62 net elektrik üretiminde ise ENERJi & KOJENERASYON D0NYASI . MART 2006 i Decentralized generation - in The Economist's apt term, micropower - enjoys an mg epnoerrt aatnetdmianr kDeet nsmh aarrek ,i n3 9s%o mien ct oh ue nNt rei et sh:eirnl a2n0d0s4, , 3572%% i no f t h e e l e c t r i c i t y Finland, 31% in Russia, 18% in Germany, 16% in Japan, 16 % in Poland, 15% in China, 14% in Portugal, 11 % in Canada. Yet it is omitted from many official statistics and projections, underreported in the media, and often dismissed by policymakers as small and slow - a fringe market too trivial to bother with. Surprise! A recent compilation of industry and official dala published in June by Rocky nMuoculenatarinpolnwsetrituinte (RMI) found !hat micropower worldwide has already surpassed both annual output (in 2005) and installed capacity (in 2002), and is growing far faster in absolute terms. rc i nea pp2 ra0ec0si t4ey , naDt seGdn aua dcsdl eeaand r i2pm. o9wp t oei mrr t eaa sdn dtaets ed mcwhuonc rohl dl oowgui dyt pe, u. pt Sr aoi nnv dci de5i n. n9gu t ci 2ml 0ee%a sr oapfsoUwmSeu rca hni sdg oe1 fn6t ee%nr a ot i nf g world electricity, surpassing this benchmark should at last qualify micropower as a serious competitor. RCoHuPg;htlhye6r5e%st,odf ivmeicrsroeproewneewr'sa 2004 capacity and 77% of its output was fossilfuelled ble sources. RMl's assessment probably understates the actual total for both categories. A separate and similarly detailed compilation in press at Worldwatch lnstitute by Dr Eric Martinot (formerly at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, now at Tsinghua University) draws similar conclusions but finds more small hydro because it uses China's definition (up to 30 MWe, not 10 MWe). Neither RMl's nor Martinot's assessment includes big hydroelectric projects. in 2003, the US Department of Environment (DOE) estimated !hat hydroelectricity, very largely in big units and probably omitting many smaller ones, was 20% of world cOauptapcuittylaagnsdc1a7p%aciotyf world net generation. by three years as CHP has a higher average capacity factor !han wind and solar, although some small hydro projects and most geothermal and biomass generation projects also have high capacity factors. Precise dala on the fuel mix of CHP are not available, but WADE estimates it at 60%-70% gas-fired. This implies a CHP carbon intensity probably no more than half the global average fr oa rn gc ee not rf aal irzoeudn df o 3s s0 i%l - f-u8e0l l%e d dgeepneenrdai tni og no, nw rhei cl aht i vi se ceofaf i cl -ideonmc i iensa taendd, wf ui et hl sa. n o r m a l • "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"