MAKALE / ARTICLE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Cogeneration Systems Fields ofResearch As foss// fuels will be running out in the near future and the problem of environmental pollution by reason of foss// fuels (emissions of CO21 so,,. NO, ete.), search for altemative sources of energy and usage picks up speed. in evaluation of the employabillty of altemative energy sources, the supplement of these sources to the global demand of energy and the damage of usage in aspect of environment are the most lmportant parameters. Hydrogen is a synthetlc fuel with extremely abundant and dlverslfled sources of productlon. Wateı; coal and natura/ gas are the foremost of these sources. Hydrogen acquires the highest energy content per unlt of welght (120,000 kJ/kg) wlthln afi known fuels. lts /lquld positlon takas only 1noo of its gaseous volume. When it bums up wlth alı; Just water and heat are lald off. Whether nltrogen oxides are laid off when it bums up wlth pure oxygen, poflutlon is lnflnlteslmal. From thls aspect, hydrogen owns an outstandlng advantage in the dlrectlon of belng secondary energy source of the future. Bulk of the hydrogen produced in afi ovar the world Is obtalned from natura/ gas wlth the method of catalytic oxidization of methane and steam. At the time of productlon, hydrogen accompanled wlth carbon monoxlde, carbon dloxlde and methane that Is not transformed lnto output in the reactlon period set free. Wlth hlgh and low temperature CO-Hp reactlons and se/ectlve carbon monoxlde reactlons, exposed carbon monox/de Is transformed lnto hydrogen and carbon dloxlde. Together with natura/ gas, a/so other hydrocarbon fuels (Wood A/cohol, LPG, Naphta, Benzine) can be used in catalytlc productlon of hydrogen. Whlle average mo/ecu/ar welght of hydrogen fuel /ncreases, adversitles in the production process of hydrogen (ilke coke, demand for evaporatlon energy ete.) lncrease too. Chemlcal energy of hydrogen is transformed lnto electrica/ energy with fuel celi techno/ogies which are a slgniflcant energy transformation and productlon technology for its top efflciency and lnferior emisslon values. As an energy carrfeı; hydrogen Is a sunrlse lndustry by courtesy of these technologles. But in the litera/ sense, currently there are outstanding matters hava to be resolved strateglc(lfly and technologicafly for transition to hydrogen economy. in the sustalnable development and energy safety of the country, clean and efflclent usage of national energy sources, and reduction of foreign dependence is profoundly important. Hidrojen Yakıt Pili Su çıkışı Hidrojen Oksijen e Enerji çıkışı Hidrojen ve Yakıt Pili Kojenerasyon Sistenıleri Araştırnıa Alanlan Dr. Atilla ERSÖZ TÜBiTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Eneıji Enstitüsü Uzman Araştırmacı Ebni relrijki tüe ,r ei kt ilmi mi nddeeğçi şe ivkrlei ğdi noisdt ue tkeamp isza tyeaknn oç leovjri leesr ei nl kgaeyl igş ıtliar irl m e s i i l e ın, CO 2 emisyonlarının bertaraf edilmesi gibi çözümlerle giderilmesi mümkündür. Yaklaşık sıfır emisyon ile enerji üretimi ve taşıma amaçlı düşük maliyetli hidrojen ve sıvı yakıt üretimi uygun olabilecek teknolojik konular arasında yer almaktadır. Giriş lntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) * raporlarına göre; O GS oenr eyk ül i zöynı l dl eam kl eürr easl ıenl msaı czaskal,ı ky eanr ti ı şyı üoz rytıal ı lna msao noul an dr aak s0ı c. 6a k° lCı k a+r5t ı ş° Cg ödsat eh ramai şrttiırş. O gy S ö ı o ll s a n t r e ı 1 r a 2 e r 5 b a i s l y e ı ı n c ld d e a a k t 1 % ir . t r 1il5yoonravnaınridl apeatzroallmtüışkteırt.ildi, küresel orman varl ığı, 1 850-1980 O yUozluançymılalakrtdaıdrıkrutuplardaki buzul alanlarının erimesi çok büyük çevre felaketlerine O Okyanusların ısıl içeriği ve dünya çapında deniz suyu seviyeleri yükselmiştir. O CO2 ve diğer sera etkisi yaratan gaz emis.yonlarından dolayı dünya atmosferi kalınlaşmış, böylece dünya ortalama sıcaklığı artmıştır. ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OONYASI • MAYIS-HAZIRAN 2006 A 7 --8-1-=-:..:.=-:..:.:..:.....:....:.:.:: .:::.: :::.::..:..:.::....:.:.::..:.:�...=..:.:..:.::....:.::.=.:.:..:. :.:..:.:__�---=====-- • "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"