Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 40. Sayı (Mart 2006) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

• J J Hilton İstanbul Convention & Exhlbition Center 1 CC 1 2006 "COGENERA TION iN TUR KiYE DURING THE PROCESS OF TURKIYE'S EU MEMBERSHIP. NEW DEVELOPMENTS" ............................................................................................................................................................................................... � TENTATIVE CONFERENCE PROGRAM 25 Mayıs 2006 09:00-10:00 1 0 : 00-1 O: 1 5 10:15-11:15 1 1:15-11:45 1 1:45-12:45 12:45-14:15 14:15-14:45 14:45-15:45 15:45-16:0016:00-16:30 16:30-17:45 1 7:45-18:00 18:00 Registration Keynote Speech1 Selahattin CIMEN (Chairman of ICCI 2006 Organization and Advirsory Comm., Vice Undersecretary for Ministry of Energy & Natura! Resources) Welcoming Message /General Overview of Turkish Energy and Cogeneration Sectors Opening Ceremony Özkan AĞIŞ (Chairman of Turkish Cogen Assocation) Yusuf GÜNAY (Chairman of Energy Market Regulatory Authority) Dr. Kadir TOPBAŞ (Mayor of lstanbul) Osman PEPE lMinister of Environment and Forest) Dr. M. Hilmi GÜLER (Minister ol Energy and Natura! Resources) Keynote Speech2 Dr. Fatih BİROL (Head, Economic Analysis Oivision lnternational Energy Agencyj Challenges for Energy Modelli ng Dponing and Visitmg The Exhıbıılon / Colfa Break lıınch Keynoto Speech3 Dr. Simon MINETT IDirector of Cogen Europe) 1 . The Deve!opments of lnternational Energy Markets 2. The COGEN Europe' s Revision Studies on �Eu Cogeneration Directive" and Barriers Session 1 Overview of Energy Markets and Cogoneration in Turkey and the World legal Arrangements, Political, Socio-economical and Financial lssues Chairman: Dr. Soner AKSOY (Kutahya Deputy, TBMM Chairman lnd., Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Know.&Tech. Commitee) Budak Dilli (Gen. Manager of the Energy Attairs Oepı. - Ministry ol Energy & Natural Resources) Turkish Energy Policies, Strategies and Effects on Cogeneration İlhami ÖZŞAHİN (Gen. Manager of TEIAS Turkish Electricity Transmission Corp.) The Management of Transmission System in Energy Market and Cogeneration Haşim KEKLİK (Gen. Manager of TEDAS Turkish Electricity Distirbution Corp.l Cogeneration within the Scope of Turkish Distribution System liberalization Murat ERENEL (Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Head of Electricity Market Reg. Monitoring &Assessment Department) Cogeneration Status in Turkish Energy Market and New Developments OJJestionı - Answers Coffoe Break Session 2 Cogeneration in Europe and Turkey during the Proccss of Turkey's EU Membcrship Chairman: Taner YILDIZ (Kayseri Deputy, Member of TBMM Planning and Budget Comm.) Frederick STARR (JRC, Energy lns., Senior Visiting Scientist) The General Overview of Cogeneration Oevelopment in Europe & New Trends Sytze DIJKSTRA IAesearch Executive of WADE World Alliance for Decentralized Energy) Cogeneration in England and legal Arrangements İrem ARICAN (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resourcesl Cogeneration in Turkey on the scope of the process of Turkey' s EU Membership and legal Arrangements Özgür UMUT/ Alper ERCAN (Gama Power Systems) Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Trade and Cogeneration Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayati OLGUN (TUBITAK-MAM Energy lnstitute) The Joint R&D Projects of EU Turkey Coorperation Queıtionı - Anıwers Cocktail Sponsored By O 26 Mayıs 2006 09: 00- 1 0:30 10:30-t0:45 10:45-11:15 1 t :1 5-1 2:30 t2:30-12:45 12:45-14:15 14:15-15:30 15:30-15:4515:45-16:15 16:t 5-17:30 17:30-17:45 17:45-t8:30 Senion 3 Cogeneration, Effıciency and Environment Chairman: Süreyya Y. OZDEN (Chairman of_Wgrld Energy Council Turkish National Committee) M. Kemal BUYUKMIHCI (Gen. Oirector of EIEl•General Oir. Of Elec. Power Reso. Survey&Oev. Adm.J Energy Efficiency �nd Cogeneration Or. Mustafa ŞAHIN (Ministry of Environment and Forestry - Head of Air Managemenl} Envlronmental Regulat i ons and Cogeneration Marcus SCHOLZ !GE ENERGY Env i ronmental Servicesi Emissions and Environmental lssues, Carbon Fi nance...ECOMAGINATION Ari SUOMINEN (Wartsi1ii Fin!and Oy, Power Plants) Cogeneration Gas Engine Planıs Flexibility for Varying Emission Requirements Klaus PAYHRUBER IGE ENERGY) IGCC- Cleaner