�0� � / RINIIWAIILII INERGY fuel conversion is from fossil fuels in a pulverized-fuel boiler where the product gas is also combusted. The biogas and landfill gas plants have the highest plant availability, where as the gasification plants have lowest. Municipal solid waste grate fired boiler plants have the highest utilization period of maximum load (Figure 8). in average, the plants with fluidized bed boilers, have the highest total efficiency (Figure 9). The figure for average electric efficiency (Figure 10) is quite different. Biogas and landfill gas plants have the highest electric efficiency, where as the plants with the lowest are the MSW grate fired boilers. 6.SUMMARY The operational data collected from 68 power plants during the first 12 months was entered into a data �ase and analysed. For 0,50 �------------------� 0,45 0,40 ■ Speci fic own consumption ıo fueı input ■ Specific own consumption to gross power output Figııre 5. Own power consuınption coınpared to fııe/ inpııt and gross power oııtput 250 200 150 � 100 � 50 o gaanBsdi oplgalaanndstisll Gasification planıs 1 � � CFB BFB plan Is plants max min average boGir1eaırepfilraendts MSW grate firepdlabnotsiler Figııre 6. Power oııtpııt of participating plan Is 120 100 80 60 ',ft. 40 20 o r 1 r 1 Biogas Gasification CFB and landil! plants plants gas planıs r l � 1 1 BFB Gratefired MSW grate plants boiler plants fired boiler plants max min average [ Figııre 7. Availability GÜNCE�I each of the fuel conversion technologies covered by this project, the following key performance indicators were calculated: utilization period and availability versus plant size, energy production versus efficiency, biogas production versus plant size (only biogas plants), practice versus theory for efficiencies, efficiency over time and efficiency versus size. in general, the plant efficiencies are far from the design values. There are a lot of operational problems, often related to poor fuel quality. Biofuels are more challenging than traditional fossil fuels. At this stage only small share of data has been analysed; more results will be available after detailed analysis of all the data covering 24 months. The final results of the projeci will be presented in the final report and in a workshop "European Biomass CHP İn Practice" March, 2006 in Vienna, Austria. For further information, please visit http:1/bio-chp.dk-teknik.dk. t 120 ..-------------------, 100 +---,-------------------1 80 +---+-------ı--------ı---f---1 60. +---+---+----ı----ı----ı---f---l 40 +--+---ı----+--�+---+---+--1 20 +---+-------ı----ı----ı-----ı o +---'---+----t---'---+-----ıt-----t----1 aganBdsioplgalanadnstHIs Gasification plants CFB BFB plan Is plants max min average boGilreartepli1raendts MSW grate fi repdlabnoısiler Figııre 8. Utilization period of ınaxiınıım load (electric) 120 100 80 � 60 40 20 o Biogas Gasification and landill plants gas plants [ Figııre 9. Total efjiciency 40 35 30 25 � 20 e.... 1 5 1 0 5 o Biogas Gasifi cation and fandill plants gas planls 1 [ Figure 10. Electric Efjiciency 1 CFB BFB plants plants max min average CFB BFB plants plan ıs max min average b oGi lreart epf il raendt s fMi rSeWd bgor ial et er planıs b oGi lrea rt epf it raendt s Mfi rSeWd bgor ial et er 1 plan Is ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 1 43