�RTICLE biomass for co-firing (e.g. with coal) in larger gasification plants. From the gas turbine point of view steel mili recovery gas mixtures, e.g. mixtures of blast furnace gas (BFG) and coke oven gas (COG) have similarities with syngases produced from gasification of coal or refinery residues. Therefore, these applications are also included in the existing plants summary (Table 1 ). From the 7,300 MW of existing global IGCC and steel mill plants capacity more than 50% are installed at European sites. Nearly 75% of this capacity comes from IGCC, and refinery-related applications are dominating. in Americas market there are only contributions from existing coal-based IGCC capacity. in Asia steelmill applications are dominating. Tablet Existing IGCC plants overview O Around 7,300 MW of global IGCC and steel mili plants t 3,900 MW in Europe t 2,000 MW in Asia t 1,400 MW in Americas (USA only) O References in � t IGCC power plants for coal (29.4 %). oil (44.1 %), biomass (0.49 %) filKi. steel mili applications (26.1 %) O References in Asian market t IGCC power plants for oil (25. 7 %), coal (12. 5 %)-1allii. steel mili applications (61 8 %) O References in Amedcas market t IGCC power plants for coal/petroleum (100 %) The general trends in the different markets can be laken from Fig. 2. Several new large-size IGCC plants based on coal or petroleum coke are under discussion in the United States, where also financial incentives are intended to improve the commercial attractiveness. in addition to power applications also CTL projects are potential applications for coal gasification. in Canada oil sands and upgrader projects are markets for gasification and IGCC applications. New IGCC, IRCC and steel mili projects are under consideration in Europe and Asia/Australia. in Europe the present focus of gasification and IGCC market activity is on applications tor liquid residues as part of refinery upgrades and modernisation or deep conversion projects. Within the European Union coal is also of interest for power generation as part of the fuel diversification strategy. On the other hand for future coal-based applications only "Clean Coal Technologies" are in accordance to tight environmental legislation. Against this background IGCC demonstration plants with CO2 capture are under consideration for Eurooean sites. Similar trends can be seen tor Austraııa where aıso CCS technologies are under evaluation and coal-based IGCC technology is discussed as an option for several applications. Significant market activities for coal gasification can be seen in China with focus on use of syngas for chemicals or liquids production (CTL). Coal-based IGCC is considered as a mid to long-term option tor "Green Coal Power" with CO2 capture. 1 ENERJi OÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 741 Fig.2. Major gasifıcation markeıs: Poweı; hydoregeıı, cheıni cals, CTL (source: Uhde) IGCC References and Status of Coal-Based Applications Broad experience is today available within Siemens which covers a wide range of IGCC application alternatives (Table 2) concerning planı integration, gasifier fuels and resulting syngas gas compositions. Currently, the total syngas/ IGCC experience sums up to more than 320,000 operating hours. lncluding steel-mill recovery gas applications the total operating experience is over 500,000 hours. Table 2. Syngas/lGCC expeirence Cusıomer/Planı Elecırical Gas Outpuı Main Feaıures Sıart-Up (locaıion) (nrt) Turbine Hörde sıeelworks (Dortmund, Germany) 8MW VM5 Blast-Furnace-gas-fıred, gas 1960/ Handan lron &Steel ıurbine as compressor drive 2000 (Handan, P.R. China) U.S. Steel Crop. 20MW CW20 Blası-Furnace-gas-fıred, gas 1960 (chicago, USA) ıurbine First CC planı in ıhe world STEAG/Kellermann 163MW V93 with inıegraıed LURGI coal 1972 (Lünen, Germany) gasifıcation (herd coal) DOW Chemicals CC p l anı with inıegraıed (Plaqumine, USA) 208MW11 2 x W50105 DOW coal gasifıcation 1987 Nuon Power Bugenum First CC with inıegraıed (Buggenum, 253MW V94.2 SHELL coal gasifıcation 1993 2) (hard coal and biomass 1994/95 Nethertands) blend) HRL CC planı wiıh inıegrated 10MW Typhoon drying gasifıcation process 1996 (Morwell, Australia) (ligniıe) Sydkraft Firsı CC planı in ıhe world (Varnamo, Sweden) 6MW Typhoon wiıh integraıed biomass 1996 gasifıcaıion CC planı with integraıed ELC0GAS 300MW V94.3 PRENFL0 coal gasifıcation 1996,J (puertollano, Spain) (coal and petroleun coke 1997/98 blend) IC"AD ..- CC planı with integraıed ., (Priolo Gargallo, ltaly) -- .... ,,,., .., ...., 1999 gasifıcaıion (asphalı) ELETTRW GLT 180MW V94.2K CC planı wiıh stel-making 2000 (Servola, ııaly) recovery gas ARBRE CC planı with inıraged (Eggborough, UK) 8MW Typhoon biomass gasifıcaıion 2002 EniPower CC planı fuelled wiıh (Sannazzaro, ııaly) 250MW V94.2K syngesfrom SHELL heavy-oil 2005 gasifıcation 1 ) 160MW from syngas and 48 MW from natural gas; 2)Natural gas fıring; 3)oil fring; V94.2K = V94 . 2 w�h modifıeld compressor