Enerji ve Çevre Dünyası 45. Sayı (Ekim 2006)

52 l�!!�l� ACTUEL -----, Total Final Consumption The World Evolution from 1971 to 2004 of World Total Final Consumption* by Region fMtoe) 1914 19n 1980 1903 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 GlOECD Ochina □ Middle East il Former USSR ■ Non·OECD Europe 1 Asia" ■ Latin America D Africa * Prioı· ıo 1994 coıııbusıible renewables & waste fınal coııswııptioıı has been estiınaıed. ** Asia exclııdes Chiııa. Electricity Evolution from 1971 to 2004 of Total Final Consumption by Sector fMtoe) 1400,-----------------------, 1200 200 1974 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 ■ lndustry [!I Transport O Other sectors• ■ Non·energy use *Oıher sectors coıııprises agricııltııre, coııııııercial & public service, resideııtial aııd 11011-speciflecl. 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 CO2 Emissions by Region Evolution from 1971 to 2004 of World* Cüz Emissions** by Region (Mt of Cüz) 1911 1974 19n 19eo 1983 1986 1909 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 1D OECD O Africa ■ Lalin America ■ Asia".. O China □ Former USSR ■ Non·OECD Europe O Middle Eası ■ Bunkers *World i11clııdes intemaıiaııal aviatian and inıemaıiana/ marine bııııkers, whic/ı are slıawıı ıageılıer as Bıınkers. ** Calcıılated ıısiııg JEA's Energy Balaııce Tables and ılıe Revised 1996 JPCC Gııideliııes. CO, eıııissioııs are from fuel cambustian aııly. *** Asia exc/ııdes China. ENERJi DÜNYASI EKiM 2006 Retail Prices (a) Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chinese Taipei Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary indis lreland ltaly Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal South Africa Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Heavy Fuel Oil for lndustry (b) (tonne) 421.28 356.39 337.52 297.49 314.98 436.49 445.77 381.48 367.39 339.72 L 387.84 498. 16 447.66 537.45 547.12 208.04 L 226.69 422.92 396.21 246.17 L 517.68 246.17 L 439.09 C 368.06 639.35 391.33 LIGHT Fel Oil fer Households (1 000 litres) 794.80 675.62 709.99 X 731.64 1 .218.25 755.40 774.22 682.43 1044.47 L X 837.97 1 .333.68 666.60 956.91 629.84 1 .041.64 1.256.93 781 .54 790.61 720.00 1 .257.70 597.94 1.473.86 593.08 620.04 Automotive Diesel Oil (c) (litre) 0.825 1 .067 0.810 0.628 0.988 1.044 0.997 1 .071 1.144 0.916 L 1.020 1.073 1.158 0. 768 0.940 0.438 1 .099 0.625 1.210 0.945 1 1.140 1.043 L 0.964 1 . 141 1.141 1 .554 1 .394 a. Prices ar efor Isı quarıer 2006, or laıesı available L. Unleaded Premium (d) (litre) 0.885 1 .276 1 .590 0.803 0.751 1.186 1 .488 1 .500 1.458 1 .519 1.086 L 1.241 1 .301 1 .505 1.109 1.526 1 .271 0.613 1.667 0.972 1 .669 1 .169 1.473 1.208 L 1.188 1 .439 1 .227 1.963 1 .557 b. Higlı sulplıur fııel ail Caııada, Jndia, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Turkey aııd t/ıe United Sıaıes; low sulphıır fııel oil far al/ oıher caııııtries. c. Far coııımercia/ purposes. d. Uııleaded premiunı gasoline (95 RON); ıııı!eaded regıılar for Aııstra/ia, Caııada, Japaıı, Karea, Mexico, New Zea/aııd