• • HOŞGELDINIZ / WELCOME □©©[�@@® Selahattin ÇİMEN Organizasyon Komitesi Başkanı/ The Chairman ofthe Organization and Aduirsory Committee, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı Müsteşar Yardımcısı / Vice Undersecretary The Ministry of Energy and Natura/ Resources Yh üı zkl sı ebki rvşeer ikmi l dl i lei ğyi avyegçı envl ar şemd oa ks tt ua doı rl m. Ba uögzeellilşi ğmi ei l ey ekopj ea nr ael er al roa sl ayroa nk , usyognu yl aıml l aarlda ar ı kt oüjme ndeür ansyyaodna tueysgi sul el armi nai nl a kr ıuür ul kl eu mg üi zçdl eer id2e 0y0a5y gy ıı nl ı nl adş ma 5ı ş0 v0e0 çMoWğ u mk oej er tneebreassiynoe nu nl ai şt aerl iakkt,eTk iüor ktioype 'rnoidnüykıtl löı kr teol epkltarmi k pei yl eakstarsi kı oelnu eş tr uj i rsmi üa ryeöt inmü inndi ne ö%n eı m? ' sl i i nmi essaağf el al eyrai nc akka tbeidr i dl düi ğzi eüyl keegmei zl md ei ş, toi rt. oLpi br oedr aü lk tböi rr eutymgeuklatmedailra. rı yeni piyasa modeli ile uyum içinde, piyasanın işlerlik kazanmasına öncülük Ts eeks itsöl er lredredkei yeanpe rı ljai nk aypaatsı ri ıtme llearriınni feı zni bviel i tr ieml el ir ibniirnşbe ikri lpdaer çdaesğı eor llea nr adki ryeantvı reı mblua röı nz eelkl i oğ in iol emdi kelği ği şi ni ki aBrut ı rnaend ek onjl ee nkeorjaesnyaor na suyyognu ul aymg aull aa rmı , aml aarkı nr oı n byaakyı mg ı dn al anş md aa se ınnedr aj i vü lekrei me lki loi ğni on imai rsti ı rbma ka ıkmt addaı nr . di çai nb ük oyjüeknye ar ar as ryvoanr duı ry. gÜul kl aemmai zl adreı nkı onj edneesrtaeskyl eonn mp oe st ai nvsei yt ee lşi nv ii nk et admi l moel asri aök ndeemğ e ar l rezn de itrmi l eebki ltme de isr i. BKuo nyfıel roanniskıi nvce i sSienrigdi süi "z ye na ll ne dı zi cğai müi lzk e" Uml iuzsdl ea r da reağsi lı , Kuol uj esnl aerraarsaysoı na l, a Kn do ma db ai n öe nÇeemv lri i mb i rvee tÇkei nvlri ek t ih m e a k k li n n a o n e l o s g a j e i ğ s lm l i a n m d iş e a t k i s r i ı . y b S e a e n k kı i t m ö gı r e n l sd iş o a m r n u e , n l b e l u a r r v k ın o e ı n n u f e y v r g e a u n ç l s a ö m sz e ü a k m l t a ö r r ö h t n a e k e m k ri ı s l n e il d r ci a i n le i b n ri i n lg ti a i b r v t ir e ı ş a t ı r l e a m c y a r a ü s g b ı e v e t e i p r e a e n y le l c aki ş t d r ım d iki - ı b n ıs i a r ı ypalartafrolırbmirdruerf.eKraonnsfeişrlaenvsi gsöürreecseinğcineesiunnaunlıaynorbuimld.irilerin ve yapılan konuşmaların oldukça T Cö a n O n e G ı m t E ım l N i v A E e u . y Şro a . p r t a a e r r v l a ı e f o ı T n ld d ü u a r ğ k n i u y d n e ü a K z i e o n j n a e n l n e ı e y n r e o a n r s , y b o o u n r g k Da o n e n r i f z n e a e r s ğ a y i n ' o n s n i ı n n d t a ü e e l k k m n e i m e k ğ d iz i e g e s e t n ç e e e k r l n j e i r h s iy e el r k e k t , e ö T s r e i ü k k n iç u ik i t n Y l u a o y y ld o ın u r c u kı m ç lı a k . Cogeneration applications are widespreading rapidly ali around the world with the aduantages of being higher efficiency and enuironment-friendly. By running paralel with this deuelopment,power generation by using cogeneration in our country also became preualent in recent years and its capasity has reached to 5000 MWwhich is ı 7% total energy generation by the year 2005. in our country .going ahead about creating a liberal electricity market,otoproduction applications in harmony with the new market models,are leading to market to gain interoperability. Cogeneration Applications,which eua/uate the energy capacities of the companies in the most efficient way and prouide them to be more economical inuestments as being a part of the feasibilities of enterprise,increase the energy efficiency {rom a macro perspectiue .For thisreason,wider utilization of cogeneration ensure the beneficial effects on the national economy, too. it is important to support and promote the Cogeneration Systems in order to eualuate the ali cogeneration potential in Turkey. lntemational Cogeneration.CombinedCycle and Enuironment Conference and Exhibition,in the 12 year,became an important euent not only in Turkey but also in the intemational arena.Ta giue a change for discussing the sectoral problems and solution suggestions.sharing the knowledge and experiences about the improuements and applications in the power & heat Technologies, the conference is a crucial platform to bring together the representatiues of the sector. I think that the presentations and the speech demonstrated during the actiuity wi/1 be beneficia/ references. I belieue that the conference,organized by the technical supports of COGEN Europe and Turkish Cogeneration Association,is important and beneficial for our country's energy sector and congratulate euerybody that haue made a contribution to the organization.