Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 45. Sayı (Ekim 2006)

Electricity Generation* by Fuel Evolution from 1971 to 2004 ofWorld Electricity Generation* by Fuel (TWhJ 1974 1977 19so 1983 1986 1999 1m 1995 1998 2001 2004 -Thermal D Nudear -Hydro • 01her" *Exc/ııdes pııınped storage. **Otlıer inc/ııdes geotlıermal, solaı; wind, combııstib/e renewables & waste. Electricity Production from Electricity Production from Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels Coal TWh 011 TWh United States 2090 United States 139 People's 1713 Rep. Of Chlna Japan 133 Saudl Arabla 81 lndla 461 Germany 308 People's Rep. 72 Of China Japan 294 Mexico 70 South Afrlca 226 ltly 47 Australla 190 l ndonesia 36 Russia 161 lndia 36 Poland 143 Kuwait 33 Korea 142 lraq 32 Rest of the World 1216 Rest of the World 491 World 9644 World 1170 2004 ılata 2004 ılata Electricity Production from Fossil Fuels Gas TWh United States 732 Russia 421 Japan 244 United Kingtom 160 ltaly 130 lslamic Rep. of ıran 125 Thailand 89 Mexico 87 Saudi Arabia 79 Egypt 72 Rest of the World 1280 World 3419 2004 data GÜNCEL / ACTUEL 1 Electricity Generation* by Region 1 Evolution from 1971 to 2004 ofWorld Electricıty Generatıon* byRegion (TWh) 20000-----------------------, 6000 4000 2000 1971 1974 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 ■ OECD ■China 0 Middle East ■ Former USSR ■ Non-OECD Europe ■ A,ia'" ■ lolin America D Africa *Exc/ııdes pııınped storage. **Asia exclııdes Clıina. Producers, Exporters and lmporters of Electricity Producers• TWh % of World total United States 4148 23.8 People's Rep. Of China 220 12.6 Japan 1071 6.1 Russia 930 5.3 lndia 668 3.8 Germany 610 3.5 Canada 598 3.4 France 567 3.2 United Kingdom 393 2.3 Brazll 387 2.3 Rest of the World 5878 33.8 World 17450 100.0 2004 dala Producers, Exporters and Producers, Exporters and Importers of Electricity Importers of Electricity Exporters•• TWh lmporters•• TWh France 69 Germany 48 Gemany 51 ltaly 46 Paraguay 45 Brazll 37 Canada 33 Unlted States 34 Switzerland 28 Switzerland 27 Czech Republic 25 Canada 23 United States 23 Netherlands 21 Russia 20 Austria 17 Sweden 18 Sweden 16 Poland 15 Norway 15 Rest of the World 219 Rest of the World 258 World 546 World 542 2004 data 2004 ılata *Gross prodııclioıı miııııs prodııction from pıııııped storage plaııts. **Total exports aııd total imports (iııc/ııding transit). ENERJi 0ÜNYASI EKiM 2006 51