Tmaebcl hea 1n i somu tsl i nfeosr ct hoeg ef innearnact ii oa nl ai nndt hr ee gUu lKa t. o r y s u p p o r t Table 1. Financial and Regulatory Support Mechanisms for cogeneration in the UK. Financial support 1 Regulatory support Exemption from the 1 lncorporation of cogeneration in 2nd o o Climate Change Levy ETS National Allocation Plan Enhanced Capital lmplementation of EU Cogeneration o Allowances 10 DAiprericl t2iv0e06(c) onsultation closed on 1 4 o Reduced VAT rate on 0 Reducing licensing requirements for micro-CHP technologies ı small generators DEFRA. Goverıııııeııı's Stralegy for Coınbiııed Heaı aııd Power ıo 2010. 2004 Exı�tır,gca�tyandgenera!ionbyt&dınology ;-.--- ---aPollutantemissionsbytechnology H&aı rates, fuel coıısumptıon arıd load laaorby t&ctınology 1 Capııaıand investmentoosısby ıechrıologyaod IOl'T&O � Operation arıd mainltflaoce (O&M) ırıd � expenses by ıechnology Systemgrowthproperties ;-.--- -- - �- Existing yeaı1y eapa�ıy reliıemenı by techrıology Future growlh ın capacity by ıedınology "'�:�ı ..., PoCutanı Emissions L...__ J Geoeration by 1 � Figure 1. lnputs and outputs ofthe WADE Economic Model fDuer tshpei tred eg voev leorpnmmeenntt osfu cp op go er tn et hr ea rt ieo nr ei nm at hi ne sUeKv.e Pr aal r bt i ac rurl iaerrl ys , t o gc or i gd ei nn et er ar ct ioonnn, eacnt ido nmbaar rkrei et r sl i b lei mr ai tl i st ah tei oenc ot hnroomu gi ch vt ihaeb i l Bi t ryi t oi sfh gEal evcet r si cmi t ya l Tl rpaonwsemr i spsrioodnu caenrds Tarna dui nn gf aAi r rbr aanr gg ae imn ienngt sp o( Bs iEt iToTn .A) Prospects for cogeneration in the UK Tb eh neeUfitKs oGfocvoegr nemn eernatt iios ngar andd u iasl l ys t ba er tci nogmtion gi nat rwoadruec eofntehwe s mre e e d c a u to s c r u t s i r o , e n t s o ta t h o r e g le h p e t s t lp . h e lf k i a U c c k K h -s i g e t e a v t r e t b d d a , e c 1 v k 0 e - o l 1 o n 2 p t m G ra W e c n k e t t a o o c f a r D o c E s hi s e c v a a e p ll a i C t c s i H t y c P a rbon could be operating by late 201 O. The Benefits of Cogeneration to the UK - WADE Economic Model Wg eAn eDrEa t di oenf i naet st h De epcoei nn tt r oa fl i suesde , Ei rnreersgpye c( Dt i vEe) oa fs sei zl eec, t trei cci thyn o l o g y , 8 ■T&D ::2 6 ■Plant 3: ■Fuel "" 5 E, D Operation and V) 4 ;;; Maintetanece 3 () 'iii 2 1 - ■! 1 ■ o 1 ■ -. • . . Figure 2. WADE Model results for the UK-Central generation and DE ARTICLE / MAKALE ff uu en dl , aomffe- gnrti ad l obreon ne -fgi t sr i do. fTDh Ei s cdoemf i npi tai or end ret ofleCctesntt hr ael i stwe do t GD h i e e s n r tr m e ib r o a u d t t i i y o o n n n a ( m ( C T i G & c D ) a . ) r T g r h e u e m q u t e i i r r n e s t i m : a e D d n E v ts a h n t a t h a s a g n l e o w C is G e b r , a T as r n e a d d n s t o h m n e ir s a e s n b i oy n and or ef dt uh ce e 'sw ag sr itde ' l oh se saet so. uOt pnu-ts iot ef ggeenneer raat ti oi onn t ha rl soou gahl l ocwo ms bf oi nre ud s e ht heea tp