Alameda County Completes California's First Megawatt-Class Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plant Alameda County officials announced the completion of California's first megawatt-class hydrogen fuel celi cogeneration plant, an alternative energy system that transforms hydrogen from natural gas into electricity and water without combustion, and captures waste heat to improve efficiency. The project, engineered and installed at Alameda County's Santa Rita Jail by Chevron Energy Solutions, a Chevron (NYSE:CVX) subsidiary, wili provide half of the facility's annual power needs, save county taxpayers more than $260,000 a year, and benefit the environment. The quiet one-megawatt (MW) plant, manufactured by FuelCell Energy, ine. (NASDAQ:FCEL) is Alameda County's latest accomplishment in its Climate Change Leadership Strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The power from the new unit, along with the jail's previously-installed 1.2-MW solar power array and energy efficiency upgrades, wili shrink Santa Rita's power purchases by as much as 80 percent during the peak-demand summer months, when California's electric utility system can face capacity constraints. This lower demand will eliminate more than 3,200 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, equivalent to planti_ng more than 900 acres of trees. Completion of the ultra-clean energy plant was celebrated today at a ceremony adjacent to the jail, foliowed by a tour of the DFC 1500 fuel celi unit by the manufacturer, FuelCell Energy. Representatives from state and local government participated in the event along with business, academia and environmental organizations. The $6.1 miliion total project cost was supported by $2.4 million in grants and incentives: $1.4 million from Pacific Gas and Electric Company's self-generation incentive program, and $1 miliion from the U.S. Department of Defense Climate Change Fuel Celi Program. The remaining cost of $3.7 miliion - $2.8 million of which was financed through a California Energy Commission Energy Partnership Program Loan --is being funded entirely by the project's energy cost savings under a performance contract with Chevron Energy Solutions and FuelCell Energy. "We're very pleased to provide Alameda County with a cost-effective solution that supports sustainable energy development," said Jim Davis, president of Chevron Energy Solutions. "This plant is a great example of how clean fuel celi technology can be successfully combined with heat recovery technology to maximize energy savings and minimize environmental impacts." Chevron Energy Solutions, which develops energy efficiency and alternative power projects, has installed fuel celi plants far other institutions and businesses, including the U.S. Postal Service. FuelCell Energy currently services 45 fuel celi power plants globally and conducts research and development on next-generation fuel celi technology. For more information about Alameda County, Chevron Energy Solutions and FuelCeli Energy, please visit their web sites at,, and , NEWS I� Alameda County California 'nın ilk Megawatt sınıfı Hidrojen Yakıt Pili tesisini tamamladı Alameda County resmi makamları, doğal gazdan elde edilen hidrojeni yanma olmaksızın elektrik ve suya çeviren ve verimliliğini artırmak için atık ısıyı da bünyesinde koruyabilen bir alternatif enerji sistemi olan, California'nın ilk megawatt sınıfı hidrojen yakıt pili kojenerasyon tesisinin tamamladığını açıkladı. Bir Chevron (New York Borsası: CVX) alt kuruluşu olan Chevron Energy Solutions (Chevron Enerji Çözümleri) tarafından projelendirilip Alameda County de bulunan Santa Rita cezaevine kurulumu gerçekleştirile n bu proje, tesisin yıllık elektrik gereksiniminin yarısını karşılayacak, bölge vergi mükelleflerine yılda 260,000 USD'dan daha fazla bir tasarruf sağlayacak ve çevreye de faydası dokunacak. FuelCell Energy, ine. (NASDAQ:FCEL) tarafından imal edilen bu sessiz sedasız bir megawattlık (MW) tesis, Alameda County'nin Sera gazları emisyonlarını azaltma amaçlı İklim Değişikliği Önderlik Stratejisinde (Climate Change Leadership Strategy) en son başarısı. Chevron Energy Solutions'un başkanı Jim Davis, "Alameda County'e sürdürülebilir enerji gelişimini. destekleyen maliyet etkin bir çözüm an ettiğimiz için çok mutluyuz. Bu santral, enerji tasarrufunu en üst düzeye çıkarmak ve çevreye olan etkiyi en alt düzeye indirmek amacı ile temiz yakıt pili teknolojisinin başarılı bir şekilde nasıl ısı geri kazanımı teknolojisi ile birleştirilebileceğinin muhteşem bir örneğidir " dedi. Enerji verimliliği ve alternatif güç projeleri geliştirmekte olan Chevron Energy Solutions, ABD Posta hizmetleri de dahil olmak üzere, diğer kuruluş ve işyerlerine de yakıt pili santralleri kurmuş bulunuyor. ENERJi 0ÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 21