at a workshop in Vienna, Austria in March 2006. Keywords: combined heat and power generation (CHP}, co-combustion, co-gasification, biomass conversion, biogas. 1. OBJECTIVE The overall purpose of the BIO-CHP projeci is to promote biomass CHP within the EU and to transfer experiences from existing plants to new projects. Project provides information on typical plant performance and best available technologies for authorities and future plant owners. This will help ensuring high quality of future plants. The project presents experiences from solid biomass (including co-firing), Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), anaerobic digestion gas and landfill gas fuelled CHP plants and highlighting plants with the best operation. This work enables benchmarking and thus identifing the improvement potential of the existing European CHP plants. 2. PROJECT PARTNERS A total of 6 EU countries are participating in the projeci, each covering CHP plants in their home country. AII these countries have substantial amount of biofuel fired CHP production. Project partners are: Östereichische Energieagentur - Austrian Energy Agency, Austria, BTG Biomass Techno/ogy Group BV, The Netherlands, VTT Processes, Finland, Swedish Bioenergy Associption Service AB, Sweden, lnstitute for Energy and Environment, Germany and FORCE Techno/ogy, Denmark. The project is coordinated by FORCE Technology. 3. SELECTED PLANTS A large number of combined heat and power plants located in the participating countries were invited to lake part in the projeci as suppliers of key planı dala and specific monthly operational figures and statistics. in return the plants receive access to a large dala material covering similar installations in their home country and in other countries, which enables them to compare their own performance with others. This way changes can be made in operational patterns, in installations ete. to enable the plants to achieve an improved economic and environmental performance. The selected plants fall into different technology categories in a following way: O 19 biogas and landfill gas fuelled plants O 4 gasification plants O 1 O CFB (circulating fluidized bed) plants O 11 BFB (bubbling fluidized bed) plants O 15 grate-fired steam boiler plants using uncon-taminated biomass O 8 grate-fired steam boiler plants using MSW as a fuel O 1 dust fired steam boiler plants 4. DATA COLLECTION 4.1 Plant descriptions At the first stage of the project a detailed description of each participating plant was drawn. These key figures, published in the projeci web page, include: O Details on planı ownership O Details on contractor(s) O Short description of the planı O Commissioning year O Year of major reconstruction(s), O Technology used for fuel conversion O Technology used for power generation O Main biofuel used at planı. O Plant control principles (e.g. by heat demand, by electricity demand or other) O Total nominal thermal input capacity of planı O Gross power output at full load in CHP mode O Net power output at full load in CHP mode O Heat output at full load, including flue gas condenser O Nominal electrical efficiency O Nominal overall efficiency O Water consumption [m3/year] as planned O Operational hours per year as planned O Comments on fuel storage O Heat usage O Details on waste water O Details on discharge of ash OO Details on fuels Description of the fuel feeding system O Description of the flue gas cleaning devices O Planı investment costs O Photograph of the planı and process schemes when available. 4.2 Monthly Data in order to evaluate the planı operation and performance, data on fuel consumption and energy production was collected during 12 months. Participating plants delivered dala in 1 month periods. Dala coliection started in September 2003 and was completed in August 2005. The following dala was collected (when available): O Amount of biofuels used, per fuel O Amount of fossil fuels used, per fuel O Amount of biogas or landfill gas produced (m3) O Electricity produced (MWh), gross and net O Own heat and electricity consumption (MWh) O Steam sold for industrial purposes (MWh) O Usable heat cooled off (MWh) O Separate heat production from peak and reserve (backup) boiler(s) (MWh) O Emissions to air O Comments on operation, such as repair jobs, operating failures, encountered problems. As expected, it was not possible to get ali !his information from ali plants, but the idea was to collect as much information as possible in order to gel a good idea on operation and problems in the plants. 5. RESULT OF THE FİST 12 MONTHS The operational data collected from power plants during the fırst 12 months was entered to a dala base and analysed. For each of the fuel conversion technologies covered by !his projeci, the key performance indicators were calculated. These parameters are the key to assessing operational performance from one month to the next, and in comparison with other plants: ENERJİ DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 41