Enhancement in Hydroelectric Energy Manufacturing As A Renewable Energy �w;,c.ııı.;ı.;ı.;.:ı.;;ı Hydroelectric energy manufacturing is an important altemative as an energy resource not being cause to wann wateı; air emissions, ash and radioactive waste like thennal power p/ants and nuc/ear power stations. As is known, as a result of human activities, greenhouse gases have serious effects on climate. Thus, "Climate Change Framework Convention" is signed to teke precautions for that issue. The aim of this convention is to prevent detrimental effects of greenhouse gases on climate and to hold C02 emissions on the /eve/ with the year of 1990. As of 1990, total of e/ectric power consumption throughout the world was 9. 500 TWh (70 TWh in Turkey). 2200 TWh (%23) of this amount is produced in hydroe/ectric power p/ants, while % 62 of total consumption is produced in thermal power plants and % 15 of it is produced in nuc/ear power stations. lf 2200 TWh energy, that is produced in hydroe/ectric power plants, was produced in thennal power plants, then 1.5-2.2 billion tones/kWh/year co2 would be released in the atmosphere. Taking advantage of wind, which is one of the green energy resources in our country, for hydroelectric energy manufacturing is the most economic and technical/y the most acceptable with its feasibi/ity as compared with solar energy. Consequent/y,should be given ful/ weight to hydroe/ectric energy manufacturing. Hereafter are the leaps of DSI on this head in recent years. Hydroelectric power plants are the most significant and renewable energy resources so that they have the utmost share in energy manufacturing. By using turbines and generators the potential energy of rain and snow waters which are at the high /eve/ are converted to e/ectric energy. lnc/uding the water used for potential energy, there is no cunsumption of natura/ resources because the fail is repeated eveıy yeaı; so that it is presented as a renewable resource. Prof. Dr. Veysel EROĞLU DSİ Genel Miidiirü Hidroelektrik santraller en önemli ve enerji üretiminde en büyük paya sahip yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarıdır. Yağmur ve karla yükseklere taşınan suların potansiyel enerjisi türbin ve jeneratörler vasıtasıyla elektrik enerjisine dönüştürülür. Yalnızca potansiyel enerjisine kullandığı su da dahil tükettiği hiçbir doğal kaynakyoktur. Hidroelektrik, heryılyağışlar tekrarlandığı için yenilenebilir olarak nitelenen enerji kaynağı grubundandır. Giriş vDeü bn yö al gdeas ey ledt ea rğl i ı l mı mi kı tçaor kd ab üt ya üt l kı sb ui r dp üo zt aennssi yi zel i lki gb öu sl ut ne mr maeskı nt ead irra. ğDmü neyn asduaykui vn ezÜa ml k ea mn si za l dn ae yk ii nv eü f tuasruı mn shaı zl lfı abailri yşeet lkei rl ddee kai rgt ıeşlıinşai mp as ur aylae l ool al anr ai hk t ii yç amceı n- ksu ül l raenkml i ao lsauryauk taar ltembai , ssı naa soel mb ae sp ı , oel mk oankot amdiıkr . bDi ri ğdeerğ tearboi i l akna ysnua kk al ayrndaak ol al rdı nu ğı nu ggei lbi şi t ti rai ltml ı essui npeovt aenysöi yneel itni mi ni si l ea bi li t gSi ul i çk aa yl ı şn ma kal al arrı dn aı n yseünri dtüerkünl eobl oi lji ir vyeö nyeötni mt ei mn dl eer, i ns ögze l ki şot ni rui l ms ue sgi en il i şzmo er ul enrl ui n kbı l imr as kotnaudcı ru. öo lnaür na dk eo rbt au yl uan dç uı kr au nl mea ksoı nhoums ui ks, us og si dyeor-ekkü l töünr ee lmk ak al kzı namn ma avket açdeı rv. r eDsüenl yeat kgi lee nr ien l i ng dö ez ky aa bk lual şgı mö rl ea nr Üs ul k ekma yi zndaek l da er ı nbı nu sdüor ğd rüur lüt ul edbai l i rö gn ee ml i şlti i rpi l oml ei t iski av veey ös tnreattiemj i il ekroi n� ugseul inşdt iar ikl i mesine yol açmış bulunmaktadır. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI - MAYIS,HAZIRAN 2006 & 6 --6-+:..:..::..:..::..:....:� = -:.:::.::.:: ..:..:.:.:...:.:.:.:..:.:: .::...:.:::::.:.::::: :..::::::..::.:.=::.....-=====� • "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"