raoncde spso wt oe r7 0( C-H 8P 0) %a p. pTl hi cea tsi oencso, n rda i bsei nnge f!i th ei s eef fci coi en on cmyi co: f ti nhveelsotwmeernTt &n eDe rdeeqdu iirne mg rei ndt si n forfa sDt Er u catl usroe . r eTdhui sc ei st hi me p o r t a n t , a s ginrvi desintmveesnttmi nentth ereeplreecsterinctitsy mseocrteort.han 50% of total g l o b a l WE cAoDn oEmhi casmdoedveel l,oap se da na ceovma l upau tt ei orn mt ooodletl ,h tahtei nWc oArDpoErates t h e a bE n e c a n o l e n y f o s it i m s s i o c o f f M D e o l E e d c e f t a l r i i c i r s i l t y y t o a g n e c d a n l e c c r o u a l m a ti t o p e r n e . t h h T e e h n e es c i p v o u e n r ly o p om in s i t c e o a o e n f c d t o h neoWmiAc DE eg rnovwi r tohn wm iet hn tvaal ri ymi npga cmt si x eo sf so uf pdpel cy ei nngt r ai nl iczreedm(eDnEt a) l aenl de cct rei cn t rl oa la d generation (CG). With changed input assumptions, the model can be adapted to any country, region or city in the World. Starting with generating capacity tor year O and estimates of retirement and load growth, the model builds user-specified capacity to meet future growth and Tr ehtei r emmoednetl oovuet pr uat s2 0s-hyoewa rt ph ee rsi oyds.t e m i m p a c t s of five scenarios with different shares of DE tor the main economic and environmental indicators: capital and retail ct hoes tuss, efru et ol ud se ev e, leomp i ss cs ei onnasr i oasn dt h ga et nt eesrta tt hi oen .s eTnhsei t i mv i toydoefl tahl leo w s gr er os uwl ttsh . t oT hki se ympaakrea sm et ht ee r Ws , As uDcEh Eacsofnuoeml ipcr i cpea o r d e m a n d rticularly suitable for comparing the impacts of different future scenarios. TU h. Se . ,WbAu tD hEa Es csounbosme qi cu eMnot dl ye lb eweans aopr pi gl ii en ad l l yt o dme sai ngyn ecdo ufonrt rti eh es aa rnodu nAdu stthrea l iwa o. rCl du, r ri necn ltul yd i int gi s Cbhei ni nag, tahpep l Ei e. dU .t, o GSerri mLaannyk, at, hlen dUi aK, , tthhee caitpypolicfaCtaiolgnasrywaerned cporomvminicsesioofnOedntabyrioniantCioanan al d a . M a n y of Ogoviceern, mtheentEsuoror preeasenaCrcohminmsistitsuiotens, ,asnudchthaesgtohveerUnKmeFnotsreoigfn ff lreland and Germany, which have used the results for policy development. TD hEe craens uml t se eotf ftuhteu rWe Ae l De cEt rEi cci toy ndoemmi ca nMdo md eol rheacvoes st -heoffwe cnt itvheal yt i n aa n rda nf ug ee l ou fs es. i t ui na tt ihoen sa, pwp l hi ci al et i or en doufc i!nhge emnovdi reol nt mo eCnht ai nl ai ,mcpoasct tss i n tgheeneDrEatisocne, naanrdioCwOere down by 33% compared to centralised 2 emission by 60%. The outcome of the Wb eAn eDfEi t sEocfo Dn oEmai cr eMmo daei nl tsati un ed yd , f oe rv et hne wUhKe ns hcoowmepda tr eh ad t ttoh ea cEeunrotrpaelisaendcosncteenxatr(iofi including nuclear energy in a Western gure 2). t � • ENERJi & KOJENERASYON OÜNYASI - MAYIS-HAZIRAN 2006 ({rt:-ı ==--����� 87 "AB'ye Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Kojenerasyon-Yeni Gelişmeler"