Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 42. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 2006) / Energy & Cogeneration World - Enerji & Kojenerasyon Dünyası

ı , • Hilton İstanbul Convention & Exhibition Center ıccı 200& "COGENERATION iN TURKIYE DUR/NG THE PROCESS OF TURKIYE'S EU MEMBERSH/P • NEW DEVELOPMENTS" _,. CONFERENCE PROGRAM 25th May 2006 09:00-10:00 Kayıt 1 0:00-10: 1 5 Selahattin CIMEN (Chairman of ICCI 2006 Organization and Advirsory Committee) (Vice Undersecretary for Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources) 1 Welcoming Message / General Overview of i Turkish Energy and Cogeneration Sector 1 1 O: 1 5-1 1 : 1 5 �penıng �eremony 1 1 5:45-1 6:00 Ozkan AGIŞ (Chairman of Turkish Cogen Assocation) 1 Dr. M. Hilmi GÜLER (Minister of Energy and Natural Resources) j 16:00-1 6:30 1 1 :1 5-11 :45 Keynote Speech 1 Dr. Fatih BİROL (Chief Economist, lnternational Energy Agency) Global Energy Outlook and Key Challenges 1 1 : 4 5 - 1 2 : 45 OPENING and VISITING the EXBIBITION / Coffee Break 12:45-14:15 LUNCH Sponsor AKBANK 14:15-14:45 Keynote Speech 2 Dr. Simon MINETT (Director of Cogen Europe) (1) The Developments of lnternational Energy Markets (2) The COGEN Europe's Revision Studies on "EU Cogeneration Directive" and Barriers i 1 1 6:30-1 7:45 ! i � ! ! ! � � ; 14:45-15:45 1 st SESSION \ OVERVIEW Of ENERGV MARKETS And COGENERATION in 1 TURKEY and the WORLD ı,' Legal Arrangements, Political, Socio-economical and Financial lssues � Chairman: Dr. Soner AKSOY İ (Kutahya Deputy, Chairman lnd., Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Know.&Tech. Comm.) Budak DİLLİ (Gen. Manager ofthe Energy Affairs Dept. Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources) Turkish Energy Policies, Strategies and Effects on Cogeneration ! � 1 ! 17:45-18:00 \ 18:00-..... Halil ALIŞ (Assi. Gen. . Manager of TEIAS) The Management of Transmission System in Energy Market and Cogeneration Haşim KEKLİK (Gen. Manager of TEDAS Turkish Electricity Distirbution Corp.) Cogeneration within the Scope of Turkish Distribution System Ouestıons - Answers Coffee Break 2•d SESSION COGENERATION in EUROPE and TURKEY during the PROCESS of TURKEY'S EU MEMBERSHIP Chairman Taner YILDIZ (Kayseri Deputy, Member of Planning and Budget Comm.) Frederick STARR (EU EC, JRC, Energy lns., Senior Visiting Scientist) The General Overview of Cogeneration Development in Europe & New Trends Sytze DIJKSTRA (Research Executive of WADE World Alliance for Decentralized Energy) Cogeneration in England and Legal Arrangements İrem ARICAN (Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, EU Coordinasyon Department, Branch Manager) The lmportance of Energy Efficiency and Cogeneration in Perspective of New EU Energy Policies Doç. Dr. Hayati OLGUN (TUBITAK-MAM Energy lnstitute, Energy Specialist) The Joint R&D Projects of EU Turkey Coorperation Questıons • Answers Cocktail Sponsor - --·-�-r www.icciconference.com ....••n••••••••....••••..••....u•n•n,.••••••••••••••n•Hnnh-.oo•-••�•..•••...•...................u••••••H..O•.........u•••••�•...,•••••c>..••••••••..•••"•••••••• 36 