NEWS / HABERLER ABB, keeps machinery humming at world's biggest oil refinery ABB expertise is hel owned Venezuelan o p ili nggi at nh te Pset at rt oeleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) to keep equipment in peak condition and maintenance costs down. PDVSA is one of the biggest oil, gas, refining and petrochemical companies in the world, with proven oil reserves of 78 billion barrels, and 148 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. To help keep these essential resources flowing, ABB signed an agreement with PDVSA to improve the reliability of electrical motors and pumps in the company's Complejo Refinador Paraguana (CRP), which at 940.000 barrels a day is considered the biggest oil refinery in the world. lmproving the reliability of CRP's pumps and motors is a key element of the refinery's business imABprBovPeemrfeonrmt satnracetegSye.rvices can help with asset management services that hinge on measurable, sustainable performance results for process and discrete industry customers. ABB consultants first evaluated the selection, operation and maintenance practices of motors and pumps at the site, including industry perf besi practiceomrmaance benchmarking and nagement. Then with a PDVSA team, ABB identified improvement opportunities and developed a reliability eprqougipramme to increase the effectiveness of nt and lower maintenance costs in a sustainable way. ABB's Equipment Perf guar o a rmance Management Service ntees performance of a specific clpuamsspsofaassets, such as motors, drives, nd analyzers, by providing all maintenance and support required to meet operating targets. 1 New Wiirtsi lii factoıy inaugurated in China Wartsil t h e - a r ta pirnoaduugcut iroante p dl a itns ı i nne China, on 30 June. This ne wwW, ufsaxtcia, ttoPer -Ryo f Wartsila Propulsion (Wuxi) Co Ltd is Wartsila's first wholly-owned production venture in China and is focusing on the manufacture of Lips-brand Transverse T o h r t r u usters. Alsa known as bow thrusters nnel thrusters, they are used in all kinds of vessels to help when manoeuvring at low ship speeds. The new factory, which is located about 100 km west of Shanghai, will serve the global shipbuilding market. At the same t c ime it brings thruster manufacture loser to the major shipbuilding areas in East Asia. The scope of business for Wartsila Propulsion (Wuxi) Co Ltd includes manufacture and assembly of marine propulsion products. The factory represents an investment of EUR 6.6 million, and utilizes state-of-the-art CNC machining technology. At present it employs 21 people but !his will be increased to around 120 employees as W pr a o r d t u si ction is ramped up. la operations in China Wartsila has been present in China since 1991 through its fully owned subsidiary Wartsila China Ltd. Wartsila has offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Dalian, and service outlets are located in Shanghai and Pan Yu. Wartsila had net sales in China of over EUR 110 million in 2004 and has now altogether over 450 employees in China, including the joint ventures. Wartsila alsa has licence agreements with a number of Chinese engine works building low-speed marine engines. ABB, dünyanın en büyük petrol rafinerisinde, çalışmaların devamını sağlamakta ABB, uzmanlığı ile, devlete ait Venezuela petrol devi Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. 'nın (PDVSA) ekipmanlarını en iyi şatlarda muhafaza etmesine ve bakım maliyetlerini düşük tutmasına yardımcı olmakta. PDVSA, dünyanın en büyük petrol, doğal gaz, rafineri ve petrokimyasal firmalarından biri ve petrol rezervleri, 78 milyar varilin üzerinde, doğal gaz rezervleri, 42 milyar metre küp civarında. Bu elzem kaynakların sürekli olmasına yardımcı olmak üzere, ABB, PVDSA ile, şirketin, günde 940.000 varil kapasitesi ile, dünyanın en büyük petrol rafinerisi olarak kabul edilen Complejo Refinador Paraguana (CRP) tesislerindeki elektrikli motor ve pompaların güvenilirliğini iyileştirmek üzere bir anlaşma imzaladı. Yeni Wiirtsilii fabrikası Çin 'de açıldı Wartsila, 30 Haziran'da, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'ndeki Wuxi bölgesinde yeni ve ileri teknoloji ürünü üretim tesislerini açtı. Bu yeni fabrika, yani Wartsila Propulsion (Wuxi) Co Ltd, Wartsila'nın Çin'de, tamamen sahip olduğu ilk girişimi ve halihazırda, Lips- marka Transvers İtici imalatı üzerine odaklanmakta. Aynı zamanda baş itici veya tünel itici olarak da bilinen bu ünitelerin, düşük gemi hızlarında manevra yapılırken tüm gemilerde kullanılıyor. Shanghai'ın yaklaşık 100 km batısında yer alan yeni fabrika, global gemi yapım piyasasına hizmet verecek. Aynı zamanda, itici imalatçılarını da, Doğu Asya'daki büyük gemi yapım sahalarına yak/aştırıyor. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI · MART 2006 _,A, -,-s-1-=.:..:.::.:....:.:.__::_:.:.:...:..:.....:..:....:......:..._::..:___ _::_..:___:.....:..:.::_--========== �"AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"