Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 44. Sayı (Eylül 2006)

36 GÜNCEL / ACTUEL Hydraulic Power (licensed 70 facilities) and Wind Power (licensed 35 facilities) investments which were initiated in Turkey between the years 2003-2006, have a total 3417 MW installed power capacity Only one of the total 35 licensed facilities that are stili being built for Wind Power of 1354 MW capacity has a progress rate higher than 50%. For Hydraulic Power Stations, only 5 of the total 70 /icensed facilities that are stil/ being built for 2063 MW capacity has performed a progress rate higher than 50%. We received information from RESSİAD President Tolga Bilgin and HESIAD Board of Directors Members on reasons for the slowdown in these new facilities progress rates. Our opinions on projects that are licensed by EMRA but obtained not much progress in realization: RESSİAD (Wind Power And Hydropower Plants Businessmen's Association) Firstly expropriation procedures shauld be completed ta enable the facility construction phase to start after licensing is provided. But locations on which aforementianed HES and RES facilities wi/1 be established either are private fand or forests or pubficly awned. Procedures required for expropriation of such land take quite a long time and right by the time when the investment is supposed to start, the investor is required to make a serious amount to spend as expropriation fee. On the other hand, it takes quite long to take permissions for reconstruction and development activities. HESİAD (Hydropower Plants Businessmen's Association): As is knawn, Turkey legally adopted the princ p e o e "Market Economy" rules making a strategic preference with the Electricity Market Law No 4628 which became a law in March 2001. But, it is quite difficult to say that the country (neither bureaucracy, nar political environments including legisfation, non-governmental organizations and societal individuals) is ready to be able to make such a preference. ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 Türkiye'de 2003-2006 yılları arasında başlayan Hidrolik Enerji (lisans almış 70 tesis) ve Rüzgar Santrali Yatırımı (lisans almış 35 tesis) toplam 3417 MW kurulu güç kapasitesine sahip. İnşaa Halindeki Tesislerin Toplamda Yakıt Tipine Göre Dağılımları (Kurulu Güce Göre) Yakıt Tipi MW % 0oğalgaz 2175, 1 8 34,1 Linyit-Kömür 457 7,16 Fuel Oil 116,63 1 ,83 Asfaltit 137,75 2,16 Hes 2062,87 32,34 Res 1353,82 21,22 Jeotermal 59,35 0,93 Biyokütle 16,34 0,26 Toplam 6378,94 □ Doğalgaz ■ Linyit-Kömür □ Fuel ail □ Asfaltit ■ Hes ■ Res □ Jeotermal □ Biyokütle Grafik ]. İnşaa Halindeki Tesislerin Kurulu Güncel/erine Göre Yakıt Tipi Dağılımı (%) (2003-2006) Rüzgar Santralleri için toplamda 35 lisanslı inşa halinde 1354 MW'lık tesisin sadece 1 tanesi %50'nin üstünde bir ilerleme oranına sahip.