• Jı Hilton İstanbul Convention & Exhibition Center L_ __ ,.::::!;:!t=.��::u.���:.::::.:.::::.:...:.:::.=::.::.:.:: -----�---. "COGENERATION iN TURKIYEDURING THEPROCESS OF TURKIYE'S EU MEMBERSHIP- NEW DEVELOPMENTS" ıccı 2006 � CONFERENCEPROGRAM 26th May 2006 9:00-10:30 3"' SESSION Chairman: Süreyya Y. ÖZDEN (Chairman of World Energy Council Turkish National Committee) M. Kemal BÜYÜKMIHCI (Gen. Director of EIEI - General Dir. O rv EnfeErgleycE. fPfoicwieenrcRyeLsaow. SDurafey&Dev. Adm.) t and Cogeneration Alper ERCAN (Gama Power Systems, EPC Projects Business · , ' : :,_ ! :, : , , , , Development Department Director) Kyoto Protocol, Carbon Trade and Cogeneration Marcus SCHOLZ (GE ENERGY Environmental Services, Segment Leader ) Advanced Combustion Control and Optimization of Coal-Fired Boilers Ari SUOMINEN (Wiirtsilii Finland Oy, Power Plants, Environment Power Planı Technology General Manager) _l: Cogeneration Gas Engine Plants Flexibility lor Varying Emission Requirements . : :\ Klaus PAYHRUBER IGE ENERGY, Technology Marketing Manager) IGCC- Cleaner Power with Advanced Gas Turbine Technology i Selda BİLGİÇ (Ciner Group) ·,_1:',,_ Energy Efficiency Potential and lndustrial Effects 0:30-1 0:45 Questıons • Answers 0:45-1 1 :15 Coffee Break ı 1 :1 5-12:30 4� SESSION ! NEW TECHNOLOGIES in COGENERATION APPLICATIONS [ 14:15-15:30 5" SESSION NEW TECHNOLOGIES in COGENERATION APPLICATIONS Chairman: Asso. Prof. Dr. Mustafa TIRIS (TÜBİTAK-MAM, Director of Energy lnstitute) Thijs SCHASFOORT (SHELL, Product Application Specialist) How Lubrication can Contribute to Efficient Operation of Engine Driven Cogeneration Plants Thomas STENHEDE IWARTSILA Power Plants, Application Manager) A Trigeneration CHP Plant lor Madrid Airport based on Large Oual-fuel Engines David MARRIOTT (SIEMENS - SGT-300, Product Strategy Manager) SGT-300 - Evolution Meets Market Requirements Ekin KAYA (Yalçın Boru, Sales and Marketing Engineer) Leak Observation in Pre-isolated Package Pipes Dr. Atilla ERSÖZ (TÜBİTAK-MAM, Energy lnstitute, Energy Specialist) The Reserch Areas of Hydrogen and Fuel Celi Cogeneration Systems 15:30-1 5:45 O.Uestıons - Answers 15:45-16: 1 5 Coffee Break 1 6:15-17:30 6" SESSION OPERATION AND O&M APPLICATIONS OF COGENERATION SYSTEMS (Renovation, Efficiency and lncreasing Power) Chairman: İbrahim ERGİN (Head of Energy Commision of MUSIAD - lndependent lndustrialists' and Businessmen's Asso.) Chairman: Dr. Arnold HORNFELD (Head of Energy Commission of TUSIAD i Turkish lndustrialists' and Businessmen's Assocation) i Bartolo RENDA (Technical Manager, GE lnfrastrucutre Water & Process Technologies) Water Treatment in Cogen Applications - How ta avoid costly mistakes l Klaus PAYHRUBER (GE ENERGY, Technology Marketing Manager) [ New Developments in Small/Mid Size Heavy Duty High-Tech !, Gas Turbines (Frame 6C and 6FA) ! Ahmet IŞIKLAR (Hayat Holding, Responsible lnvestment Advisor) Utilisation of Waste Gases from a Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant in Hayat Tissue Drying Process Selim AKİŞ (Trafo Bakım, Project and Marketing Responsible) Dr. Jacob KLIMSTRA (WARTSILA Power Plants, Energy Specialist) ,ı Developments of Reciprocating Gas Engines lor Decentralised Electricity Generation f , , , , Thomas HAGERSTAAL (SIEMENS Project Sales Manager) Failure Determination with Partial Discharge Measurement System and Applications Hulusi ŞAHİN (BGM Engineering, General Manager) Development and Operating Experience with SGT-800 (former GTXl 00) a Siemens 45 MW lndustrial ! Gas Turbine lor Various Applications. [ Christian OERTEL (Caterpillar, Technology Department Manager) f Biogas and Landfill Technologies [ Christian ENGELBERT (SIEMENS Product Manager) [ Meeting Customer's Requirements -The Siemens SGT-100 Quality Approac� 2:30-1 2:45 0.uestıons - Answers ' 2:45-14:15 Lunch Sponsor AKBANK Chairman: Özkan AĞIŞ (Chairman ofTurkish Cogen Assocation) 14:15-14:45 Mehmet U. TÜRKEL (Board Member of Turkish Cogen Assocation) (1) What is Cogeneration? Pre-feasibilty Studies and Selection of Technology far Online Performance Monitoring and Production Planning of Power Plants Hasan ACÜL (Friterm, R&D Engineer) Lt-Ht Radiators used in Energy Plants and Engine Chamber Cooling Batteries 17:30-17:45 0.Uestıons- Answers 17:45-18:1 5 PANEL Chairman: Selahattin ÇİMEN (Chairman of ICCI 2006 Organization and Advirsory Committee) (Vice Undersecretary lor Ministry of Energy & Natura! Resources) Conference Evaluation of Chairmen of Sessions and Closing 1 5:30-15:45 Elvan İŞ (Siemens A.Ş. lnstitutional Treasure and Finance Department) Finance Possibilities related to Cogeneration lnvestments (2) Cogeneration Plants and Legal Applications and Regulations in Cogen. Planı Operation 14:45-1 5:00 Sytze DIJKSTRA (Research Executive of WADE) 15:45-16:15 Coffee Break WADE Decentralized Energy Generation Economic Model 15:00-15:15 Muzaffer ÖZSEVEN (GE Finance) Finance Possibilities related to Cogeneration lnvestments 15.15-1 5:30 Yvan BEMELMANS (Caterpillar Finance Manager) Finance Possibilities re l ated to Cogeneration lnvestments 16:1 5-16:30 Yıldız BOZKURT(AKBANK Commercial Banking & Marketing Group Manager) Finance Possibilities related to Cogeneration lnvestments 1 6:30-16:45 Bertan YÖRDEM(Daruma Finance, Assi. Of General Manager) FF iunnadnsc /e CProesdsi ti bs i l pi tri oe vs i dr ee lda tbeyd ltnos tCi tougtieonnear la Gt i ou na r lannvteeset m e n t s / 16:45-17:00 Questıons & Answers (_____www._i c_c i co_nf_e_re_n_c_e_..co_m.....J 37