New project activities are presently primarily seen in Americas region, in Europe and in Asia, preferably in China. Similar to the existing plants there are again differences by geographic region with regard to application and the fuel intended for the IGCC plants. Siemens participated in the 1990ies in both of the European coal-based IGCC demonstration plants which are today running as commercial plants with coal/biomass (Buggenum) or coal/petroleum coke mixtures (Puertollano). Siemens was already involved in world's first IGCC plant which was started up in 1972 at Steag's Lünen site in Germany. in 1987 a further plant was started up at Plaquemine in the United States where syngas from coal gasification was used in Westinghouse gas turbines. As a consequence of the integration of former Alstom small gas turbines business Siemens has not only broadened the gas turbine portfolio (Fig. 3) b'ut now also has access to the experience gained from the small-size IGCC plants based on gasification of biomass or lignite. Fig.3. Broad Sieınens gas tıırbine product rangefoe 50 and 60-Hz grids The Varnamo BIGCC planı in Sweden was the world's first biomass IGCC, and a further reference for BIGCC is the ARBRE project in UK. A small size gas turbine was alsa applied for a lignite-based IGCC demonstration plant in Australia. Based on the experience gained from the large coal-based IGCC applications in Europe and in the United States IGCC technology was then also selected for clean use of refinery residues. Several such commercial plants are running today in ltaly, and the plant of ISAB Energy at Priolo Gargallo has two gas turbines with Siemens technology which are operated successfully since the end of the 1990ies. MAKA�I A further residues-based planı is presently under commissioning in ltaly. The syngas from this plant located at Sannazzaro is intended to be used in a power plant which alsa applies Siemens gas turbine technology. The developments efforts far coal-based IGCC applications were mainly focused on Europe and the United where also the large demonstration plants were built. The developments in Japan started later and the first commercial-size demonstration plant is now scheduled for commissioning in 2007 (Fig. 4). Net Plant e Europen demonstration plants with dry-fed coal gasifers Efficiency in% (LHV) 00 - 45 40 - 35 - e US demonsration plants with slurry-fed coal gasifers • Japanese demonsration plant wiyh-<iry feci coal gasifıer World's first IGCC plant n Puertollana Buggenum Spaln ••.•• •.. Netherland�• .O • • ···• . . . .... -• •wabash •• • • • • • • • · • •• •• Clean Coal Lünen • • • • Rıve: ., • • Gemıany • • • • • • • e Tampa Power · ••• Cool • • • • Water •• 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 200) 2005 2010 Year of Commisioning [!_ricreasing planı sizes and efficlencies of demonstration e@ltsO Puertallano plantofficiency for IS0 conditions and high quality coal Fig.4. Global coal-based IGCC deınonstration plants When comparing the existing or planned commercial-size coal-based plants then specific features can be identified which show advantages for the plants built in Europe with regard to fuel flexibility and achievable overall plant efficiency. Siemens was involved in the activities tor all of the European coal-based plants. The features of the operational European plants include oxygen-blown gasification processes with dry coal feeding systems (see Fig. 5) and integrated plant concepts with regard to the process air supply of the air separation unit (ASU), and use of excess nitrogen from the ASU as syngas diluent for NOx control in the gas turbine. Fixed Bed Fluidizel Bed Entrained 400-5oo·c,-1oobar soo-1ooo•c,10-25ba 1soo-19oo•c,2s-40bar Co.ıl Fig.5. Preferred coal gasification processesfor exiting/planned JGCC app/ications ENERJi DÜNYASI EYLÜL 2006 75