Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 45. Sayı (Ekim 2006)

16 NEws ·ı HABERLER 40 MWe Wartsi la Power Plant for Madagascar Wartsila Corporation was awarded a turnkey contract for the supply of a 40 MWe power plant in Madagascar in September. The plant is due to be handed over to the customer, the Madagascar water and power company JIRAMA (Jiro sy Rano Malagasy), in August 2007. it will be located at Mandroseza in the capital of Antananarivo.The new power plant will be equipped with four Wartsila 18V38 diesel generating sets, having a combined electrical output of 40 MWe. The engines will burn heavy fuel oil and will be employed for base-load operation. The project, worth approximately MEUR 30, is being partly financed by a 51 % grant from the Government of The Netherlands. The remainder will be provided through a ten-year commercial loan, collateral for which will be credit insurance granted by the credit institution of The Netherlands. The Mandroseza power plant will allow JIRAMA to avoid load shedding on the electricity supply in Madagascar and extending its availability to more of the island's population. in addition to this order, Wartsila was awarded a contract in May this year to supply ten skid-mounted Wartsila 20 diesel generating sets with a combined output of 15 MW to a local investor, Enelec, for installation in three other towns. Two particular challenges in the Mandroseza plant are the restricted area of the site and the difficulty in delivering equipment to the site. The new 40 MWe plant is being erected on the site of an old power plant, which is relatively small for the new plant. The second major challenge came in planning the delivery of the new equipment to the site. The plant is some 300 km from a port, with a great difference in altitude and access up very steep, narrow roads with a large number of inadequate bridges. So the decision was taken to transport the engines using the largest heavy-lift aircraft in the world to the Antananarivo interconnected grid of Antananarivo. airport from where they can be readily This will both enhance the loca! transported by road to the site. They are economy and drastically reduce the the largest and heaviest Wartsila utility's production costs. engines that have ever been The Mandroseza power plant marks a transported by air, and will require ı:���:,�: ::::�: MO�v:�'::panese Utility Kyushu AREVA signed an agreement in late September with Mitsubishi Heavy lndustries Ltd. (MHI) to supply MOX fuel to the Genkai nuclear power plant operated by the Japanese electric power company KYUSHU EPCO. The fuel will be fabricated at the MELOX plant in southern France (Gard treatment of KYUSHU's used fuel at the AREVA's La Hague plant will be coriıpletely recycled in this manner and sent back to Japan as MOX. The agreement ccinfirms Japanese utility confidence in AREVA group technology and know-how. it comes within the restart of the Japanese utilities' ENERJi DÜNYASI EKiM 2006 recycling program following the ignature of an agreement with another Japanese electric power company last March. This commercial success confirms AREVA's position as the world's leading manufacturer of MOX. Since 1995, MELOX has been fabricating MOX fuel assemblies for c S o w u it ntries, including France, Germany, zerland and Japan. Made with a mixture of uranium and plutonium oxides, MOX fuel recycles plutonium recovered from used fuel. With more than 1,000 metric tons of heavy metal produced to date, MELOX is the world's leading producer of MOX fuel. Madagaskar için 40 MWe Wiirtsilii Enerji Santrali Wartsila Corporation, Eylül ayında Madagaskar'da, 40 MWe Enerji Sanktraazlainidçin bir anahtar teslim ihale ı. Tesisin, Ağustos 2007'de, işveren olan Madagaskar su ve enerji kuruluşu JIRAMA 'ya (Jiro sy Rano MalaTgesaissy, )Atnetsalnimaneadriivlmo'ensi gerekiyor. un başkenti Mandroseza'da yer alacak. Yeni tesiste, dört adet Wartsila 18V38 dizel jeneratör donanımı yer alacak ve bunların kombine elektrik üretimi, 40 MWe olacaktır. Motorlar, fuel oil ile çalışacak ve taban-yük operasyonları için kullanılacaktır. Yaklaşık 30 milyon Euro değerindeki projenin bir kısmı, Hollanda Hükumetinden %51 oranında bir yardım ile finanse edilecektir. Geri kalan kısmı, on yıllık ticari bir kredi ile finanse edilecek olup, bunun teminatı da, Hollanda kredi kuruluşlarınca verilen kredi sigortası olacaktır. Mandroseza Enerji Santrali ile, JIRAMA, Antananarivo'nun ortak şebekesinin yüklenmesinin önüne geçecektir. Böylece, hem yerli ekonomi güçlenec;ek, hem de elektrik üretim masrafları büayzüaklaölçüde caktır. . AREVA, Japon Elektrik Firması Kyµshu İçin MOX Tedarik Edecek AREVA, Eylül ayında, Mitsubishi Heavy lndustries Ltd. (MHI) ile bir anlaşma imzalayarak, Japon elektrik firması KYUSHU EPCO tarafından işletilmekte olan Genkai Nükleer etmek üzere mutabakata vardı. Yakıt, güney Fransa'daki MELOX santralinde imal edilecek. AREVA 'nın La Hague santralinde, KYUSHU'unun kullanılmış yakıtının işlenmesinden elde edilen plütonyum, bu şekilde tamamen geri kazanılacak.