Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 43. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2006)

42 GÜNCEL / ACTUEL Renewable Energy Resources Potential and Policies in EU Countries The European Union member states have made a commitment to meet approximate/y 22% of the energy they wi/1 consume in 201 O through renewab/e energy resources, which indicates that the future energy policies wi/1 focus on renewab/e energy resources. Furthermore, the renewable energy resources po/icy of eveıy countıy is different. in Germany, hydroe/ectricity plants with up to 5 MW estab/ished power is considered as renewab/e energy, whereas in Spain and England, this figure is 1O MW. in severa/ countries, the so/id waste plants are considered as renewab/e energy, but not in Greece and Germany. Furthermore, wind, solar energy, hydroe/ectricity, geothermal and biomass are considered as renewable energy resources in al/ EU countries. Several EU countries are /ate in preparlng the 2"d Natlonal Notiflcation Plan The EU memberstates wi/1 be /ate in presenting the 2"d national notification plan final dara about the emissions trade to the EU Commission. At the first notification stage that had expired on Aprli 30, 2006, only 5 ofthe 15 EU countries delivered their reports in time; and as for the second stage, which expires in November 2006, there are no countries that have made notifications other than Germany and Estonia. England, Denmark, Finland, lre/and, Luxembourg, Spain and Lithuania stated that their reports wi/1 be /ate, and S/ovenia said that they wi/1 delivered the report in September. Due to the e/ections in June, the Czech Republic was not able to give a date for deliveıy. The Netherlands, France and Be/gium dec/ared previously that they wi/1 submit theirreports in Ju/y, however, they have not given yet. Although Austria, Hungaıy, Jta/y and Switzerland announced that they wi/1 complete their preparations by November 2006, they emphasize that there may be de/ays. The EU Parliament keeps warning that there must not be any delays. The Kyoto Protoco/ 2nd Stage for Emission Trading is quite important for the timing and the planning of the process for establishing the strategies towards reducing emissions between 2008 and2012. ENERJi OÜNYASI TEMMUZ-AĞUSTOS 2006 AB ülkeleri, enerji kaynaklarının sınırlı olması ve buna paralel olarak enerji kaynak çeşitliliğinin arttırılması, yerli kaynakların geliştirilmesi ve çevre bilincinden hareket ederek yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile ilgili politikalarını geliştirmeye ağırlık verdiler. A%v2r 2u 'psai n iByi rel inğiil 'ennee bü iyl ier eünl keer lj iekr iany, n2a0k1l a0r ıynıdl ıannd ak at ür şkıel at ey caec kalkel ar i r ıennı et ar j ai nhi nh üot ret at ml aimş ao l mo l aa lraarkı dgöasgteerlieycoer.k enerji politikalarının yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları üzerine odaklandığını Amyar nı cyaah' dear ü5 l kMeWnin'a ykeandi l ae rn ek bui rl i ur leun ge rüj ic keasyanha ikpl ahr ıi dprool iet i lkeakstır idka sdaenğtirşai kl l lei kr i gyöes nt ei rl ei ynoer .b Ai l il r eBni reçroj iksüı nl kı feı nd ae ygei rneirl ek ne ne b; İisl i rpeanney raj ivseı nİ nı f gı ni ldt earoel'adne kbaut ıraatkı ka ms a1nOt rMa l Wl e roi , l Ya ur anka gn öi sst at enr vi l ieyAo rl . mo t ea rnmyaal' dv ea bbiuy okma at esgs ot ür imd eAyBe ür l kael ml eıryi nodre. ,Byuennui lne ndeı şbıinl i rd ea nreürzj igkaar ,ygn üa nk leaşr ı, i hç ii dn rdoee yl eekrt rai kl ı,y oj er . Tablo 1. Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinin 2010 Yılı Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Hedefi Ülke 1997 2010 hedefi Ülke 1997 2010 hedefi (%) (%) (%) (%) Almanya 4.5 12.5 lrlanda 3.6 13.2 Avusturya 70 78.1 ispanya 19.9 29.4 Belçika 1 . 1 6 lsveç 49.1 60 Danimarka 8.7 29 ltalya 16 25 Finlandiya 24.7 31.5 Luksemburg 2.1 5.7 Fransa 15 21 Portekiz 38.5 39 Hollanda 3.5 9 Yunanistan 8.6 20.1 lngiltere 1 .7 10 Ortalama 13.9 22 Ktıyıııık: Ofjiciııl Joıırııal ofılıe Eııropetııı Co111111ııııities, p. 33-40. Brııs,-el, 1001.