Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 43. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 2006)

62 lıf�� ��l-,.ff"ı!INl9 YENi TEKNOLOJiLER / NEW TECHNOLOGIES The Power Density and Efficiency of a Diesel Engine: 32/40PGI -A New Gas Engine Without Spark Plugs MAN B&W Diesel AG has developed a new gas engine with the type designation 32/40PGI and operating on the Otto principle. The abbreviation PGI stands for Performance Gas lnjection and denotes the engine's novel start-up and ignition system, which does not need spark plugs. Thanks to this start-up and ignition system, for the first time the 32/40PGI combines the advantages of a diesel engine such as high power density and high efficiency with the benefits of a gas engine. As a resul!, the new engine makes possible the highly efficient conversion of the globally available fuel natura! gas into thermal and electrical energy with the lowest possible emissions. in the PGl-ignition process a small quantity of ignition gas is injected into a pre-chamber separate from the main combustion chamber. There, it is ignited on a hot surface and initiates the ignition of a lean air-gas mixture in the combustion chamber. This lean mixture contains a high excess of air so that, in combination with an effective method of ignition, efficiencies are achievable approaching those possible with a state-of-the-art diesel engine. And this at low emissions and without the need for elaborate after-treatment to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx). With its novel start-up and ignition system, the 32/ 40PGI is capable of high efficiencies in excess of 46 %, in combination with NOx emissions of less than 250 mg/Nm 3 at 5 %02. Further major technical details of the new gas engine are individual gas supply lines to each cylinder, which together with the "SaCoS PGI" engine management system -likewise an MAN B&W Diesel in-house development - ensures optimum fuelling of each individual cylinder. SaCoS PGI enables trouble-free engine operation in the operating range between the ignition ]=NERJI DÜNYASI TEMMUZ-AGUSTOS 2006 knock and misfire limits. in addition, the special PGI ignition system is characterised by its very long maintenance intervals compared to conventional gas engine ignition systems. The development of high performance gas engines like the 32/40PGI is driven by the World's growing energy needs. lncreasingly, these will be met by natura! gas. The growing global distribution infrastructure for natura! gas is leading to worldwide growth in its availability, even in regions whose energy needs could, hitherto, only be supplied economically by diesel engines. This opens up new market opportunities for the gas engine. in addition to growing energy needs, the introduction of emissions limitations like the Kyoto Protocol and increasingly strict standards for local emissions play a growing role in the operation of stationary power generation plants. With its long experience in the gas engine field, the MAN B&W Diesel Group is well equipped to meet these developments. Only recently, the Group launched its 51/60DF dual-fuel engine for stationary and marine applications onto the market. Now the company has emphatically underlined its gas engine competence with the introduction of the 32/40PGI pure gas prime mover. 32/40PGI - Bujisiz Yeni Bir Gaz Motoru MAN B&W Diesel AG 32/400PGI dizayn tipinde ve Otto Prensibi ile çalışan yeni bir Gaz Motoru geliştirdi. "Performance Gas lnjection" ifadesinin kısaltması olarak PGI, bujilere gerek duymayan yeni start-up ve yanma sistemli motoru tanımlıyor. Bu start-up ve yanma sisteminde, ilk defa olarak, yüksek güç yoğunluklu bir dizel motor ile yüksek verimli gaz motorunun avan tajları biraraya getiriliyor. Sonuç olarak, bu yeni tip motorla mümkün olan en düşük emisyon salınımıyla, en yüksek çevrim verimiyle elektrik ve ısı enerjisi elde ediliyor. PGI - Yanma Prosesinde, küçük bir miktar ateşleme gazı ana yanma odasından ayrı bir önyanma odasına püskürtülmektedir. Sıcak bir yüzeye püskürtülen gaz, yanma odasındaki fakir hava - gaz karışımında yanmayı başlatır. Bu fakir karışım, yüksek mik-tarda hava içerir bu nedenle verimli bir ateşleme yöntemiyle yanmada verimler state-of-art dizel motorlarının verimlerine yaklaşır. Emisyonların düşük olması nedeniyle, NOx azaltımı için ek bir sistemle donatılmasına ihtiyaç yoktur. Bu yanma sistemiyle, 32/40PGI %46'ya varan yüksek verim kapasitesi ve yanmada %5 02 bazında 250mg/Nm3' ten düşük NOx emisyonu salınımı elde edilmektedir. Detaylı Bilgi için: www.manbw.com Tachnlc:al Data ofthe 32/40PGI Gas Engine Combustion process: Lean-bum Number of cylinders: 12V 18V Power outout: 5400kW 8100kW (750 rpm 5160kW 7740kW (720 rpm Cyllnder bole: 320mm Piston: 400mm Engine Speed: 720/750rpm Mean piston speed: 9,6110,0 mis Mean effective pıessure: 22,4 bar Frequency: 60/50 Hz Specffic energy oonsu�: 7740 kJ/kWh For further information: www.manbw.com Please contact: Michael Melzer Phone: +49 (O) 821 - 322 38 50