Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 40. Sayı (Mart 2006) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

ARTICLE / MAKALE Of course, there is a certain amount of overlap between these items, but that fact merely underscores the significance of integration of utility control systems. The benefits of convergence run to many end results. lntegration examples itTdwoeonb tesi fpt teecr i fui cn deexrasmt apnl de st .h eT hi em pf i ar sctt i os f t iangt eggi nr ga ,t i ot hne, wp rea cctai cne l ooof k t o ying a particular substation breaker for service, and thus tiancdci coamt imn go dt ah at et tthh ee np el at nwnoer kd oopuet ar agteo.r Tmh eu s ts umb as kt aet i oa nd j ub sr et ma keenrt si st o ypically the boundary between transmission and distribution awi nnedtrhetehsupesapsarter, aqtthueei dr eEbs Moct Soh o(frutdrnai ncntasi ot mi no inasl slbi oe nt w) ea en nd tDh eM St w(od ies nt rti ibt i ue tsi o. n ) y and, in medium and large sized utilities, physically as well. When, for example, acs oepur vani rct teei cr, pu tlaharert tsEou Mbi nsSf toaort pmi oenrhabi tmroer oa wfk teahsr e ndoeeueptdeaengdde e. t onTt bh uiesp towanka esh ni -s aoDnu dMt oSi nf many locations stili is- accomplished using manual processes ltihkaenpthaogn teh ec acl ol sr raensdp oenmdai ni lg. Tshu eb sttraatni osnmbi sr seiaokne ro poenr ahtios r sw o u l d ystem and make whatever operational adjustments were needed. Using an integrated system, the transmission and distribution operators both see the same information- tags only need to be applied or removed once. This reduces the amount of paperwork operators need to complete, increases accountability and improves the tracking of safety documents. Of course, the real benefit lies in the utility's ability to provide more timely and accurate information tcMooancnvuaesgrt goe emmneecrnest . oSAf nDoi tsht er i rb ue txi oa nm pMl ea noafg i en mt e eg nr at t wi o i nt h i sOtuhtea g e ystems. Traditionally, these were independent oo rfdoenres aann od t hl oeard- Df l oMwSs dwehai llte wOitMh So pwear ast isopneacl i fmi caatltle r s l i k e s w i t c h y concerned with trouble cali analysis and crew management. Under an integrated system, the outage management function can draw oandvdaantcaedfr ofmautlthelocDaMtiSontoalpgionrpitohimntsu. nSpimlainlanrel d outages using y, planned outages icnof omrbmi naet i osnwfi rt cohmotrhdee rOs Mf rSo mt ot haeu tDo mMaSt iwc ai tl lh c u s t o m e r y provide notification and updates to affected customers via the utility's Customer lnformation System (CIS). Distribution operators can also use network calculations to avoid accidentally overloading a given line while trying to supply customers from an alternate source. Today, the seamless integration of DMS and OMS functions is a reality, providing operators with a single intuitive interface to navigate between them. State of the EMS-DMS-OMS "Union" SSh awi nvceeed beAen Be' snB S' sa vNa ei l at wb ol er kt wMoa mn aagj oe rr ua tni l di t i eNse ti wn ot hr ke MU aSn aa sg ewr eDl l Ma sS ydkraft have already implemented the combined system. The Sydkraft project, dubbed "Eldorado", replaced 20 SCADA systems and multiple geographic mapping systems with a single platform. The resulting cost "Depressed revenue streams, regulatory uncertai nty and competing investment alternatives have all conspired to make uti lity resources scarcer than ever, and as a result all departments are being asked to do more with less." savings are significant in terms of reduced redundancy alone. The reasons these utilities sought out an integrated solution mirror the drivers identified above: better coordination between transmission-and distribution- level operations, better customer service, and improved efficiency. These dobisjtericbtiuvteiosnwciollnctoronltisnue the trend toward unified transmission and ystems, particularly for larger utilities with more complex networks. As the technology continues to advance banendecfoitsstsofctohmisecdoonwvenr,gsemncaell.er utilities too will begin to realize the Where to go from here? cl fotnhveerer giesnac es ibnegtl ew eceonn cteh pe t i nt ht ae tr ersetpsr eosfeenl et sc ttrhi cei tp o i n t o f y customers, utility sharehcilders, it is reliability. Blackouts are not good for anyone. Modern utility control systems like Network Manager offer an unprecedented array of tools with which grid operators are able to identify, avoid or mitigate disturbances before they become widespread outages. However, limitations remain. The next frontier in power systems monitoring and control is a group of technologies that collectively are known as Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS). They are not a replacement for SCADA /EMS/DMS or any of the other aWt apkApeMl i chSai gt uihotl inl i sz ed i ss ec un ss so er sd chael lreed, bp uh ta rsaot rh emr eaa ssuurpepml eemn te nu tn it tos t thoe m . y accurate (to one microsecond) time- synchronized readings of grid conditions at strategic points across a very l s arge area. These readings are then sent to a central control ystem which runs continuous online grid security assessments. WAMS address the time-lag issue by using a tpGhoePi nSct osonaf t t roeorl ll i i gtcei en nt. ot Teht ri emf nr eo, -mswt ahf ame r np- f l puehnaagc shop ror ei nma tdes i anosgnu rat ehs mei t egi nrs i t dst a, ckt hoe emn ea t i ni tt so y can be compiled to present grid operators with a very precise picture of what is happening on the system in real time. More importantly, they can see what is happening beyond their own cinonfatrcot,l aWreAaM- Sa cmaanjorer aalldvancement over current methods. y be seen as a bridge between large tsrea cntsi omni ss soi of nt h ea ngdr i dd i st ht rai bt ui st i oann at hl oagt oi nu tse tgor attheed bsr i d g e b e t w e e n ystems like Network Manager provide. ABB has already begun to deploy WAMS. in the coming years, WAMS are likely to become a common fixture in utility control rooms, and eventually a wholly integrated component of power network control systems. t ENERJİ & KOJENERASYON DÜNYASI · MART 2006 ♦ _60.......ı...=.:..:.: ::..:.:.:...::. ..:::::=-::.::.:.:.�-=:..::.:.::......:::.::.:..:...:.::.:.::_--=========-- "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"