MAKALE / ARTICLE How Can We Reduce The Damages Caused By Sharp Natural Gas Price lncreases of Electricity Producers This artic/e has been presented to evaluate the damages caused by high natura/ gas prices on electricity production and the so/utions tor reducing ofthe damages. it was a/so presented to Ministry of Energy and Natura/ Resourses by Turkiye Cogen Association on April, 2006. Natura/ gas prices have been increased up to 56% in /ast two years but power selling price to lndustrial Consumers remains constant (8, 8 centlkwh). With these shocking prices, Autoproducers AND Electricity Producers have gone into coma. Two years ago, natura/ gas price was 16, O cent/m3. The Net (by adding merchantable) Power Production Cost on March 2004 was 5,6 centlkWh . Let's calculate electricity production cost of any Electricity Producer now: • Gas consumption per kwh (tor 48% cycle efficiency) : 0,2185 m3 • Gas price (two years ago) : 26,5 centlkWh • Cost of natura/ gas per 1 kwh power production : 5, 8 centlkWh • Unit investment cost: 1,0 centlkWh • Operation & maintenance cost : 0, 8 centlkWh • Power production cost (gross): 7,6 centlkWh The Net (merchantable) Power Production Cost (by adding %5 accessories' consumption): 8,0 centlkWh We must add power transmission and distribution fees at the top ofpower production cost, thus, we come to total cost at the consumer's bar. which 9,96 centlkwh. (Profil is excluded). Today, TEDAS selling price to lndustrial Consumers is 8,8 centlkwh. There is no chance for Autoproducers to sell their product (electricity) with 9, 88 centlkwh, whi/est there is more attractive TEDAS price(8, 8 centlkwh) in the market. Now, the main question forAutoproducer is: "Whether they will continue to the operation with such a big /ost, or shut-down their plants?" How This Problem Will Be Resolved? • Government should subsidize natura/ gas consumed efficient Cogeneration Plants. Thus, huge amount energy savings can be ensured. • Natura{ gas prices tor Electricity Producers shou/d be reduced down to the /eve/ of European gas market. • Taxes on the natura/ gas invoices shou/d be lifted. • Unfair price competition in the e/ectricity market created by public Utility Companies, should not be allowed. That means, the legal frame work of electricity market shou/d be readjusted and operated in /ine with EU regulations. Şok Doğal Gaz Fiyat Artışları ile Elektrik Üreticilerinin Maruz Kaldıkları Zarar Nasıl Azaltılabilir? Özkan AĞIŞ Tiirkiye Kojenerasyon Derneği Yönelim Kurulu Başkanı Bu sunum, Türkiye Kojenerasyon Derneği tarafından, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı'na, doğal gazda yüksek fiyat artışlarının Elektrik Üretim Şirketlerinde neden olduğu işletme zararlarını ve bunların azaltılma yollarını arz etmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Sunumda ortaya konulan fiyat, rakam ve data 07.04.2006 saat 17:00 itibariyle tespit edilmiştir. Tarifler, Formüller ve Elektrik - ısı Referans Değerleri "AB Kojenerasyon Direktifi"nden alınmıştır. Doğal Gaz ve Elektrik Fiyatları Değişimi syEaıl lednkaatkyr iii kc idyÜeerğeui tşiyci mgi l eul erl ari nideıgğruı aytfegi kkutl eat engraiömnsl Bti eOerl Tiel mkAti Şşr i tk' iı rn.s da ot ı şğ af il ygaat zl a rsı an tı nı ş df ioy laatrl acr eı nnı tn ovl ae r Ta kE Ds oAnŞ 'i ıkni O skDiunol dlğaeannl ı Gl aYraakzrk Foci yl eaanrt atl akkr ıa, arBlşı Onı l mıTk Al ı aşŞr ı vwebeuobl u sgni tmüenuskşi nüt du reM. ne, r Ek el ezk t Br i ka nSkaat sı şı F$ i /yYaTt l La r sı Ta tEı şD Ap Şa r si t iet es i O anGrart amkfaiı kşrtşteı rı nn. , adnol ağ şa ı l l agcaazğı nı üEzl eekr ter , i k2 Üyrı el ti çi ci ni l ed rei neel evket rOi kt ospartoı şd füi ky taöt rl al errı ed se ağ ti şı şmf ei yma ti ış ,%b5u7 ENERJi & KOJENERASYON DONYASI - NiSAN 2006 .A.. 6-0-l- ::__:::__: :..........: ..........::..........::..........: .......:...:..........:____.:__ .......:...:..........:.......:...___..!====== 'W' "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"