Power with Advanced Gas Turbine Technology Selda BILGIC !Park Holdingi Energy Efficiency Applications Quııııonı • Answers Coffeı Break Sossion 4 New Technologies in Cogeneration Applications Chairman: Or. Arnold HORNFELO !Head of Energy Commission of TUSIAD-Turkish lndusırialists' and Businessmen's Associat i onl Terry RADDINGS IGE ENEAGY) New Technologies in Aeroderivative Gas Turbines - LMSl 00 Dr. Jacob KLIMSTRA IWAATSILAI Oevelopmenıs of Reciprocating Gas Engines for Oecenıra l ised Electricity Generat i on Thomas HAGERSTAAL (SIEMENS Project Sa1es Manager) Oeve l opmenı and Operating exper i ence wiıh SGT-800 (former GTX\ 00) a Siemens 45 MW industr ia1 gas turbine lor var i ous app l icaıions. Christian OERTEL (Caterpillarl Biogas and tandf i !I technologies Christian ENGELBERT (SIEMENS Product Manager) Meeting cusıomer's requirements - The Siemens SGT-100 quality approach Oueıtıonı • Anıwerı lunch Session 5 New Technologies in Cogeneration Applications Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Or. Mustafa TIRIS (Oirector of Energy lns. ,TUBITAKMAM) Thijs SCHASFOORT (Product Application Specialist, SHELL) Thomas STENHEOE (Wartsila Power Plants) A trigeneraıion CHP planı lor Madrid airport based on large dual-fuel engines Bernard DIENNE (GE ENEAGY) Steam Turbine Cogen applications in Refineries and Users David MARAIOTT ISIEMENS . SGT-300, Product Slrategy Manager) SGT-300 - Evolution meets market requirement Or. Atilla EASOZ ITUBITAK· MAM, Energy lnstitute) Fue 1 Cell Applications in Cogeneraıion Systems lluoı.honı • Anıwırı Coffeı Brıık Sossion 6 Operation and O&M Applications of Cogeneration Systems IRenovation, Efficiency & lncreasing Power) Chairman: lbrahim ERGiN !Head of Energy Commision ol MUS1AD-lndependenı lndustr i al ists' and Businessmen's Association) Ayhan BAŞOGLU !PUPA, General Managerl Mainıeance Experiences in Gas Turbines Haluk ZAiM !Trafo Bakım) failure Oeterminaıion with Partial Oischarge MeasurementSystem and Applicaıions Hulusi Gen. Manager) Online Producıion Planning of Power Plants Hasan Lı-Hı Radiators used in Energy Planıs and Engine Chamber Cooling Batteries Bartolo RENOA (GE ENEAGY) Water Treatment in Cogen Applications - How to avoid costly rnistakes Quutlon.ı • Answen Panel Conference Evaluation of Chaiımen of Sessions and Closing Chairman: Selahattin CIMEN (Chairman of ICCI 2006 Organization and Advi rsory Comm., Vice Undersecretary lorMinistry of Energy & Natura! Resourcesl POSTER SESSIONS lnterview with the Presenlers 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Place: Poster Session Platform � ",tl.!I �==-- il 9 DARUMA EJf(onMobil LıılJriClııtt.ı;, ®GAMA Co,pomııı Fınorıce & Sperinlties E�•trlng ,,.�u.,,, ı,.••ı,,ı � il Rolls·Royce SADELMI e SIEMENS TEDOM :,_---··, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·.:c��-���;�;i�� ·;��-h��i��;-��;j-,���-�;;;;��;.Fi����;��-·M�d�-,�.-.••w�;j;�h�·;·;�:·�;�,·;���-�:;-�-��--�;;�;�•••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••. Chairman: Özkan AGIS (Chairman ofTurkish Cogen Assocation) 15:45-16:15 Coffee Break 14:1 5-1 4:45 Mehmet U. TÜRKEL (Board Member of Turkish Cogen Assocation) What is Cogeneration? Pre-feasibilty Studies and Selection of Technology far Cogeneration Plants and Legal Applications and Regulations in Cogen. Plant Operation 14:45-15:00 Wartsila - Financing solutions far W3rtsil3 Power Projects in Turkey 15:00-15:15 Muzaffer ÖZSEVEN IGE F i nance) Finance Possibilities related to Cogeneration lnvestments ı5.15-15:30 Yvan BEMELMANS (Caterpillar Finance) Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey 15:30-15:45 Elvan İŞ (Siemens A.Ş. lnstitutional Treasure and Finance Departnıent) Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 17:00-17:15 Hakan GÜNAY (Gama Power Systems) Financing Cogeneration Projects and Offers far Turkey AKBANK Commercial Banking & Financing Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey ABN AMRO Leasing Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey O aruma Corp. Fin. Financing Cogeneration Projects in Turkey •ı ■ q�Mekanik � ZORLUO&M WA�TSILA TECHNICAL TOUR 21• May, 2006 / 09:30 am- 1 :00 pm "Visiting of the Cogeneration/frigeneration Plants in Marmara Region" For Further lnformotion and Rogistrııtion Tol 0212 275 83 59 FBK 0212211 3850 E• moıl tnfocu)ıccıconferenca com