik enerjisi sağlıyor. Latin Amerika'nın en modern ve şişeleme teknolojisi ve otomasyonda dünyanın en gelişmiş tesis lerinden biri olan bu Coca Coca şişeleme fabrikası, Refresco Guararapes, şu anda yılda 550 milyon litrelik içecek üretiyor, ancak bu sayı, tam kapasite işletime başlandığı zaman Brezilya'nın Kuzey Doğu Bölgesindeki Coca Cola piyasasının %70'ini karşılaya bilecek seviyeye, yani 1.2 milyar litreye ulaşacak. Brezilya'da elektrik temin etme zorluklarından haberdar olan Refresco Guararapes güvenilir bir enerji kaynağı arıyordu. Kombine ısı ve güç (CHP) santralı bu şirketin tüm enerji maliyetini azaltacaktı. Bu amaçla güç santralı projesine Mart 1999'da başlandı ve proje Eylül 1999'da tamamlandı. Wartsila Brezilya, Pernambuco eyaletindeki yerel enerji ortağı ve Refresco Guararapes'in enerji hizmet anlaşması imzaladığı özel amaçlı "Suape" şirketinin iki kurucusundan biri olan Kombatz Ud'ye bu CHP santralının tüm fizibilite çalışmaları, elektrik sistemleri, ısı dönüştürme ve benzer konuları içeren komple bir hizmet paketi hazırladı. 361 ECOGENERATION WORLD it provides heat and electric power for the most odem Coca-Cola bottling plant in South America. Refrescos Guararapes, the Coca Cola bottling plant in Latin America and one of the most advanced in the world in bottling technology and automation. The bottling plant currently produces 550 million litres of soft drinks a year but when fully oper ational, production will reach 1.2 billion litres, enough to cover 70 % of the Coca Cola market in the North East Region of Brazil. Engineered by Wlirtsila Knowing the electricity supply difficulties in Brazil, Refrescos Guararapes needed a reliable source of energy. A combined heat and power (CHP) plant would also reduce the total energy bil!. Refrescos Guararapes made an energy service contract with a special purpose company "Suape" which was established between Koblitz Uda, Wartsila's loca! energy partner in Pernambuco State, Brazil, and Companhia Geral de Distribuiçao de Energia (CGDE), a Portuguese company with a holding in Caixa Geral de Dep6sitos (CGD). The power plant project was launched in March 1999 and commissioned in September 1999. Wartsila supplied a complete engineering package including the total CHP plant feasibility study, electrical systems, heat recovery and component speci fications to Koblitz Uda. Utilizing two Wartsila 220 SG natura! gas engines at 60 Hz, the Pure Energy plant has a total efficiency of 75 %. The power plant supplies: • 3.6 MW of electric power. in grid mode, the plant operates parallel to the grid, but is also capable of island mode operation. it also has an export-import mode, which is controlled by the operator • 2.3 Uh of bar steam. Steam is produced with the thermal energy from the engine exhaust gases. The steam is used to run a double-stage absorption ehiller for production refrigeration in the bottling plant • 1.6 MW of hot water is produced with thermal energy recovered from the lubricating oil and engine cooling water, and also from the exhaust gas by an economizer after the steam boiler. Hot water is used for cleaning purposes. Cleaner World through Pure Energy Plant from Wlirtsilli The Combined Heat and Power plant based lean burn technology is a major step towards lower emissions and better energy utilization. The Wartsila Pure Energy Plant has a high electrical efficiency thanks to lean burn technology. The "waste" thermal energy from gas engine cooling system and exhaust gas is used to pro duce hot water and steam, which otherwise would be produced in a traditional boiler having much higher emissions than the Wartsila Pure Energy Plant.