Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 45. Sayı (Ekim 2006)

GE Energy to Supply Equipment for one of Asia's Largest Solar Projects Yong Gwang 3 MW Solar Power Plant in Korea GE Energy's technology has been selected tor one of the largest solar power projects in Asia, a threemegawatt facility being developed at Yong Gwang, Korea. GE will supply its high efficient 200-Watt solar power modules tor the project, along with balance-of-system equipment. KD Solar Co., Ltd. of Seongnam City, Korea, the EPC contractor tor the project, is responsible tor engineering, system design and installation. The solar installation is being developed by Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Co., which supplies more than 40% of Korea's power. Electricity generated by the Yong Gwang Solar Power Plant will be transmitted to the national grid. "This is a milestone project tor the and in ali ofAsia, and we are extremely pleased that our technology will support this effort," said Victor Abate, Vice President of Renewable Energy tor GE Energy. "it is GE's largest single order tor solar equipment globally to date, further illustrating that solar power is gaining broad awareness as a viable, commercial technology tor clean energy. " Solar power is among the renewable energy technologies that play a key role in ecomagination, GE's corporate-wide initiative to address challenges such as the need tor cleaner, more efficient sources of energy, reduced emissions and abundant sources of clean water. Under ecomagination, which was launched in May of last year, GE will invest $1.5 billion annually in research in cleaner technologies by 201 O, up from $700 million in 2004. 1 de,elopmeot of sola, powe, lo Ko,ea Siemens Wind Power increases production New rotor blade factory in the U.5. Siemens Power Generation announced that it has selected Fort Madison, lowa, tor its U.S. wind turbine blade manufacturing site. The manufacturing facility will be established in an existing 20,000 square meter building complex on more than 50 hectares in Lee County, which is located in the southeastern area of the state. The facility is expected to employ an estimated 250 people. This new manufacturing facility in Fort Madison will allow Siemens to better meet the strong U.S. demand tor wind power generators in the future. "This will be Siemens' first blade factory in the U.S. and will further expand the capacities of our worldwide manufacturing network," said Randy Zwirn, president and CEO of Siemens Power Generation, ine. and member of the PG Group Executive Management. "Since the initial acquisition of Bonus Energy A/S in 2004, we expanded our existing blade plant in Aalborg / Denmark, opened an additional factory in Denmark, and now this is another important step in our strategy to build our presence in the wind energy business, and serve growing markets. By expanding our wind power manufacturing capacity in the U.S., we will substantially increase our ability to competitively serve this important market, which is projected to triple by the year 2020," added Zwirn. The Fort Madison facility will be upgraded and expanded in order to more suitably meet the needs of the company's wind turbine business. The first blades to be manufactured at the Fort Madison facility will be tor the company's 2.3 MW wind turbines. Series production of rotor blades tor wind turbines is scheduled to start in Fort Madison in the first half of 2007. NEWS /�!!:I GE Enerji Asya 'nın En Büyük Güneş Enerjisi Projelerinden Birine Ekipman Tedarik Edecek Asya'nın en büyük güneş enerjisi santralleri projelerinden biri olacak olan ve halen Kore'de Yong Gwang'da inşa edilen 3 MW'lık tesis için GE Energy'nin teknolojisi seçildi. GE, proje için yüksek verimli 200 Watt güneş enerjisi sistem ekipmanları tedarik edecek bunun yanısıra, sistem denge ekipmanları da sağlayacak. Seongnam City, Kore merkezli KD Solar Co., Ltd., projenin EPC müteahhidi olup, mühendislik, sistem tasarım ve montajdan sorumlu. Güneş enerji tesis kurulumu Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Co. tarafından geliştirilmektedir; firma, Kore'nin enerjisinin ¾40'ından fazlasını üretmektedir. Siemens Wind Power Üretimi Arttırıyor ve ABD'de Yeni Bir Rotor Fabrikası Kuruyor Siemens Power Generation (Elektrik Üretimi), ABD'deki rüzgar türbini imalatı tesisi için lowa'da Fort Madison'u seçtiklerini bildirdi. imalat tesisi, eyaletin güneydoğusunda yer alan Lee County'de, 50 hektardan fazla bir alanda bulunan mevcut 2000 metrekarelik bir bina kompleksinde kurulacak. Tesisin tahminen 250 kişi istihdam etmesi bekleniyor. Fort Madison'daki bu yeni üretim tesisi, Siemens'in ABD'nin gelecekteki yüksek rüzgar gücü jeneratörleri talebine cevap verebilmesini de sağlayacaktır. PG Group Üst Yönetim üyesi ve Siemens Power Generation, ine. başkanı ve CEO'su Randy Zwirn, "Bu, Siemens'in ABD içindeki ilk rotor kanadı fabrikası olacak ve dünya çapındaki üretim ağımızın kapasitesini daha da arttıracak" dedi. ENERJi DÜNYASI EKiM 2006 1 [17